Outside of your network operator’s home
network, the international SOS 112 can
usually still be called.
Attention: If you save emergency call numbers
such as rescue, police, fire department, etc.,
you must clarify this in advance with the
respective institutions. No liability is assumed
for possibly incurred costs if you call by
SOS description
Press the SOS button on the back of the
mobile phone for 3 seconds. If you want to
stop or cancel the SOS call, press the red Key.
By pressing the SOS button, the phone will
send an SOS SMS person (in case mobile
number or telephones with SMS function is
available for emergency contact) to the
emergency numbers you have previously
saved and will be automatically dialled in the
given sequence. (The emergency button also
functions when the phone is closed). The
mobile phone switches on the hands free
function and at the same time, if the SOS call
is not answered within 25 seconds the next
number is dialled etc.