38 Practical Stitches - Applications
Straight Stitch
Feed dog:
Presser foot:
Straight stitch No. 1
size and type suitable for the fabric selected
cotton or polyester
up (sewing position)
Reverse pattern foot No. 1
Straight Stitch
• after turning the sewing computer on,
the Practical Stitch screen with the
activated straight stitch appears
• suitable presser foot to be selected
according to the technique, e.g. manual
• suitable for all fabrics
Adjust the stitch length to suit
the fabric
For example use a longer stitch
length (approximately 3 - 4mm)
with denim, a shorter length (2 -
2.5mm) with batiste.
Adjust the stitch length to suit
the thread
For example use a longer stitch
length (approximately 3 - 5mm)
when sewing with cordonnet
thread for topstitching.
Activate needle stop down
Prevents the fabric from slipping
when you stop to adjust stitch or
Triple Straight Stitch Seam
Feed dog:
Presser foot:
Triple straight stitch No. 6
Jeans or 80-90 universal
cotton or polyester
up (sewing position)
Reverse pattern foot No. 1 or
Jeans foot No. 8 (optional accessory)
Open Seam
• durable seam for firm and densely woven
fabrics such as denim and corduroy
•reinforced seam subject to hard wear
For heavy layers or very
densely woven fabrics:
A Jeans needle or Jeans foot No. 8
will help when sewing very heavy
fabrics, such as denim or canvas.
Decorative top stitch
Lengthen out stitch and use as a
decorative top stitch with denim.