With two accessories, the convEGGtor and the Flat Baking
Stone, you can easily turn the Big Green Egg into a brick oven.
The ease with which you can bake pizza and bread in the EGG
makes outdoor cooking even more pleasurable and varied.
Distribute three fire starters over the charcoal and light them. Place
the convEGGtor in the EGG as soon as the fire starters have burned
To achieve the right high temperature, open the dra door at least
3/4 of the way and fully open the dual function metal top. Now fire
up the EGG, with the convEGGtor inside it, to at least 200°C. This
will take about 30 minutes.
When baking bread, close the dual function metal top halfway at
around 200°C (the exact temperature depends on the type of
bread you are baking). For pizzas, heat the EGG to a temperature of
250°C and close the dual function metal top slightly until a stable
temperature has been achieved.
To bake bread and pizzas, set up the Big Green Egg as follows: Place
the convEGGtor on the fire ring with the legs pointing upwards. It’s a
good idea to place a Drip Pan with a layer of water in it on top of this
(this helps the bread to rise on the Flat Baking Stone). Place the
stainless steel grid in the EGG and place the Flat Baking Stone on top.
You can also bake pizza with the convEGGtor standing on the fire
ring with its legs downwards and the Flat Baking Stone directly on
top of this. Both methods provide excellent results.
When baking at higher temperatures, we recommend preheating the
Flat Baking Stone in the EGG for ten minutes before placing the
bread dough or the pizza on the stone. This brings the stone to the
right temperature and prevents the bottom of the bread or the pizza
crust from burning.
As a safety precaution, it’s wise to allow the convEGGtor and the Flat
Baking Stone to cool o in the closed EGG aer baking bread or
pizza(s), as they may reach a temperature of 400°C during baking.