have been achieved. In the case of treatment of hair on the face below the cheekbones, the
first six sessions should be performed two weeks apart. The seventh to twelfth sessions
can be performed four weeks apart. Any further sessions should be performed if the hair
has grown back until the desired results have been achieved.
Is the device also eective on white, grey or blond hair?
The device is most eective on dark hair types or on hair with a high melanin content. Melanin
is the pigment that gives hair and skin its colour and absorbs light energy. Black and dark
brown hair shows the best response. Brown and light brown hair also responds to treat-
ment, but it usually requires more hair removal sessions. A limited eect can be seen on
red hair. White, grey or blond hair does not usually respond to the device, although several
users have noticed results after multiple hair removal sessions.
Can I use the device on brown or black skin?
The device is not eective on naturally dark skin. The device is a light-based device that
removes undesired hair by means of the selective treatment of the hair pigment. A dier-
ent amount of pigment is present in the surrounding skin tissue. The amount of pigment
in the skin of any given person – which can be seen by the colour of the skin – determines
the degree of risk that the person is exposed to when using the device. Treating dark skin
with a light-based hair removal procedure can have adverse consequences, such as burns,
blisters or discolouration of the skin (hyper- or hypopigmentation). The device contains an
integrated skin colour sensor, which measures the colour of the skin to be treated prior to
each flash. The skin colour sensor prevents the device from issuing further pulses if it de-
tects that the device is being used on darker skin tones.
When can I expect to see noticeable results?
As with all other hair removal devices that are based on light or lasers, the results cannot
be seen immediately and you could even think that nothing has happened at all. After a
hair removal session, the hair sometimes appears to grow back, but normally, the majority
of these hairs will simply fall out after two weeks. Additionally, hair grows in three dierent
stages and the device only has an eect on the hairs in the active growth phase. This is
one of the main reasons why multiple sessions are necessary to achieve the desired result.
Is the device also suitable for use by men?
Men must not use the device on their facial hair.
Although the device was developed for women, it may also be suitable for use by men.
However, men’s hair – typically on the chest – will require more hair removal sessions than
women do to achieve the desired results.
Why is my hair still growing although I treated it a week ago?
It may seem as though the hair is still growing up to two weeks after a hair removal session
using the device. This is know as the “ejection” process and, after around two weeks, you
will find that the hairs simply fall out or can be pulled out with a slight tug. (However, we do