4.17 Modify a Phonebook Entry on the Corded Base
Modify a Phonebook Entry on the Corded BaseModify a Phonebook Entry on the Corded Base
Modify a Phonebook Entry on the Corded Base
In standby mode, press P.
The first record in the phonebook is displayed.
2. Press +- to select the desired entry in the phonebook.
3. Press and hold
The phone number is displayed.
4. Press M to delete the last digit or press and hold M to
delete all the digits.
5. Enter the telephone number and press
C to confirm.
A confirmation tone is played and the corded base returns to
standby mode.
: :
If you press and hold
M to delete all digits, and then press M
again, the corded base will return to standby mode, and the phone
number will not be deleted or modified. You need to repeat the above
steps to modify the phone number.
4.18 Delete
Delete Delete
Delete a Phonebook Entry on the Corded Base
a Phonebook Entry on the Corded Basea Phonebook Entry on the Corded Base
a Phonebook Entry on the Corded Base
In standby mode, press P.
The first record in the phonebook is displayed.
2. Press +- to select the desired entry in the phonebook.
3. Press
---- is displayed.
4. Press C to confirm and delete the entry.
A confirmation tone is played and the corded base returns to
standby mode.
4.19 Delete
Delete Delete
Delete All
All All
All Phonebook
Phonebook Phonebook
Phonebook Entries
Entries Entries
Entries on the Corded Base
on the Corded Baseon the Corded Base
on the Corded Base
1. In standby mode, press
The first record in the phonebook is displayed.
2. Press and hold M.
-------- is displayed.
3. Press C to confirm and delete all entries.
A confirmation tone is played and the corded base returns to
standby mode.