Bellfi res English
Installation instructions
1.6.1 The Fume Channel/Combustion Air Intake
The combined fume channel and combustion air intake requires one of the following
concentric fl ue system confi gurations.
Important: Due to the high temperature of the outer walls
(approx. 150°C), no fl ammable materials may be located
or used in the vicinity of the fl ue system.
The complete fl ue system, must therefore be sleeved
with a heat resistant material after assembly.
Ventilate the covered concentric fl ue by fi tting a
grid near the fl oor and ceiling (on each fl oor).
Do not insulate the concentric fl ue.
Use the universal wall/fl oor support Ø150 mm
to attach the covering of the concentric fl ue system
[Ø100 mm - Ø150 mm], see 1.6.2, drawing number 36.
Figure 3: Application universal wall/fl oor support Ø150 mm