06.2007 TR30G008 RE
Jumper (JP)
A wire jumper on the circuit board used to activate a specific
4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (see Figures 3 and 5a/5b)
Power supply (12 V):
Connection to a 2-pin terminal strip.
Pin Signal
1 V~ (1) or V-
2 V~ (2) or V+
Pay attention to the correct polarity if the door opener must be
operated with direct voltage. In the case of incorrect polarity, the
report unit will continue to function, but the door opener will not.
Finger-scan 1 (X3):
Connection to a 6-pin RJ12 jack via the system cable.
Finger-scan 2 (X4):
Connection to a 6-pin RJ12 jack via the system cable.
Terminal strip (X1):
An A or E opener or operator can be connected via this plug,
depending on the position of jumpers JP1 and JP2. If both jumpers
are in position 2-3, the voltage to supply an opener is present at the