7.2.1 Home
Home is the first option on the Navigation Menu at the bottom of the screen.
Tapping it opens your MaxiFix home page. There is a list of questions posted
on the community, and you can scroll down the page to the bottom and view
more questions by tapping View More. Click on any question and you will be
linked to the detailed page in the Ask section.
You can configure your main screen to display questions only related to the
vehicle makes you are interested in, by clicking the “Filter” button on the main
page of Home, and select the desired vehicle makes. This filter can be
canceled anytime by clicking the “Remove All Filters” button, and the default
setting will be restored to display questions about all vehicle makes.
7.2.2 Search Fix Features
Search Fix, the second option on the Navigation Menu at the bottom of the
screen, presents search results for the specified vehicle. Search results are
listed in various categories:
All – includes all search results, including related Questions, Tips, and
Real Fixes to your search.
Questions – presents a list of open Question discussed in the community
that may be pertinent to your search.
Tips – presents a list of Tips that directly correlate to your search criteria.
Select a Tip from the list to open and review the complete Tip.
Real Fixes – presents a list of Tips that have been collected from actual
shop repair orders and are presented in an easy-to-understand Complaint,
Cause, and Correction format.
7.2.3 Ask
Ask, the third option on the Navigation Menu at the bottom of the screen, allows
you to ask a question about a particular vehicle repair issue in the community.
To ask a MaxiFix Question
1. Click Select Vehicle on the Header to specify the vehicle you are
asking about.
2. Click Ask on the Navigation Menu at the bottom of the screen to