• Operations described in this manual are written based on holding the phone
in portrait mode. If the phone is held in landscape mode, part of the user
interface may position differently.
• For information on Google
GMS (Google Mobile Services) applications,
visit https://support.google.com. For information about other third-party
applications, see the help that comes with the applications.
Limit of Liability
All contents and services accessible through this device belong to third parties
and are protected by the laws on copyright, patents, trademarks and/or other
intellectual property laws. These contents and services are provided solely for
your personal use and not for commercial use. You cannot use them without
the explicit permission from the content owner or service provider. Without
limiting the foregoing, except with the express authorization of the content
owner or of the supplier of the services concerned, you are forbidden to
modify, copy, republish, transfer, distribute, transmit, translate, sell, exploit or