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Operating manual
Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
65x / 75x / 75x39 SII / 75x51 SII
80x64 / 80x64 SII
97x / 120x45
Original user manual
Version: 1.0
Owner and publisher
Austroflamm-Platz 1
A- 4631 Krenglbach
Tel: +43 (0) 7249 / 46 443
Edited by: Olivera Stojanovic
Illustrations: Konstruktion
Text: Technical department (Austroflamm)
All Rights reserved. The contents of these instructions may be reproduced or distributed only with the
consent of the publisher! Printing, spelling and typographical errors reserved.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II Contents
1 General information ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Copyright.............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Regulations to be observed ............................................................................................................... 7
2 Purpose of the operating manual ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Storing the operating manual ............................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Structure of the operating manual .................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Representations used.......................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Version control..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Abbreviations....................................................................................................................................... 9
3 Safety..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Importance of the safety instructions................................................................................................ 10
3.2 General safety instructions ................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Safety distance ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Special types of danger and personal protective equipment ....................................................... 11
4 Product overview................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Intended use ........................................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Identifying the tools............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.1 Design overview .................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.2 Positioning of the nameplates ........................................................................................................... 14
5 Technical data ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Technical data under Directive (EU) 2015/1185 and del. as per Regulation (EN) 2015/1186 . 15
5.1.1 65x51-S-2.0........................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 65x57-S-2.0........................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.3 75x39-S-2.0........................................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.4 75x39-SII-2.0......................................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.5 75x57-S-2.0........................................................................................................................................... 27
5.1.6 75x51-S-II-2.0 ....................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.7 80x64-S-2.0........................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1.8 80x64-S-II-2.0 ....................................................................................................................................... 36
5.1.9 97x45-S ................................................................................................................................................. 39
5.1.10 97x74-S-2.0........................................................................................................................................... 42
5.1.11 120x45-S-2.0 ........................................................................................................................................ 45
5.2 General specifications......................................................................................................................... 48
5.3 Data for the chimney/flue dimensioning.......................................................................................... 50
6 Transport and storage......................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1 Transportation...................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1.1 Transport security ................................................................................................................................ 51
6.2 Storage.................................................................................................................................................. 52
7 Requirements at the installation location ........................................................................................................ 53
7.1 Requirements at the room of installation ......................................................................................... 53
7.2 Installing the fireplace insert .............................................................................................................. 53
7.3 Combustion air supply........................................................................................................................ 53
7.4 Combustion air duct............................................................................................................................ 54
7.5 Chimney requirements ....................................................................................................................... 54
Contents Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
7.6 Multiple occupancy ............................................................................................................................. 55
7.7 Flue pipe connecting pieces.............................................................................................................. 55
8 Fuel material/-quantity ....................................................................................................................................... 56
8.1 Fuel material......................................................................................................................................... 56
8.2 Fuel quantity......................................................................................................................................... 58
9 Installation instructions....................................................................................................................................... 59
9.1 Set-up in front of or next to a wall to be protected ......................................................................... 59
9.2 Convection air cladding...................................................................................................................... 61
9.3 Convection space ................................................................................................................................ 62
9.4 Convection conduction....................................................................................................................... 62
9.5 Fireplace system without air grille (hypocaust)................................................................................ 63
9.6 Protecting the installation base ......................................................................................................... 63
9.7 Expansion joints ................................................................................................................................... 63
9.8 Cladding ............................................................................................................................................... 63
9.9 Fireplace aprons .................................................................................................................................. 63
9.10 Ornamental beam ............................................................................................................................... 63
9.11 Ceiling above the fireplace insert...................................................................................................... 64
9.12 Floor in front of the fireplace insert................................................................................................... 64
9.13 Fire protection...................................................................................................................................... 64
9.14 Heat insulation layers and materials.................................................................................................. 64
9.15 Electric cable runs................................................................................................................................ 66
9.16 Balanced flue-tested fireplace inserts............................................................................................... 66
10 Connection to ceramic flues .............................................................................................................................. 67
10.1 Stove with ceramic flue ....................................................................................................................... 68
10.2 Connection to heat recovery surfaces .............................................................................................. 69
11 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................ 70
11.1 Risks and dangers................................................................................................................................ 70
11.2 Durchführung....................................................................................................................................... 70
11.2.1 Placing the fireplace insert ................................................................................................................. 70
11.2.2 Dismantling the Keramott................................................................................................................... 71
11.2.3 Installing the firebox lining (Keramott).............................................................................................. 72
11.2.4 Install the deflector plates .................................................................................................................. 73
11.2.5 Removing the door.............................................................................................................................. 75
11.2.6 Converting door to construction type BA2 ...................................................................................... 76
11.2.7 Converting the combustion air collar ............................................................................................... 77
11.2.8 Mounting large top storage box........................................................................................................ 78
11.2.9 Mounting top storage bricks.............................................................................................................. 79
11.2.10 Installing the HMS ............................................................................................................................... 83
11.2.11 Mounting the designer frame ............................................................................................................ 85
11.2.12 Mounting the convection cladding ................................................................................................... 90
11.2.13 Assembling InsertControl................................................................................................................... 92
12 Settings ................................................................................................................................................................. 99
12.1 Adjusting the door .............................................................................................................................. 99
12.2 Adjusting the smoke collector ...........................................................................................................101
13 Commissioning ....................................................................................................................................................102
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II Contents
13.1 Initial Commissioning..........................................................................................................................102
14 Operation..............................................................................................................................................................103
14.1 Controls.................................................................................................................................................103
14.2 Before heating up................................................................................................................................103
14.3 Fuel........................................................................................................................................................104
14.4 Firing .....................................................................................................................................................104
14.5 Heating..................................................................................................................................................105
14.6 Putting on wood ..................................................................................................................................105
14.7 Heating in the transition period.........................................................................................................106
14.8 Heating with the ceramic flue (heat recovery surface)....................................................................106
14.9 Operation .............................................................................................................................................106
15 Cleaning................................................................................................................................................................107
15.1 Cleaning fireplace insert, fuel gas flues............................................................................................107
15.2 Removing ashes...................................................................................................................................107
15.3 Cleaning................................................................................................................................................107
15.3.1 Cleaning the glass on Flach sliding door appliances 2.0...............................................................107
15.4 Cleaning the door window.................................................................................................................108
16 Help .......................................................................................................................................................................109
16.1 Firebox lining .......................................................................................................................................110
16.2 What to do in the event of a chimney fire.........................................................................................110
16.3 What to do in the event of faults........................................................................................................110
16.4 What if....? .............................................................................................................................................110
17 Spare parts............................................................................................................................................................112
18 Dismantling ..........................................................................................................................................................113
19 Disposal.................................................................................................................................................................114
20 Guarantee and warranty ....................................................................................................................................116
21 Start up log ...........................................................................................................................................................117
22 Service Report......................................................................................................................................................118
1 | General information EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
1 General information
You have decided in favour of an Austroflamm fireplace insert.
Congratulations on your decision and thank you for your trust.
Correct operation and care are essential for trouble-free operation and long service life. Likewise,
please follow the instructions in the operating manual.
The information in this manual is of a general nature. National and European standards, local and
building regulations, together with fire regulations must be complied with.
Read these instruction through carefully before installation and operation. No liability or warranty
claims apply for damage incurred by failure to follow this manual. Please observe the instructions in
the individual sections.
Please arrange the set-up location and connection to the chimney with the master chimney sweep.
This manual is enclosed with your Austroflamm fireplace insert.
In the following list we give you an overview of which sections are important for whom:
Dealer End customer
Complete operating manual General information
Purpose of the manual
Product overview
Technical data
Transport and storage
Requirements at the installation location
Fuel material/-quantity
Service and Cleaning
Guarantee and warranty
Data processing
Start up log
Service Report
1.1 Copyright
All Rights reserved. The contents of these instructions may be reproduced or distributed only with the
consent of the publisher! Printing, spelling and typographical errors reserved.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 1 | General information
1.2 Regulations to be observed
EN 13229
DIN 18896
DIN EN 13384 Part 1 and Part 2
DIN 18160-1 Exhaust systems - Part 1
EN 12831
State building regulations of the individual federal states or countries.
Heating regulations of the individual federal states or countries.
Technical rules of the stove- and air heating constructors trade association (TR OL) or technical
rules of other countries
Federal Emission Control Ordinance (BlmSchV)
2 | Purpose of the operating manual EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
2 Purpose of the operating manual
This manual is a component part of the fireplace insert and contributes towards the fireplace insert be-
ing safely installed and maintained.
Please read this manual before using commissioning or installation.
2.1 Storing the operating manual
Store this manual in case you need it. The current version of the manual can be found on-line at our
homepage www.austroflamm.com.
2.2 Structure of the operating manual
The table of contents can be found on page 3.
Illustrations in this manual may differ from the delivered product.
2.3 Representations used
The following representations are used in this manual:
Steps with mandatory adherence to the sequence
1) Step 1
2) Step 2
3) …..
ðIntermediate result / additional information
Steps and bullet points without mandatory sequence
See Technical Data
Useful tips
Use only recommended fuel!
2.4 Version control
We update our manuals on a continual basis. The current version can be found at our homepage
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 2 | Purpose of the operating manual
2.5 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
HMS Heat Memory System
FI Fireplace insert
CF Ceramic flue
CVC Convection cladding
3 | Safety EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
3 Safety
In this manual we give you numerous safety instructions for the safe operation of your fireplace insert.
These instructions are characterized differently as follows, depending on their importance:
3.1 Importance of the safety instructions
Particular behaviour and/or activities that are required for safe working. Failure to follow this can result
in material damage.
Possible dangerous situation (light or minor injuries and material damage).
Possibly imminent danger to life and health of persons (severe injuries or death).
Immediately imminent danger to life and health of persons (severe injuries or death).
3.2 General safety instructions
It is strictly forbidden to burn or introduce highly flammable or explosive substances, (such as
empty aerosols and the like) into the firebox or to store them in the immediate vicinity of the fire-
place due to the risk of explosion!
Please note that the the surfaces of the fireplace insert heat up considerably during operation. To
operate your fireplace insert, we recommend that you use the protective glove supplied with it.
Please alert children to these dangers, and keep them away from the heat-producing appliance
when it is operating.
Placing non-heat-resistant objects on the stove or in its vicinity is forbidden. This also applies to air-
ers -> fire hazard!
While the heat-producing appliance is in operation, it is forbidden to process highly flammable or
explosive substances in the same room or in adjoining rooms.
To avoid a build-up of heat in the chimney, the warm air grilles must not be closed during heating
Fireplace inserts tested to type A1 are fitted with a self-closing firebox door. This means that oper-
ating with the firebox door open is not permissible. To stoke up the wood the hinged door must
be kept open against the tension force of the springs. The door must not be jammed open with
clamping devices.
Only spare parts which are specifically approved or offered by the manufacturer may be used.
Please contact your specialist dealer if necessary. Failure to comply with this may cause loss of war-
Please also read further information in the section Fuel.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 3 | Safety
3.3 Safety distance
No flammable objects may be placed within the radiation area of the fireplace insert up to a certain
distance (see Technical Data [}auf Seite 15]) measured from the front edge of the firebox opening (a
minimum clearance in the Technical Data).
3.4 Special types of danger and personal protective equipment
For certain activities such as installation/dismantling, particular care must be taken that the following
safety equipment is worn:
Safety gloves
Safety shoes
4 | Product overview EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
4 Product overview
4.1 Intended use
The Austroflamm fireplace inserts described in this manual are manufactured and tested with a type
A1 self-closing and locking door under EN test EN 13229.
Operation is only permissible with the door closed.
4.2 Identifying the tools
In the following illustrations we give an overview of the most important dimensions and the nameplate
4.2.1 Design overview
65x51/57 S 2.0 x51 S x57 S
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 650 650
Door frame, height [mm] 510 570
Pane curvature straight straight
Width [mm] 739 739
Depth [mm] 537 537
Height [mm] 1245-1445 1305-1505
Weight [kg] 120 168
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 8 8
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180 Ø180
75x39/57 S 2.0 x39 S x57 S
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 750 750
Door frame, height [mm] 390 570
Pane curvature straight straight
Width [mm] 839 839
Depth [mm] 516 / 537 516 / 537
Height [mm] 1125-1325 1339-1539
Weight [kg] 161 194
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 10 10
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180 Ø180
120x45 S 2.0
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 1200
Door frame, height [mm] 450
Pane curvature straight
Width [mm] 1444
Depth [mm] 550
Height [mm] 1170-1370
Weight [kg] 316
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 13
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 4 | Product overview
75x39/51 SII 2.0
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 750
Door frame, height [mm] 390/510
Pane curvature straight on both sides
Width [mm] 848
Depth [mm] 527
Height [mm] 1123-1323 / 1284-1484
Weight [kg] 186/202
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 10/12
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180
80x64 SII 2.0
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 800
Door frame, height [mm] 640
Pane curvature straight on both sides
Width [mm] 1044
Depth [mm] 565
Height [mm] 1360-1560
Weight [kg] 269
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 10
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180
80x64 S 2.0
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 800
Door frame, height [mm] 640
Pane curvature straight
Width [mm] 1044
Depth [mm] 550
Height [mm] 1360-1560
Weight [kg] 280
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 10
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180
97x45/74 S 2.0 45 S 74 S
Width (body installation dimension) [mm] 970 970
Door frame, height [mm] 450 740
Pane curvature straight straight
Width [mm] 1214 1214
Depth [mm] 550 550
Height [mm] 1170-1370 1460-1660
Weight [kg] 272 340
Nominal heat efficiency [kW] 11 12
Flue pipe outlet, diameter [mm] Ø180 Ø180
4 | Product overview EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
4.2.2 Positioning of the nameplates
Here we show where you can find the nameplate. You received a copy of the nameplate with the fire-
place insert. You can find a copy of the nameplate of your fireplace insert on the back of the manual
you get with your fireplace insert.
Fig.1: Nameplate
The type label is located below the Keramott bricks.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
5 Technical data
5.1 Technical data under Directive (EU) 2015/1185 and del. as per Regulation
(EN) 2015/1186
5.1.1 65x51-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 65x51-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 15 4120
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 8 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 71%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 107
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 71 35 72 1250 101 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 8 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 81 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.1.2 65x57-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 65x57-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 15 4121
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 8 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 70%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 106
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 70 35 62 1250 92 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 8 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 80 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
5.1.3 75x39-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 75x39-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 15 4122
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 10 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 72%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 108
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 72 35 89 1000 106 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 10 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 82 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.1.4 75x39-SII-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorised representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 75x39-SII-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 15 3852
Applied harmonized standards: Nominal heat output according to EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications applied: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 10 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 72%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 108
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 72 18 81 1125 91 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 10 kW Thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 82 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW Single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW Two or more manually adjustable stages, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
5.1.5 75x57-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 75x57-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 15 3997
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 10 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 72%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 108
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 72 40 75 1250 74 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 10 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 82 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.1.6 75x51-S-II-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 75x51-S-II-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: DBI F 17/05/0496
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 12 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 71%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 107
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 71 30 59 1123 116 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 12 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 81 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
5.1.7 80x64-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorised representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 80x64-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 11 2709
Applied harmonized standards: Nominal heat output according to EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications applied: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 10 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 70.5%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 106
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal
thermal efficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 70.5 24 66 1250 121 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other ligneous biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 10 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 80.5 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-stage heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable stages, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.1.8 80x64-S-II-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorised representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 80x64-S-II-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 11 2710
Applied harmonized standards: Nominal heat output according to EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications applied: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 10 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 70.4%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 106
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 70.4 21 49 1250 117 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 10 kW Thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 80.4 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-stage heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable stages, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
5.1.9 97x45-S
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 97x45-S
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 12 3074
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 11 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 70.2%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 106
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 70.2 26 58 1250 120 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 11 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 80.2 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.1.10 97x74-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorised representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 97x74-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: RRF - 29 12 2855
Applied harmonized standards: Nominal heat output according to EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications applied: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 12 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 70.1%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 106
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 70.1 24 57 1125 128 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 12 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 80.1 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-stage heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable stages, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
5.1.11 120x45-S-2.0
Contact details for the manufacturer or their authorized representative
Manufacturer: Austroflamm GmbH
Contact: -
Address: Austroflamm-Platz 1
4631 Krenglbach
Appliance details
Model identification(s): 120x45-S-2.0
Equivalent models: -
Test reports: DBI F 18/01/0548
Applied harmonized standards: EN 13229
Other standards/technical specifications Specifications: -
Indirect heating function: no
Direct heat output: 13 kW
Indirect heat output1: -
Properties for operation with the preferred fuel
Space heating annual use efficiency ηs: 71%
Energy efficiency index (EEI): 107
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Particular precautions for assembly, installation or maintenance
Described in the individual sections of the operating manual.
Fuel Preferred
(only one)2:
Other suit-
able fuel(s)3:
Space heating emis-
sions at nominal heat ef-
ficiency (*)
Space heating emis-
sions at minimum
heat efficiency4 (*) (**)
[x] mg/Nm³ (13% O2)5[x] mg/Nm³ (13%
Log, moisture content ≤
25 %
yes no 71 30 56 903 122 - - - -
Compregnated laminated
Moisture content < 12 %
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Non-woody biomass no no - - - - - - - - -
Anthracite and dry steam
no no - - - - - - - - -
Coking coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Semi-coke no no - - - - - - - - -
Bituminous coal no no - - - - - - - - -
Lignite briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Peat briquettes no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other fossil fuels no no - - - - - - - - -
Briquettes made from a
mixture of biomass and
fossil fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
Other mixture of biomass
and solid fuels
no no - - - - - - - - -
(*) PM = dust, OGC = organic gaseous connections, CO = carbon monoxide, NOx = nitrogen oxide
(**) Only required when using correction factors F(2) or F(3).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Properties for exclusive operation with the preferred fuels7
Specification Symbol Value Unit Specification Symbol Value Unit
Heat output Thermal efficiency (fuel efficiency) (based on the NCV)
Nominal heat effi-
Pnom 13 kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at nominal heat
ηth,nom 81 %
Minimum heat
output (standard
Pmin - kW thermal efficiency (fuel ef-
ficiency) at minimum heat
output (standard value)
ηth,min - %
Auxiliary power consumption Type of heat output/room temperature control
At nominal heat
elmax -kW single-level heat output, no room temperature
At minimum heat
elmin -kW two or more manually adjustable levels, no room
temperature control
In standby condi-
elSB -kW Room temperature control with mechanical ther-
Pilot flame power requirement with electronic room temperature control no
Pilot flame power
(if present)
Ppilot - kW with electronic room temperature control and day-
time regulation
with electronic room temperature control and
weekday regulation
Other regulation options
(Multiple answers possible)
Room temperature control with presence detec-
Room temperature control with open window de-
with remote control option no
1 There is no entry for fireplaces without water-carrying components.
2 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for the preferred fuel.
3 Values for annual use efficiency and emissions must be given here for all other suitable fuels.
4 Corresponds to partial load heat output as per EN 16510
5 Specification in mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a,
section i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4,
letter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
6 Specification mg/m³ for heated filter method (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, letter a, sec-
tion i, point 1) or g/kg for measurement in dilution tunnel (in compliance with Annexe III, number 4, let-
ter a, section i, point 2 and 3.)
7 Specifications are made here for the preferred fuel only.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.2 General specifications
Model 65x S 75x S 75x39
80x64 S
97x45 S 97x74 S 120x45
EN test EN 13229 CE mark
Nominal heat efficiency in [kW] 8 10 10 12 10 11 12 13
Maximum heat output [kW] 11 14 14 16 15 16 17 17
Max. length of logs 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
permissible fuel filling quantity [Kg] 2.35 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.5
Fuel throughput, maximum [kg/h] 2.3 2.85 2.85 3.5 2.13 2.56 2.56 3.97
Cross-section, convection outlet [cm²] 700 700 700 1820 1000 1200/
Cross-section, convection inlet [cm²] 700 700 700 1170 1000 1000 1000 2320
Power output via pane [%] 17/
29 34 29/
Emissions values
65x S 75x S 75x39
80x64 S
97x45 S 97x74 S 120x45
CO [mg/Nm³] ≤1250 ≤1250 ≤1250 ≤1250 ≤1250 ≤1250 ≤1250 ≤1250
Dust based on 13% O2 ≤40 ≤40 ≤40 ≤40 ≤40 ≤40 ≤40 ≤40
OGC [mg/MJ] ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50 ≤50
NOx based on 13% O2[mg/m³] ≤150 ≤150 ≤150 ≤150 ≤150 ≤150 ≤150 ≤150
Efficiency [%] ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 ≥80
Flue gas temperature [°C]
283 /
298 /
313/300 286 252 312/291 274/288 274/288 254
Flue gas mass flow [g/s] 7.3 /
7.7 / 6.8
8.1/7.7 7.3 13.07 8.28/8.4
9.9 9.9 14.88
Minimum feed pressure at nominal
heat output [Pa]
12 12 12 13 12 12 12 13
Distances from fireplace insert
65x S 75x S 75x39
80x64 S
97x45 S 97x74 S 120x45
Distances from fireplace insert to
heating chamber wall [cm]
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 5 | Technical data
Specifications for fire- and heat protection (specifications in mm, Promasil 950 KS) Insulation layer
65x S 75x S 75x39
80x64 S
97x45 S 97x74 S 120x45
Insulation layer thicknesses at installa-
tion base [mm]
60 60 20 - 40 30 30 30
Insulation layer thicknesses, lateral /
rear [mm]
90 120 130/- 100/- 120 100/120 100/120 100/140
Insulation layer thicknesses at ceiling
in accordance with normal regional standards (e.g. TR OL, FeuVo)
b: Safety distance, lateral [mm] -- -- -- -- 800 -- -- --
a: Safety distance, front [mm] 800 800 800 1600 1000 1100 1100 1800
Combustion air
65x S 75x S 75x39
80x64 S
97x45 S 97x74 S 120x45
Outside air connection [Ø mm] 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150
Combustion air requirement [m³/h] 17.5 19.5 16.71 17 40 44 44 44
Use for special design
65x S 75x S 75x39
80x64 S
97x45 S 97x74 S 120x45
Hypocaust heating**) Suitable subject to technical rules
*) under examination
**) The Austroflamm appliances marked with “suitable subject to technical rules” are suitable for oper-
ation in closed systems (hypocausts)
***) at the device connection at nominal heat efficiency
The design of the hypocaust must ensure the transport of heat and the even distribution of heat within
the cladding so that no part of the heating chamber can be overheated.
The size of the heat-dispensing cladding surfaces must be matched to the heat generator.
The necessary insulation thicknesses specified in the technical data for the protection of building sur-
faces adjacent to the heat-producing appliance have been determined with open air grilles in continu-
ous operation and must therefore be supplemented by suitable measures (e.g. rear ventilation).
The closed system must be calculated and designed in accordance with the technical rules of the
stove- and air heating constructors trade association.
When setting up a closed system with Austroflamm fireplace inserts with sliding door, the temperature
resistance of the cable drum is 250 °C. This maximum permissible ambient temperature must be ob-
served! If the hypocaust is built to the specifications of the TR OL, this material temperature should
never be reached. A rear ventilation of these components may need to be planned.
5 | Technical data EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
5.3 Data for the chimney/flue dimensioning
Fireplace inserts with self-closing firebox doors.
Description: Fireplace insert EN 13229 – A1 / A. For values see Technical data.
When the draft is too great, the draft must be limited. Ensuring the correct draft is a matter for the
stove/tiled stove builder.
For a chimney draft above 18Pa it is urgently recommended that a throttle valve (available as an ac-
cessory) be incorporated into the connecting piece!
Operation allowed only with closed firebox.
Minimum cross-sections of chimney / combustion air pipe
Appliance Minimum chimney cross-section Minimum exterior air cross-section (for closed
Up to 3 m length - max.
1 elbow
Up to 6 m length -
max. 2 elbows
Ø 180 mm
80x64 S/SII
97x45/74 S
120x45 S
Ø 180 mm
The following points are to be observed for exterior air conduits:
do not create a bend, as the cross-section will be reduced
keep cross-section constant
The free air passage at the air grille must not be less than the actual cross-section of the recom-
mended external air duct
there must be no negative pressure (suction) at the point of the air duct intake, even in unfavour-
able wind conditions
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 6 | Transport and storage
6 Transport and storage
6.1 Transportation
Fig.2: Crate
Immediately checked the goods delivered for complete-
ness and damage in transit.
Before installing the fireplace insert, check that all movable
parts are working. Any defects before the installation of the
fireplace insert must be reported.
Transport is with a crate. Use a lifting truck or forklift to
transport the crate including the fireplace insert.
Remove the crate and dispose of it appropriately.
6.1.1 Transport security
Before the fireplace insert is clad, it is vital that the transport lock is removed and the functioning of the
sliding doors checked. Depending on the model, the counterweight of the sliding door is secured on
the outside left or on both sides outside or on the rear panel of the appliance with a coloured screw
and a shim.
It is vital that the transport lock screws are removed before the appliance is installed!
Fig.3: Removing the transport lock
The counterweight of the sliding door is secured on each
device side with a screw.
Should the appliance have to be transported again, then it
is vital to reinstall this transport lock screw so that the
weight is safely secured.
1) Remove left and right transport lock from the fireplace
6 | Transport and storage EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
6.2 Storage
The fireplace insert must be stored in a dry room/warehouse. Protect against dirt, heat and moisture.
The following illustrations are attached to the crate and must be observed:
Fragile – always place upright – protect against moisture
and store dry.
Remove and dispose of packing material in an environ-
mentally friendly manner.
The crate can be disposed of in the separate collection
for packaging. Local disposal regulations must be ob-
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 7 | Requirements at the installation location
7 Requirements at the installation location
7.1 Requirements at the room of installation
Fireplaces must not be set up in:
spaces in which the required combustion air supply is not guaranteed.
spaces which are generally accessible, especially emergency exits staircases in residential building
with no more than 2 apartments are not included in general accessible spaces.
spaces in which easily flammable or potentially explosive substances or mixtures are processed,
stored or manufactured.
spaces, apartments or units from which air is extracted with the aid of ventilators, such as ventila-
tion- or hot-air heating installations, extractor hoods or exhaust air tumble dryers. Unless the safe
function of the fireplace insert is ensured:
This is ensured if:
the systems only circulate air within a space.
the systems have safety features which autonomously and reliably prevent negative pressure in
the installation space.
simultaneous operation of the fireplace and the air-extracting system is prevented by safety
the flue gas routing is monitored by a particular piece of safety equipment.
no negative pressure greater than 0.04 mbar occurs overall via the combustion air flow of the
fireplace insert and the volume flows of the ventilation systems in the installation room and
rooms connected via the ventilation network. This must also be guaranteed when easily access-
ible ventilation system control equipment is adjusted or removed.
When operating a controlled living room ventilation system, the use of a DIBT-tested heat-producing
appliance connected to a balanced flue is recommended.
7.2 Installing the fireplace insert
Observe the guidelines on fire safety, such as thermal insulation and air grille sizes.
Fire hazard
Operating your Austroflamm fireplace insert with too high a fuel feed will create a risk of the chimney
and adjacent components or furniture overheating.
7.3 Combustion air supply
For heat-producing appliances that draw their combustion air from the installation room an adequate
supply of combustion air into the room must be provided. Other heat-producing appliances or ventila-
tion facilities in the installation room or combustion air network may make a separate combustion air
supply from outside necessary.
Air suction systems (e.g. ventilation system, cooker hood, etc.) that are operated together with the
heat-producing appliance in the same room air network may disrupt the combustion air supply and
possibly require additional safety measures under the heating regulations.
7 | Requirements at the installation location EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Combustion air supply via direct duct (balanced flue operation)
The combustion air supply can also be fed via a direct duct from outside to the fireplace insert. For this
purpose the combustion air must be safely routed from the house’s external air connection directly to
the combustion air trunking.
The duct cross-section can be determined with the help of the pressure-volume diagram (see technical
rules of the Stove- and Air Heating Constructors Association). See Section “Min. cross-section of chim-
ney combustion air duct”. This method of connection is generally recommended.
Combustion air supply from the room (balanced flue operation)
The Austroflamm fireplace insert obtains its combustion air exclusively via the direct combustion air
trunking directly from the installation room.
For all the models described in this manual you will find the combustion air trunking on the underside
of the combustion chamber. For this reason a faultlessly working combustion air feed into the heating
chamber must be ensured. This absolutely requires the correct dimensioning of the circulating air
cross-sections, in addition to the necessary combustion air cross-section. The correct positioning of the
corresponding openings into the heating chamber is very important.
Non-compliance can cause a lack of air during combustion.
Fig.4: Combustion air trunking
The combustion air trunking must always be connected, as
otherwise no combustion air is routed into the firebox.
7.4 Combustion air duct
Combustion air ducts must be made of dimensionally stable construction materials, sealed and access-
ible for inspection and cleaning. Consideration must be given to possible condensation formation
from falling below the dew point and prevented by suitable insulation.
For combustion air ducts in buildings with more than 2 full storeys and combustion air ducts which
bridge firewalls, the ducts must be executed so that fire and smoke cannot be transmitted into other
storeys or fire sections (see state building regulations).
7.5 Chimney requirements
Before set-up or installation of the Austroflamm fireplace insert, the chimney must be checked for its
size and quality under the existing local regulations (respectively state building regulations, heating
regulations and DIN 18160, Part 1). The mathematical proof of the adequate function of the chimney
must be provided in accordance with EN 13384. Consideration must be given when making the calcu-
lation that the substantially greater quantity of air can also be safely removed when the door is open
(stoking up fuel).
The operation of your Austroflamm fireplace insert is primarily dependent upon the faultless working
of the chimney.
Care must be taken that all openings, such as openings for cleaning, of fireplace being used are
closed during operation.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 7 | Requirements at the installation location
7.6 Multiple occupancy
All Austroflamm fireplace inserts in this manual have been checked and approved under DIN EN
13229 with self-closing and locking door (designated BA1). Appliances intended to operate BA1 can
be connected to a multiple-occupied chimney (if multiple occupancy is possible). The calculation is
made according to DIN EN 13384 Part 2.
Multiple occupancy of the chimney is not allowed with balanced flue operation!
7.7 Flue pipe connecting pieces
The connecting piece must be selected in accordance with DIN EN 13384.
The connection between fireplace insert and heat recovery surface or to the chimney must be made
using steel flue pipes with a minimum wall thickness of 2 mm, or flue pipes made of austenitic, non-
rusting steel with a minimum wall thickness of 1 mm.
The connecting piece must be connected directly to the chimney.
The connecting piece inside the cladding must be covered with at least 3cm thick, dimensionally
stable, non-flammable insulation material of Class A1as perDIN4102, as described in the section
Thermal insulation layers and materials.
This does not apply to connecting pieces that are intended for heating convection air and for which
fire hazard is otherwise excluded.
8 | Fuel material/-quantity EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
8 Fuel material/-quantity
8.1 Fuel material
Many of our native types of wood can, after being appropriately dried, be burnt CO2-neutral in heat-
producing appliances. Wood stands out because it grows again, can be sustainably harvested, re-
quires little or no extra external energy to be invested in the fuel, and has a short journey from the pro-
ducer to the consumer, which provides an optimal climate balance.
The most common types of wood to use in the stove are beech, yoke elm, birch, larch, spruce and
pine. The most important criterion for burning in a heat-producing appliance is that the fuel has been
sufficiently dried through. For this purpose the prepared pieces of log should be stored for at least two
years. The legislator stipulates a maximum water content of 20%. That is still however a lot of water sit-
ting in the capillaries of the wood. A piece of firewood only becomes good when its water content
comes to a maximum of 12 to 13%. The differences in combustion behaviour are striking and clearly
detectable even by the layman.
Types of wood other than the ones referred to above are also suitable for burning. However each heat-
producing appliance should be checked for how their use affects combustion behaviour. Oak for ex-
ample burns with a rather shorter flame and more embers. Oakwood catches fire with greater diffi-
culty, and due to hardness of the wood it is not split as well (small) as other types of wood, which again
has a negative effect on combustion behaviour. It is however a good energy source, and, correctly pro-
cessed, also suitable as firewood.
Softwoods (fir, pine, spruce) should if possible be mixed with hardwood. Softwoods have a higher pro-
portion of tannin, which leads to more deposits in the heat-producing appliance, the connecting pipes
and the chimney. If only softwood is burnt, this can lead more quickly to a build-up of shining soot.
Mixing with hardwood (for example, beechwood) reduces this effect.
The size of your heat-producing appliance's combustion chamber will dictate whether your firewood is
25cm, 33cm or 50cm in length. 50cm pieces of log should preferably dry for somewhat longer (lain
down for three years or more), because wood is dried out mainly by the leakage of water from the ca-
pillaries - and that simply takes time. And the path from inside to outside in a 50cm-long piece of log is
twice as long as in a 25cm-long piece of log. The important thing is that the wood is well split. This
means that the circumference of a piece of log (once all sides are measured around the cutting point)
must be a maximum of 15-25cm. Pieces of wood cut to this size dry more easily - above all, however,
they give the fire (the temperature) a greater attack area and thus make it easier to evolve gas and thus
to burn. Also the quantity of fuel can be better measured out. Thanks to their outstanding levels of effi-
ciency, modern heat-producing appliances require just a fraction of the amount of wood of earlier
stoves. Here smaller pieces of log can be placed according to the manufacturer’s specifications - large
pieces of log often exceed the maximum specified quantity with just a single piece.
Not everyone has a hygrometer at home for determining the water content in wood, particularly when
good reliable units cost several hundred euros. However you can make a good estimate of how suit-
able your fuel is by carefully observing combustion behaviour. A “good” wood fire will only smoke
briefly in the ignition phase, hardly at all after that. It will burn with a light (yellow to orange-coloured)
long flame. Little residue will occur in the combustion chamber, most of it disappearing again when
the fire is fully developed. Another good criterion for assessing whether a piece of log is suitable for
combustion is its weight. Most manufacturers also specify the amount to be laid in kg/weight. Ex-
ample: a piece of beechwood 33cm in length with a circumference of approx. 20cm weighs approx.
1kg when it is suitable (dry enough) for burning. Therefore 25cm in length gives approx. 750
grammes, and 50 cm in length approx. 1.5kg.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 8 | Fuel material/-quantity
Please observe at all times the maximum specified amount to be laid, even when putting on more
wood! Otherwise your fire will not provide the desired efficiency - but above all considerable damage
may be caused to your appliance, to gaskets and material and to the flue gas duct.
The wood may only be burnt untreated. NEVER burn treated woods, not even wood processed with
natural substances or organic glazes. Wood waste does not belong in the stove!
Wood briquettes
Many people like wood briquettes as a fuel because they require less storage space than wood, can
be stocked or sold in small quantities and - at least at first glance - make less work than wood. Within
the scope of production, the quality of briquettes is consistent. Wood briquettes do not need to be
stored for a long time to be dried out. Due to the raw material (unrefined chips) and the production
process they have an already defined residual moisture.
If wood briquettes are designated as a suitable fuel, then this still only applies to this fuel, NOT for
coal-, paper-, bark- or other pressed items, such as pellets.
In spite of various standardizations and many advertising promises, there are also considerable differ-
ences in quality in wood briquettes. But even with good fuel quality, combustion behaviour is different
from that of unrefined log. And not every wood briquette burns equally well in every stove. Before you
decide on a particular variety and perhaps even store this up in larger quantities, you should extens-
ively test the wood briquettes under various draft conditions. Most suppliers keep “test packages” for
this purpose that can be purchased at preferential prices to test out and compare with one another the
various types offered.
When burning wood briquettes, the maximum quantity specified in these instructions must also be
observed. The quantity must not be exceeded.
As the wood is pressed and thus has little spatial volume for the same weight, modern heat-producing
appliances with a low placement quantity often have “little fire heaps” occur, leading one to wonder
whether a fire can burn at all with so little fuel. Nevertheless you must never exceed the maximum
placement, because that would cause damage. Many wood briquettes change during the temperature
increase when burning, by “opening up”. This should not worry you as it is normal. When inserting
wood briquettes make sure that this expansion as far as possible does not press not in the direction of
the window, as otherwise this will get very dirty.
In principle you should not insert wood briquettes as one piece, but rather break them at the layer
thicknesses, which are usually visible in slices, and place smaller pieces in the combustion chamber,
not in an interlocking manner, but randomly. This way you will ensure that the combustion air reaches
more burning material and flows around it better. Wood briquettes require a stronger air current, an
expert eye and perhaps a bit more patience, until you get the knack of it. Since less volume is available
(although the same mass, it takes less space up), the fire is generally smaller and does not burn so high
and vivaciously as when burning log. When wood briquettes alone are burnt, this therefore generally
leads to haziness in the combustion chamber, as well as on the stove window. Not all areas of the com-
bustion chamber have the same temperature applied to them as when unrefined wood is burnt, which
is why these deposits occur. It may be that with one variety of wood briquettes more deposits occur,
whereas with another variety none at all. This suggests trying out various varieties to determine the
suitable fuel for your heat-producing appliance. If you would really like to use wood briquettes, but
don’t get on quite well with them, then it may also help to mix the fuel. That means: Burn wood bri-
quettes and unrefined log in the mixture ratio that achieves a good burning result for your heat-produ-
cing appliance.
Wood briquettes must also be stored dry. In general it can be said that pressed items with a hole in the
middle usually burn better. Soft wood briquettes are to be preferred and are often more suitable than
hard wood briquettes.
8 | Fuel material/-quantity EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Approved fuel
Dry, properly stored, unrefined log (preferably hard wood) is permitted as fuel for our hybrid stoves
Round wood must be split at least once so that it lights better. The diameter of the split piece of wood
must not exceed 7 cm.
Only burn the recommended fuel.
Explosive substances
It is strictly forbidden to burn or introduce highly flammable or explosive substances (empty aerosols
and the like) into the firebox or to store them in the immediate vicinity of your stove. Risk of explosion!
8.2 Fuel quantity
To avoid damage you must NEVER operate your fireplace insert a greater quantity of fuel than that
specified in this manual!
Maximum fuel quantity
Every fireplace insert is designed for a maximum fuel quantity: see Technical Data section.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 9 | Installation instructions
9 Installation instructions
Damage to the appliance
The fireplace insert must not have any connection to the housing (minimum gap width 3 mm), as oth-
erwise damage may be caused to the appliance.
9.1 Set-up in front of or next to a wall to be protected
Fig.5: Set-up in front of/next to a wall to be protected
9 | Installation instructions EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
14 17
min. 30cm
min. 30cm
min. 30cm
Radiation area
Fig.6: Set-up in front of/next to a wall to be protected
1 Wall / building wall 2 Thermal insulation layer (flue pipe)
3 Connector 4 Thermal insulation layer (rear panel)
5 Convection room 6 Exterior air intake
7 Concrete slab at least 6 cm (only when being set
up on a ceiling to be protected)
8 Ceiling
9 Thermal insulation layer (concrete) 10 Combustion air trunking
11 Cladding (facing the room) 12 Thermal insulation layer (ceiling)
13 Inlet air outlet grille 14 Circulation air intake grille
15 Shielding floor protection made of non-flam-
mable materials
16 Thermal insulation layer (side wall)
17 Cladding (facing the room) 18 80 cm radiation area
19 Convection air cladding
Side and rear thermal insulation layers
The building wall to be protected (1) must be protected with a insulation layer (16). The thickness of
the insulation layer can be found in the Technical Data.
The cladding (11) must likewise be protected with an insulation layer. The cladding does not need to
be protected if the open stove is designed in such a way that the free surfaces of the cladding and the
surfaces of the niches for fuel storage can heat up to a maximum of 85 °C. For surfaces made of min-
eral construction materials, e.g. stove tiles, excluding surfaces on which objects may be placed, the
value of 120 °C instead of the value of 85 °C. The increase of the maximum permissible temperature
from 85 °C to 120 °C applies only to the more strongly inclined or vertical surfaces of the cladding
made of mineral construction materials. This therefore allows the cladding to be developed as a
heated tiled wall or similar.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 9 | Installation instructions
9.2 Convection air cladding
When using CV cladding, please observe the national regulations in respect of individual room fire-
places and the measurement requirement in the case of whole-home heating.
Fig.7: Casing
Fig.8: Casing
75x39 SII
Fig.9: Casing
80x64 S
97x45/74 S
120x45 S
9 | Installation instructions EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
9.3 Convection space
Fig.10: Convection space
If the convection cladding (appliance part) is not used, a
convection space of at least 6 cm depth between fire-
place insert (4) and insulation layer (16) to the rear and
on both sides must be allowed for.
The convection space (5) must be heat-insulated to all
areas that are not heat-emitting claddings.
The walls, the floor and the ceiling of the heating cham-
ber must be clean and resistant to abrasion (see tech-
nical rules of the stove- and air heating constructors as-
sociation). Therefore the insulation layer, if it is not cal-
cium silicate slabs, must be protected with an abrasion-
resistant material (heat shield/heating chamber plate or
4 Convection space between fireplace insert and insulation
5 Convection space
16 Insulation layer
Convection air duct with convection cladding
All convection air ducts must be made of dimensionally stable, non-flammable construction materials.
The warm air pipes must be fixed firmly to the warm air-/(supply) collar of the convection cladding and
the grilles (optimally with collar plate).
9.4 Convection conduction
3 0 c m
c m
30 cm
50 cm
Fig.11: Convection conduction
You can find the cross-section for the air outlet (14) and
air inlet (13) in the technical catalogue, the product data
sheet from the homepage or the Technical Data section
in this manual.
Above at least 200cm², air inlet and air outlet must not
be lockable.
There must be no flammable construction materials,
e.g. wooden ceiling, and no furniture within a range of
30cm next to and 50cm above the air outlets (14).
13 Air inlet
14 Air outlet
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 9 | Installation instructions
9.5 Fireplace system without air grille (hypocaust)
The convection air circulates within the closed cladding. The heat is emitted via radiation above the
9.6 Protecting the installation base
Fig.12: Protecting the installation base
Installation bases (8) with flammable construction materials
with a concrete slab (7) at least 6cm thick (dimension E),
which must be reinforced above installation bases without
adequate lateral distribution, and above that by a thermal
insulation layer (9) at least 5cm (dimension D).
Bearing concrete- or reinforced concrete floors (8) must be
protected by a thermal insulation layer at least 5 cm thick
7 Concrete slab
8 Installation base (concrete or reinforced concrete)
9 Thermal insulation layer
At least 2 cm for 71x51/57 S3 models.
9.7 Expansion joints
There must be no direct connection between fireplace insert and cladding (11). Therefore all points of
contact between appliance and cladding must be separated with a sealing tape (glass fibre tape).
Therefore neither must the frame (23) rest on the appliance or be screwed, bolted or welded to it.
9.8 Cladding
The room-facing cladding (11) must be made of construction material class A1 non-flammable materi-
als. These are e.g. wall tiles, wall bricks, stove tiles, metal, plaster on lathing.
9.9 Fireplace aprons
The fireplace apron must not have any direct connection to the fireplace insert. It must be set up to be
self-supporting. The manufacturer offers various frames (23) for this purpose.
9.10 Ornamental beam
1 cm
1 cm
Fig.13: Ornamental beam
The ornamental beams (24) are permissible at a distance of
at least 1 cm in front of the cladding (11) and frame (23) of
the open fireplace insert if:
the ornamental beam is not a component of the build-
the clearance spaces to the cladding are so open that
no accumulation of heat can occur.
the ornamental beam is not within the radiation area of
the open fireplace insert.
11 Cladding
23 Frame
24 Ornamental beam
F Expansion joint
9 | Installation instructions EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
9.11 Ceiling above the fireplace insert
Fig.14: Ceiling above fireplace insert
If the cavity above the fireplace insert reaches as far as the
room ceiling (8), then the latter must be protected if:
it consists of flammable components
it serves as a bearing component
The thermal insulation layer (11) (dimension G) must be ex-
ecuted in compliance with the normal regional installation
8 Room ceiling
11 Heat insulation layer
9.12 Floor in front of the fireplace insert
The floor in front of the fireplace insert must be made of flammable material. Minimum dimensions of
this non-flammable area: forward at least 50cm, to the sides at least 30cm.
9.13 Fire protection
Fire protection within the radiation area
The minimum clearance (see Technical Data) to components made of flammable construction materi-
als or flammable components as well as furniture must be observed in front and on either side of the
firebox opening! For II series models the clearance applies to the front and rear.
Fire protection outside the radiation area
From the outer surfaces of the cladding of the open fireplace insert a distance of at least 5 cm must be
maintained from components made of flammable construction materials or flammable components
and from built-in furniture. The clearance space must be so open to the air current that an accumula-
tion of heat cannot occur. Components which only cover small areas of the cladding of the open fire-
place insert (such as floors, butt-joined wall cladding and insulation layers on ceilings and walls) can be
brought up to the cladding without any gap.
9.14 Heat insulation layers and materials
Insulation layers must be made of heat insulating boards of construction material class A1 as per DIN
4102 Part 1 with a maximum application temperature of at least 700°C and a bulk density of more
than 80kg/m³. The insulation material must be marked with the appropriate insulation material code
number as per AGI-Q 132. Only the insulation materials which are listed in the following table may be
used. If other insulation materials are used for the insulation layers, these must have an appropriate
DIBT approval (German Institute for Structural Engineering Berlin) (e.g.: Promat calcium silicate
thermal insulating board “Promasil950KS”, Wolfshöher thermal insulating board “Prowolf”, Wolf-
shöher thermal insulating board “Vermilite2000”, Thermax thermal insulating board “Ther-
maxSN400”). For building external walls and ceilings to be protected that have a U-value below
0.4W/m², additional rear ventilation (see technical rules of the Stove- and Air Heating Constructors As-
sociation) will be necessary.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 9 | Installation instructions
Insulation materials Delivery Insulation capacity Upper maximum applic-
ation temperature
Bulk density
Group Type Group Type Group Type Group In °C Group kg/m³
10 Mineral fibre 1 Channels 1 Mats,
size 1
20 -200 2 20
11 Glass fibre 2 Fibres,
2 Mats,
size 2
25 -250 3 30
12 Stone fibre 3 Fibres,
30 -300 4 40
13 Slag fibre 4 Felts 35 -350 5 50
5 Lamin-
ated mat
40 -400 6 60
6 Mats 45 -450 7 70
7 Slabs 50 -500 8 80
8 Shells 55 -550 9 90
9 Segments 60 -600 10 100
10 braids 10 Shells
65 -650 11 110
11 Shells
72 -700 12 120
75 -750 13 130
80 -800 14 140
85 -850 15 150
20 Slabs
size 1
90 -900 16 160
21 Slabs
size 2
17 170
18 180
19 190
20 200
99 Other 99 Specific-
99 * 99 *
*divergent test conditions
Thermal insulation layers must be seamless and overlapping.
If thermal insulation layers within the convection area are used for all fireplace inserts without convec-
tion cladding made of mineral wool, these must also be clad in an abrasive-resistant and non-reflective
manner (e.g.: with black plate or sheet steel or galvanised sheet iron).
It is vital to ensure that the thermal insulation materials have sufficient heat resistance (min. 700°C).
Otherwise odours may form in the firing operation.
Side and rear thermal insulation layers
The building wall to be protected (1) must be protected with a insulation layer (16). The thickness of
the insulation layer can be found in the Technical Data.
The cladding (11) must likewise be protected with an insulation layer. The cladding does not need to
be protected if the open stove is designed in such a way that the free surfaces of the cladding and the
surfaces of the niches for fuel storage can heat up to a maximum of 85 °C. For surfaces made of min-
eral construction materials, e.g. stove tiles, excluding surfaces on which objects may be placed, the
value of 120 °C instead of the value of 85 °C. The increase of the maximum permissible temperature
from 85 °C to 120 °C applies only to the more strongly inclined or vertical surfaces of the cladding
made of mineral construction materials. This therefore allows the cladding to be developed as a
heated tiled wall or similar.
9 | Installation instructions EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
9.15 Electric cable runs
There must be no electric cable runs in walls and ceilings within the installation area of the fireplace in-
9.16 Balanced flue-tested fireplace inserts
Flue pipe connection
The flue pipe connection must be permanently tight
The flue pipes used must be DIN EN 1856-2 tested.
Combustion air connection:
The combustion air connection must be sufficiently tight
Aluminium flexible pipes must not be deformed
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 10 | Connection to ceramic flues
10 Connection to ceramic flues
The specifications given in advance in respect of mounting instructions and installation regulations re-
main valid (see distances, thermal insulation, exhaust pipe connection).
The appliances are particularly suitable for installation with ceramic flues. However the faultless work-
ing of the heating system is only guaranteed if the following points are observed:
Calculation of the ceramic flue
Use of suitable Materials
Compliance with maximum lengths of flue
Installation of a direct- or heating flue
Compliance with the necessary free area of the air grilles
The calculation of the ceramic flue must be made in compliance with the specified maximum flue
lengths nd according to the technical rules of the Stove- and Air Heating Constructors Association and
valid designs.
Characteristics for calculating the flue dimensions
Appliance type Exhaust gas mass flow [mg/s] Flue gas temperature at appli-
ance collar [°C]
Req’d Feed pressure at collar
65x S 7.3 / 7.7 / 6.8 283 / 298 / 317 12
75x S 8.1/7.7 313/300 12
75x39 SII 7.3 286 12
75x51 SII 13.07 252 13
80x64 S
80x64 SII
8.28/8.43 312/291 12
97x S 9.9 274/288 12
120x45 S 14.88 254 13
Maximum length of chamotte ceramic flues
The flue gas temperatures at the appliance collar are average temperatures over the duration of the
Appliance type Flue length [m] Feed pressure at collar [Pa] Flue gas temperature down-
stream of the flues [ºC]
65x S 4 12 190
75x S 4 12 190
75x39 SII 4 12 190
75x51 SII 4 12 190
80x64 S
80x64 SII
4 12 190
97x S 4 12 190
120x45 S 4 12 190
The flue is constructed of refractory mineral materials. When setting up, attention must be paid to pro-
cessing that is impervious to heating gases. The ceramic flue support must be load-bearing and heat-
resistant. The installation base on which the heat exchanger is to be set up must be heat insulated in
analogy to the manner described in the section on Protection of the set up area.
The flue pipe connection must be connected gas-tight to the ceramic flue by means of plug-in steel
tubes. The connection of the pipes to the ceramic flue is preferably to be made with a premanufac-
tured connection block made of chamotte.
The steel tube/chamotte transition must be separate (expansion) and tight. The connecting pipes do
not need to be thermally insulated.
10 | Connection to ceramic flues EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Make the operator of the stove aware that the system with a downstream heat recovery surface must
only be operated with the door closed!
10.1 Stove with ceramic flue
Example using KMS system
Fig.15: Connection to ceramic flue heat exchanger
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 10 | Connection to ceramic flues
10.2 Connection to heat recovery surfaces
The specifications given in advance in respect of mounting instructions and installation regulations re-
main valid (see distances, thermal insulation, exhaust pipe connection).
The metallic heat exchanger can be placed to the left or right side or behind the fireplace insert.
For details, please see the following dimensioned sketch.
The base of the heat exchanger must be stable and heat resistant. The installation base on which the
heat exchanger is to be set up must be heat insulated in analogy to the manner described in the sec-
tion Protecting the installation floor.
Access to the cleaning openings on the heat exchanger must be ensured.
General condition: The joining pieces from the fireplace insert and to the chimney must not longer
in total than 1m.
Dimension A: 75mm
Dimension B: 90mm (insulation materials pursuant to AGI Q 132)
Dimension C: 50 mm
Mounting wall
Heat insulation
Inside edge cladding
Fig.16: Connection to ceramic flue heat exchanger
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
11 Installation
Installation must only be carried out by an authorized specialist company.
Before installing the fireplace insert, check that all movable parts are working. Any defects before the
installation of the fireplace insert must be reported.
11.1 Risks and dangers
The following protective equipment must be used:
Type of protective equipment
Safety gloves
Safety shoes
The following work equipment is required for this step:
Work equipment Activity
SW24 spanner Various adjustment jobs
Slotted screwdriver var. jobs on the sheet metal heat deflectors
pliers var. bending jobs
11.2 Durchführung
11.2.1 Placing the fireplace insert
Fig.17: Readjusting adjustable feet with
1) Place appliance on prepared load-bearing base.
2) Adjust the four adjustable feet with an SW24 spanner.
Should the length of the threaded rod be insuffi-
cient, the four mountings can be adjusted in height.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
11.2.2 Dismantling the Keramott
There is only a Keramott lock for 65x51, 65x57, 75x39 and 75x57.
Fig.18: Opening the door
1) Open doors.
2 2
Fig.19: Remove Keramott support plate
2) Remove Keramott support plate (1).
3) Remove left and right transport brackets (2).
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.20: Install the deflector plates
4) Install the deflector plates (1).
11.2.3 Installing the firebox lining (Keramott)
Keramott 65x, 75x
Numbering = installation sequence
Sequence for 75x39 SII and 75x51SII
1) Keramott floor 1 - 3
2) Keramott wall 4
3) Top Keramott deflection 7
4) Bottom Keramott deflection 5 - 6
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
80X64 S / SII
Numbering = installation sequence
97x45/74 S
Numbering = installation sequence
Keramott 120x45S KII
Numbering = installation sequence
11.2.4 Install the deflector plates
The Keramott elements of the fire are already preinstalled. Only the Keramott deflections need to be
Fig.21: 65x, 75x S
65x, 75x S
1) Insert the baffle plate.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.22: 79x39/51 SII
75x39/51 SII
2) First the two upper baffle plates (1+2) are inserted.
These should be installed without spacing from each
3) Then the lower two bricks (3+4) are inserted as shown.
ðNumbering = installation sequence
Fig.23: 80X64 S/SII
Fig.24: 97x45/74 S
80x64 S / SII and 97x45/74 S
1) First the upper baffle plates are inserted.
2) Then the lower baffle plates are installed as shown.
11 9
Fig.25: 120x45 S
120x45 S
4) First the upper baffle plates are inserted.
5) Then the lower baffle plates are installed as shown.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
11.2.5 Removing the door Flach sliding door appliances 2.0
(65x bis 75x / 80x64 / 97x45/74 / 120 x 45)
For tunnel appliances, removal of the rear door is likewise according to the following instructions (with
the exception of “Locking the door lift”).
Fig.26: Locking the door lift
1) Unlock door lift.
Fig.27: Unbolting the door
2) Unbolt door.
Fig.28: Opening the door
3) Open door.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.29: Do not prop the door
4) Do not prop the door.
Fig.30: Unhooking the door
5) Unhook the door.
11.2.6 Converting door to construction type BA2
Conversion from construction type BA1 (self-closing door) to construction type BA2 (non-self-closing
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
77 KE Klapp flat + II
BA 2
BA 2
BA 1
BA 1
Fig.31: BA1 to BA2
1) Lightly undo the marked screws and move the plates.
ðIf the plates are moved outwards, it is type 2 (BA
2). If the plates are inside, it is type 1 (BA 1).
11.2.7 Converting the combustion air collar
The combustion air is fed through a collar. The combustion air setting is carried out by the operator.
The combustion air collar can be converted for the following fireplace inserts: 80x64 S / 80x64 SII /
97x45 S / 97x74 S / 120x45 S
Fig.32: Removing the combustion air collar
Fig.33: Removing the sealing plate
The combustion air collar can be mounted on the left- or
right-hand side of the fireplace insert as desired.
1) Removing the combustion air collar and the sealing
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.34: Exchanging the parts
2) Exchange and mount parts.
11.2.8 Mounting large top storage box
Fig.35: Removing the smoke collector
Top storage box is available for all models except for 75x39
SII, 75x51 SII and 80x64 SII.
1) Loosen hexagon nuts, washers and clamping shoe (1).
2) Remove smoke collector.
Fig.36: Attaching large top storage box to
the bolts
3) Attach large top storage box to the bolts.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.37: Mounting the exhaust manifold
4) Place exhaust manifold (5) on to the top storage box
and fasten it to the bolt (4) with clamping shoe (3),
washer (2) and hexagon nut (3) .
5) If necessary, bring the smoke collector into the correct
position. To do so, see section Adjusting the smoke
collector [}auf Seite 101].
11.2.9 Mounting top storage bricks
Fig.38: Removing the smoke collector
Top storage box is available for all models except for 75x39
SII, 75x51 SII and 80x64 SII.
1) Loosen hexagon nuts, washers and clamping shoe (1).
2) Remove smoke collector.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.39: Attaching the upper ring
3) Attach bottom ring and fasten to the bolt with clamp-
ing shoe, washer and nut.
Fig.40: Fastening screws or sensor
4) If an exhaust sensor is used, it will be fastened with the
M6x10 hexagon screw (2). Otherwise an M12x25
hexagon screw (1) is used instead of the sensor.
Fig.41: Placing the top storage brick
Only a certain quantity of storage bricks may be mounted.
How many bricks can be mounted depends on the exhaust
Diameter 160/180 ->max 4 bricks
Diameter 200/250 ->max 6 bricks
5) Placing the top storage brick on to the ring.
ðThe flue gas temperature beyond the rings must
not fall below 190°C!
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.42: Mounting threaded rod
6) The threaded rods (1) can be cut to the relevant
length with a saw before or after mounting.
ðPlease ENSURE when cutting that the thread turn is
not damaged.
ðThe length is dependent on the number of top
storage bricks.
1 brick - 240 mm
2 bricks - 360 mm
3 bricks - 480 mm
4 bricks - 600 mm
5 bricks - 720 mm
6 bricks - 840 mm
7) Screw the threaded rods (1) into the holes of the ring
at least 10x.
Fig.43: Fastening the upper ring
8) Place upper ring on the threaded rods and fasten with
hexagon nuts and washers.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.44: Mounting the smoke collector
9) Place smoke collector on the upper ring and fasten
with the clamping shoes (3), M8x60 hexagon screws
(1), M8 washers (2) and M8 hexagon nut (4).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
11.2.10 Installing the HMS HMS 65x51 S / 65x57 S / 75x39 S
Fig.45: Mounting 65x, 75x57 HMS
1) Mount HMS holder (1) with screws.
2) Attach HMS brick (2) to the HMS mounting (1).
3) Repeat the steps for the other bricks. HMS 80x64 S / 97x S / 120x45 S
Fig.46: Loosening the screws
1) Undo marked screws.
Fig.47: Installing the tension supports and
For the following step, for installation you will be using the
screws which you have just loosened.
2) Mount tension supports (1) on the fireplace insert.
3) Attach gasket (2) to the tension supports.
4) Mount side mountings (3).
5) Remove the upper cover (4) in order to be able to in-
stall the HMS bricks more easily.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.48: Attaching the HMS brick
6) Attach HMS brick on the stove and to the lower ten-
sion support and fasten with the mounting.
Fig.49: attaching the remaining HMS bricks
7) Repeat this step for the remaining rear HMS bricks.
Fig.50: Fastening the mounting
8) Attach side HMS bricks to the stove and on the lower
tension support.
9) Attach side mountings and fasten with screws.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
11.2.11 Mounting the designer frame
Design frames must not be plastered over nor walled in.
Fig.51: Attaching the design frame
1) Attach design frame.
Fig.52: Unbolting the door
2) Unbolt and open door.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.53: Fastening the design frame
3) Fasten design frame with the screws.
ðFor all S II fireplace inserts, the design frame is in-
stalled on the rear side, in the same way as already
described. Flat solid design frame
Fig.54: Mounting the designer frame at the
1) Mount designer frame at the top.
ðOnly loosely connect the screws to the nuts.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.55: Mounting DF at the bottom
2) Mount the designer frame at the bottom.
ðOnly loosely connect the screws to the nuts.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.56: Mounting the DF at the side
3) Position the design frame sides on the left and right
and use the screws to screw up at the top and bottom.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.57: Evenly aligning the frame
4) Evenly align the design frame and tighten first the bot-
tom screws, then the top ones.
Fig.58: Loading the design frame
The frame can only be loaded if the weight that is resting
on the frame is supported via the extension arm on the wall
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
11.2.12 Mounting the convection cladding
When using CV cladding, please observe the national regulations in respect of individual room fire-
places and the measurement requirement in the case of whole-home heating.
For all models of Schieb flach + II fireplace inserts, the convection cladding is mounted in the same se-
quence. The only differences are in the lower mounting. This is dealt with in more details in the indi-
vidual steps.
65x, 75x S
75x39 SII
75x51 SII
Fig.59: Installing the mounting
1) Install the mounting (1) on the left- and right-hand
side in the bottom of the fireplace insert on the side.
ð80x and 97x do not have this mounting.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.60: Attaching the side panel
2) Attach right-hand side panel (1) to the mounting (2)
and fasten with the screws.
3) Repeat this step for the side panel on the left-hand
4) For models without this mounting (2), fasten the side
parts to the fireplace insert with the screws.
Fig.61: Mounting the rear panel
5) Attach rear panel to the fireplace insert and fasten
with screws.
Fig.62: Attaching the cover
6) Attach cover and fasten with the screws.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
11.2.13 Assembling InsertControl Installing InsertControl
Fig.63: Control unit
The control unit consists of:
Control unit (1)
Power unit (2)
Temperature sensor (270 - 20 cm) (3)
Bowden cable (100cm) (4)
Fig.64: Installation kit 363000
Fig.65: Installation kit 363011
There are matching installation kits for the various fireplace
inserts. The applicable fireplace inserts and the item num-
bers of the installation kits are:
45x, 55x, 65x 75x – 363000
75X II - 363011
45x round – no InsertControl
45x II – no InsertControl
1) Set up the fireplace insert so that it is accessible all
round for installation.
2) Remove the firebox lining (Keramott).
Fig.66: Flue pipe drilling diagram
3) Two holes must be drilled in the flue pipe for the tem-
perature sensor. The position of the holes around the
diameter of the flue pipe can be freely selected (see
flue pipe drilling diagram).
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.67: Mounting the temperature sensor
4) To install the temperature sensor, you will require the
following parts from the installation kit:
ð1 x Taptite hex. LKS M5x10 (1)
ð1 x thermocouple (2)
ð1 x sensor conduit (3)
ðTorx screwdriver (not included in the installation
5) Mount the temperature sensor on the flue pipe (4) as
The holes for the Bowden cable have already been drilled
beforehand for all fireplace inserts which have an InsertCon-
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.68: Assembly situations
Here you can see the assembly situations:
On some fireplace inserts the assembly situation can be se-
lected on either the left- or right-hand side.
Here you can see the assembly situations:
65x, 75x, (1) – left-hand assembly
65x, 75x, (2) – right-hand assembly
75x S II (3) – left-hand assembly
75x S II (4) – right-hand assembly
80x, 97x (5) – left-hand assembly
80x, 97x (6) – right-hand assembly
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
Fig.69: Removing the parts
6) Remove centre stone tension support (1).
7) Remove the two M6x12 hexagon head screws (2).
8) Remove primary air cover (3).
ðNow InsertControl can be installed.
Fig.70: Installing the installation kit
In the following illustration the 363000 installation kit has
been installed in the left-hand version.
Depending on the appliance, installation kit and left- or
right-hand assembly situation, for installing the mounting,
other screws will have to be removed and installed again.
You can find this in the illustrations showing the assembly
situations of your stove/installation kit and in the detailed
drawing in the installation kit.
9) Install the installation kit (1) as shown.
ðAfter installing the installation kit, check the free
movement of the air regulator.
10) To do so, move the air regulator several times from
the minimum position to the maximum position.
Should there be no free movement of the air regu-
lator, check the following:
ðHas the installation kit been correctly installed.
ðAre the screw joints on the air regulator disc ex-
cessively tightened?
If the air regulator can be easily adjusted, the assembly of
the connection between installation kit and control unit can
be continued.
Fig.71: Installing the control unit
11) Remove the two M10x1 (1) and the M5 nut with flange
(2) and the spacer connecting plate (3).
For the connection between control unit and installation kit
you will require the following part from the installation kit:
2 x Taptite hex. LKS M5x10
2 x flange Bowden cable
Torx screwdriver (not included in the scope of delivery)
The installation point of the control unit must be chosen so
that the following items are guaranteed:
The ambient temperature of the control unit must not
exceed 50°C.
The control unit must be accessible.
A maximum of 2 curves must be laid with the Bowden
The curve radius of the Bowden cable must not be smal-
ler than 100 mm.
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.72: Threading the Bowden cable
12) Thread the Bowden cable (1) through the Ø16 hole in
the fireplace insert.
12 mm
27 mm
Fig.73: Connecting the Bowden cable
13) Connect the Bowden cable to the installation kit.
ðPay attention to the installation dimensions. The 27
mm and 12 mm dimensions are the same for all
the installation kits.
Fig.74: Engaging the rubber plug
14) Slide the rubber plug far enough into the fireplace in-
sert that the groove in the rubber plug engages.
Fig.75: Bowden cable flange
15) Slide the Bowden cable flange (1) over the Bowden
cable once each from left and right.
16) Then use the Taptite screws (2) to screw the two
flanges (1) on to the fireplace insert.
17) After screwing in, check whether the rubber plug is
firmly seated and correctly positioned all round. After
the fireplace insert has been installed, this area will no
longer be accessible!
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 11 | Installation
97 InsertControl function test
Before the fireplace insert is reassembled, a function test should be carried out.
Make sure that all components are correctly assembled with one another
Plug the power supply into the socket
The controller now moves to the maximum positions of the motor (calibration run)
Wait about 10 minutes after plugging in the power supply and check in that time that the air regu-
lator disc has completely closed and opened
After the 10 minutes has finished the air regulator disc must be either completely opened or
closed (depending on the program set)
After a successful function test the fireplace insert can be completely reassembled.
Should the air regulator not have completely opened and closed after the 10 minutes has finished,
check the following:
Check whether the installation kit has been installed according to the drawing
Check whether the screw connections on the air regulator disc might have been excessively
Check if the Bowden cable is possibly caught or blocked by a foreign body
Undo the connection between Bowden cable and installation kit
Check whether the installation kit can be easily adjusted without the Bowden cable
Check the Bowden cable for contamination. If it is contaminated, clean the Bowden cable. DO
Run the function test once more without the control unit being connected to the installation kit.
When doing so check whether the shaft of the Bowden cable reaches a distance of 38 mm. How the InsertControl automatic combustion control works
InsertControl reacts only to differences in the flue gas temperature that take pace within certain peri-
ods. This information is transmitted by the temperature sensor to the controls. Should the temperature
sensor be defective or display a fault, the controls will automatically go into fault mode with 60% shut-
ter opening and no longer changes this position.
The InsertControl software consists of the following 6 program phases.
Ignition phase
Combustion phase (air regulator 60 % (Eco) or 80 % (Normal))
Stoking phase
Ember phase
11 | Installation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Calibration: The calibration (see above) of the controls is carried out when the controls are connected
to the mains or the WLAN is changed, but only if the flue gas temperature is below 80 ° C. In the pro-
cess the control software detects where the positions 0% and 100% shutter opening are on its fireplace
insert. After the controls have detected the two maximum positions, they run to the 0% shutter open-
ing (if the correct program has been chosen) and switches into the Standby phase.
This process requires approximately 10 minutes. Should the flue gas temperature be above 80°C, no
calibration run is carried out. The controls use the data from the last calibration run that was carried
The programming of the controls includes various “Eco” and “Normal” combustion curves. Each of
these two modes is available with the “sliding opening” and “sliding closing” function.
Program overview
Selection wheel Mode Function
Position 0 - Shutter opening, always 60%
Position 1 Normal sliding opening
Position 2 Eco sliding opening
Position 3 Normal sliding closing
Position 4 Eco sliding closing
Selecting the program
Fig.76: Unplugging the power supply
1) Remove power supply from the socket.
2) Remove the three screws and open the control unit
Fig.77: Selecting the program
On the circuit board is a selector switch (1) that by default is
set to position “0”.
3) Select program by setting the arrow of the selector
switch to position 1, 2, 3 or 4 (see “Program Overview”
4) Before closing the controls again, carry out a fresh cal-
ibration by plugging the power supply back in.
ðIf you have selected the correct “sliding closing” or
“sliding opening” function, after the calibration the
controls must complete close the shutter.
ðShould you notice that you have chosen the wrong
program, you can change this in the service menu
of the app.
The InsertControl function can be monitored using the app on iOS and Android Smartphones. To do
so, first load the “InsertControl” app from the iTunes Store or Google Play on to your Smartphone.
When it is connected to the circuit, InsertControl creates a WLAN with the name “ABR_xxxxxxx”
(xxxxxxx = serial number of the controls). You must connect your Smartphone to this network (pass-
word: 12345678). After the app is started, the connection is automatically established.
If desired you can then connect the app to another WLAN (in the app’s settings menu). Please note
that a new calibration run for the controls will then be started.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 12 | Settings
12 Settings
12.1 Adjusting the door
97x45 S
Fig.78: Locking the door lift
1) Unlock door lift.
Fig.79: Opening the door
2) Open door.
12 | Settings EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.80: Adjusting the door at top and bot-
Fig.81: Adjusting the door at the top
Fig.82: Adjusting the door at the bottom
3) The door can be adjusted at the marked places.
4) Lightly undo the screws and align the door.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 12 | Settings
12.2 Adjusting the smoke collector
Fig.83: Turning the smoke collector into the
desired position (view from above)
1) Loosen screws(1).
2) Turn the smoke collector (2) in order to bring it into
the desired position.
3) Tighten screws (1) fully.
Fig.84: Adjusting the smoke collector collar
4) Loosen screws(3).
5) Turn the smoke collector collar (4) in order to bring it
into the desired position.
ðThis allows any desired angle to be achieved by
turning the exhaust collar (4).
ðAll the necessary seals are already glued into the
cast parts.
6) Tighten screws (3) fully.
13 | Commissioning EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
13 Commissioning
13.1 Initial Commissioning
üThe initial commissioning of your fireplace should take place 4 weeks at the earliest after comple-
tion of the cladding, so that all cladding parts are able to dry out completely.
1) Remove all enclosed documents and appliance parts from the fireplace.
2) Read the operating manual through carefully before the initial commissioning.
ðFor optimally lighting we refer you to the section Firing [}auf Seite 104] explained.
ðDuring the first fire after the system has been completed, this should be kept very small in the
first hour and only gradually increased by increasing the amount of wood laid. However the
amount of wood laid per hour may not be exceeded in the process.
ðThe odours during the first fire are caused by the evaporation of sheet metal greases and
binding agents from the varnishing. Although unpleasant, these fumes are completely non-
toxic. We therefore recommend that you well ventilate the room for the first few fires.
To avoid damage you must NEVER operate your Stove a greater quantity of fuel than that specified in
this manual!
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 14 | Operation
14 Operation
14.1 Controls
The appliance series is characterised by being extremely simple to use.
Fig.85: Operating functions on the appli-
1 Convection outlet
2 Door lock
3 Convection inlet
4 Combustion air controller
Fig.86: Door lock - sliding door
Door lock
Opening the door:
Raise lock
Close the door:
Lower lock
Combustion air controller
+ Maximum air feed for fast burning
- Low heat output
I Average heat output
14.2 Before heating up
The stove can only function properly if there is sufficient combustion air coming to the room of installa-
tion (the appliance), specially if several firing installations are being operated at the same time. Ensure
sufficient air supply before heating up. Open the combustion air flap on the appliance and keep it
open for the entire combustion period.
Devices for the supply of combustion air must not be modified.
14 | Operation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
14.3 Fuel
To avoid damage you must NEVER operate your fireplace insert a greater quantity of fuel than that
specified in this manual!
Approved fuel
Dry, properly stored, unrefined log (preferably hard wood) is permitted as fuel for our hybrid stoves
Round wood must be split at least once so that it lights better. The diameter of the split piece of wood
must not exceed 7 cm.
Maximum fuel quantity
Every fireplace insert is designed for a maximum fuel quantity: see Technical Data section.
Clean combustion
To achieve clean, low-emission combustion, dry (relative wood moisture < 20 %) and untreated fire-
wood must be used. (In addition to a lower calorific value, wet wood causes the panes of your fireplace
insert to become tarnished with soot more quickly). Secondly, the correct amount of firewood must be
burnt. Heat responsibly with dry firewood to protect both people and the environment.
Only burn the recommended fuel.
Explosive substances
It is strictly forbidden to burn or introduce highly flammable or explosive substances (empty aerosols
and the like) into the firebox or to store them in the immediate vicinity of your stove. Risk of explosion!
14.4 Firing
To ensure the heating appliance operates correctly and safely, it is important that the chimney gener-
ates the required draught. This must be checked in particular for each initial commissioning (e.g. after
summertime) and in the transitional periods (e.g. strong wind, fog, etc.). For this purpose, hold a
lighted match or cigarette lighter flame to the opened fire door. If the flame is not drawn into the
opening, lift must be created in the chimney by a strong generation of heat (e.g. by paper or kindling).
If this does not succeed, then the stove must not be started up!
1) Turning the combustion air controller regulator com-
pletely to the left to the “+” position
2) If there is a throttle valve, open it fully.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 14 | Operation
Fig.87: Before kindling
3) Lay 2-3 pieces of log (1) (beech, oak, birch) across the
bottom of the firebox.
4) Finely split softwood above it (2).
5) Place a firelighter (3) in the middle and light it.
ðNever use petrol, spirit or similar for ignition!
1 Log
2 Softwood
3 Firelighter
6) As soon as the logs have burned well all around after
a few minutes, close the combustion air controller by
approx. 50% (bring the regulator to the middle posi-
tion) or close the throttle valve, if available, by 50%
(handle to the left).
14.5 Heating
1) Combustion air damper maximum 50% opened (regulator to middle position). Otherwise the
amount of fuel laid burns off too quickly and the temperatures on the appliance become too
2) Throttle valve, if present, 50 % opened. Otherwise the amount of fuel laid burns off quickly.
3) Completely open all available warm air grilles.
4) If there are only embers left in the firebox, stoke up.
14.6 Putting on wood
Please note that the fireplace inserts are not slow-burn fires. These are temporary-burning fires, i.e.
longer continual operation is achieved through repeated stoking up.
No loose or easily flammable items of clothing should be worn when laying the fire.
The right time for stoking up has come when the fuel has burnt down to the ember phase. Further de-
posits of wood are then generally no longer necessary.
14 | Operation EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Putting more wood on:
1) Fully open air control lever.
ðThis prevents any eddies that would allow flue
gases to escape. If there is one, fully open the
throttle valve.
2) Fully open throttle valve.
3) Slowly open door.
4) Put wood on.
5) Close doors.
6) When the wood is burning properly, close the air con-
trol lever back to about ½ position and close throttle
valve again up to 2/3 (turn to the left).
14.7 Heating in the transition period
In the transition period, i.e. during high external temperatures, a sudden temperature rise can disrupt
the chimney draft so that the fuel gases are not completely drawn off. In this case the appliance must
be filled with smaller quantities of fuel and operated with the air damper/-controller on a higher set-
ting so that the available fuel combusts more quickly (with a flame developing) and the chimney draft
stabilized as a result.
To prevent resistance in the firebed, the ashes should be removed more frequently.
14.8 Heating with the ceramic flue (heat recovery surface)
If your system is fitted with a ceramic flue (or with a metal heat recovery surface), the the following must
be observed during heating operation:
During heating operation via the heat recovery surface, the firebox door must not be opened (es-
cape of exhaust gas). When putting more wood on, the deflection flap must first be opened. Only
then can the firebox door be opened.
The deflection of the fuel gases via the heat recovery
surface can take place 15 minutes at the earliest after fir-
ing. Otherwise there is the danger of an uncontrolled
escape of exhaust gas above the door frame.
Turn to the left -> opens flap`
fuel gases are routed directly into the chimney. In
this position the firebox door can be opened.
Turn to the right -> closes flap
fuel gases are routed directly via the heat recovery
surface. This can only take place with the firebox
door closed.
14.9 Operation
We would particularly like to point out at this point that Austroflamm fireplace inserts must only be op-
erated with doors closed. The best efficiency and thus optimal fuel efficiency is achieved in closed op-
Fire hazard
Open operation of Austroflamm fireplace inserts is prohibited.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 15 | Cleaning
15 Cleaning
15.1 Cleaning fireplace insert, fuel gas flues
Fireplace insert & fuel gas flues (if present) must be cleaned at least 1 x per year in order to guarantee
economic and trouble-free operation. Ceramic and metal fuel gas glues are cleaned via the cleaning
openings provided for this purpose. The necessary work should be carried out by the manufacturer of
the system or an appropriate specialist company. For this purpose the conclusion of a maintenance
contract is recommended.
The chimney must likewise be regularly cleaned by the district master chimney sweeper. The latter will
inform you of the necessary intervals.
15.2 Removing ashes
On a regular basis and in good time (at least 1xper week) remove the ashes from the firebox.
If the firebox is not regularly cleaned of ash then there is a danger that the combustion air
openings become blocked and the appliance suffers damage.
To remove the ashes, proceed as follows:
Please note that when removing the ashes, embers could be in the firebox. Remove ashes only when
the fireplace insert is in a cold state.
1) Open the door.
2) Remove ashes with a shovel and brush or with an ash vacuum cleaner.
15.3 Cleaning
1) The fireplace insert may only be cleaned when cold.
2) Before cleaning the glass, the fireplace seat and floor covering must be covered.
3) Spray window with glass cleaner and leave it for a moment to take effect.
ðWe recommend cleaning the glass with our Austroflamm glass cleaner or a commercially
available window cleaner.
4) Rub off dissolved dirt with absorbent cloths or household paper.
5) Prevent door- or window seals from coming into contact with water or cleaner, since these will
otherwise harden and in doing so will no longer function properly. Only intact seals ensure that
your fireplace insert functions flawlessly.
15.3.1 Cleaning the glass on Flach sliding door appliances 2.0
Fig.88: Locking the door lift
1) Unlock door lift.
15 | Cleaning EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Fig.89: Opening the door
2) Open the door.
3) Clean glass with glass cleaner.
15.4 Cleaning the door window
Spray window with glass cleaner and leave it for a moment to take effect.
We recommend cleaning the glass with our Austroflamm glass cleaner or a commercially available
window cleaner.
Prevent door- or window seals from coming into contact with water or cleaner, since these will oth-
erwise harden and in doing so lose their function. Only intact seals ensure that your fireplace insert
functions flawlessly.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 16 | Help
16 Help
Problem Cause Solution
The glass window is sooty Inadequate chimney draft or pos-
sibly too high
from time to time (depending on
use) the window must be cleaned
with glass cleaner
Clarification with chimney sweeper
(poss extend chimney/measure
incorrect operation of the air regu-
It is imperative that the air regulator
is operated in accordance with the
instructions (if secondary air is closed
too far, the glass pane will become
sooty very quickly)
excessively large pieces of log
log too damp
Comply with quantity and size ac-
cording to the instructions
Operating temperature has not been
Use more fuel, dry wood (< 15 % re-
sidual moisture), pay attention to air
The chimney is too short The chimney draft is insufficient Ask your chimney sweep to carry out
a draft measurement
Exhaust ducts and combustion
chamber sooted up
Use more fuel, dry wood (< 15 % re-
sidual moisture), pay attention to air
The fireplace insert emits a strong
odour and smokes externally
Stove-enamelling phase of the var-
During the first heating cycles, the
varnish hardens and smells in the
The fireplace insert surface is dusty/
Keep the surfaces of the fireplace in-
sert clean
Keep the floor area clean around the
fireplace insert
Flue gas escapes when stoking up
and during the heating phase
Chimney draft too low or too strong,
flue pipe connection leaky
Check connection points and if ne-
cessary reseal
Check chimney draft
Door opened before combusted
down to embers
Only stoke up when only embers are
present (no more visible flames)
The fire is too weak and/or goes out Air regulator closed (-) Air regulator open (+)
Wood too damp Are you using dry wood (<15%re-
sidual moisture)?
External temperature too high
The room is not warm enough Convection air grille closed Open convection air grille
Chimney draft too high Clarification with chimney sweeper
(poss shorten chimney/measure
The fire burns down too quickly and
Air regulator open (+) Throttle combustion air supply after
the operating temperature has been
reached in the firebox (+ / -)
Seals worn Check whether the seals on the in-
side of the door are continuous and
in working order, if necessary re-
Firebox door not closed properly Close the firebox door
Chimney draft too high Clarification with chimney sweeper
(poss shorten chimney/measure
16 | Help EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
Problem Cause Solution
Ceramic windows become sooty
very quickly
Unsuitable wood used Use dry unrefined wood. See inform-
ation about this in the Fuel section
Operating temperature not reached Bring fireplace insert to the operat-
ing temperature
Sooting up of the window after 8- 10
hours of fires is normal
Chimney draft too low Contact chimney sweep
16.1 Firebox lining
The lining of your fireplace insert consists of Keramott, a high-quality material with special combustion
properties and an attractive appearance. During or after operation this lining may have superficial hair-
line cracks, which do not however affect functioning. Replacement of such parts is not required!
16.2 What to do in the event of a chimney fire
If fuel used is incorrect or too moist, then due to deposits in the chimney this may lead to a chimney
1) Call the fire department and the district master chimney sweep!
2) Close the combustion air.
3) Enable access to the cleaning openings (e.g. basement and attic).
4) Remove all flammable material from the chimney.
5) Inform your district master chimney sweeper before recommissioning your fireplace insert and
have your chimney checked for any damage.
16.3 What to do in the event of faults
Should faults occur on the fireplace insert, your dealer will require the following details:
Serial number and appliance model as per the nameplate
Original invoice (date of sale)
16.4 What if....?
... the fire smoulders or goes out on its own?
Is the existing throttle valve open?
Is the existing start-up flap (for an installed heat recovery surface) in the correct position?
Is the air controller open (+)?
Are you using dry wood?
Is the external temperature too high (>15C°)?
... the room is not sufficiently warm?
Are the convection air grilles opened?
Is the existing start-up flap conducting the heating gases over the heat recovery surfaces?
Is the chimney draft too high?
... the fire combusts too quickly and uncontrolled?
Has the combustion air supply been throttled after the operating temperature has been reached in
the firebox (+ / -)?
Are the seals on the inside of the door frame in condition all the way round?
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 16 | Help
Is the firebox door correctly closed?
Is the chimney draft too high?
... the ceramic panes become sooty very quickly?
A gradual accumulation of soot by the windows after 8 to 10 hours of fires is normal.
Was dry unrefined wood used?
Has the fireplace insert been brought to operating temperature?
17 | Spare parts EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
17 Spare parts
To order spare parts, please contact your Austroflamm dealer.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 18 | Dismantling
18 Dismantling
For correct uninstallation and dismantling of the fireplace insert, contact your Austroflamm specialist
19 | Disposal EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
19 Disposal
To dispose of the fireplace insert properly, get in touch with the local (possibly municipal) waste dis-
posal company.
We recommend that you remove those components of the fireplace insert which have been in contact
with fire such as window, combustion chamber, grates, firebox lining (Keramott), ceramic, sensors and
baffle plates and dispose of them in the household waste.
For correct uninstallation and dismantling of the fireplace insert, contact your Austroflamm specialist
Electric and electronic components
Remove the electric and electronic components from the appliance by dismounting them. These com-
ponents must not be disposed of via non-recyclable waste. Disposal should be carried out profession-
ally via the electrical and electronic waste return system.
Remove Keramott components. If present, fastening elements must be removed beforehand. Ker-
amott components that have been in contact with fire or flue gas must be disposed of. Reuse or recyc-
ling is not possible. Local disposal options must be observed.
Steel sheet
Disassemble steel-sheet components of the appliance by mechanical crushing. If present, remove
seals beforehand. Dispose of steel sheet parts as metal scrap. Local disposal options must be ob-
Cast iron
Disassemble cast-iron components of the appliance by unscrewing or flexing them from one another,
or alternatively by mechanical crushing. If present, remove seals beforehand. Dispose of the cast-iron
parts as metal scrap. Local disposal options must be observed.
Natural stone
Mechanically remove any natural stone present from the appliance and dispose of it as construction
waste. Local disposal options must be observed.
Fittings etc. (for water-carrying appliances)
Disassemble the components for carrying water by unscrewing and removing them and dispose of
them as metal scrap. Local disposal options must be observed.
Seals (glass fibre)
Mechanically remove the seals from the appliance. These components must not be disposed of via
non-recyclable waste.as glass fibre waste cannot be destroyed through burning. Dispose of seals as
glass- and ceramic fibre waste (artificial mineral fibres (AMF)). Local disposal options must be ob-
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 19 | Disposal
Handles and decorative elements made of metal
If present, disassemble or remove handles and decorative elements made of metal and dispose of as
metal scrap. Local disposal options must be observed.
20 | Guarantee and warranty EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
20 Guarantee and warranty
1) Warranty statement: For your AUSTROFLAMM fireplace insert, we guarantee the flawless perform-
ance of the body for six years, and of all other steel and cast iron components for two years from
the date of first sale.
Steel and cast-iron parts that manifest material- and or processing defects during the guarantee
period (warranty case) will be replaced for new parts provided that the warranty case has been as-
serted to the best of the holder’s knowledge within the statutory warranty period. Functional prob-
lems with electronic accessories (e.g. Insert Control automatic air control) shall only justify a war-
ranty claim for the particular accessory.
Our warranty only covers the free delivery of the new parts: work- and travel times are not recor-
2) Exceptions: We do not provide a guarantee on wear parts (e.g. Keramott, seals and grate), surface
coatings, varnish, glass and ceramics. In the case of such defects no warranty case has occurred .
When heating up, during operation and when cooling down, your fireplace insert may produce
some noise (crackling, soft clicking). This is caused by the various materials expanding and con-
tracting under the influence of temperature in your fireplace insert. Noise of this kind does not con-
stitute a warranty claim and do not constitute a warranty claim.
The territorial scope of validity of our guarantee covers Austria and Germany. In all other countries,
separate conditions of the importer apply to the respective country.
No warranty case occurs if your Austroflamm fireplace insert is not located within the territorial
scope of validity, which does not change if it is transported or dispatched by Austroflamm.”
3) Requirements: A warranty case shall only then be replaceable if your Austroflamm fireplace insert
has been operated, maintained, installed and commissioned by a specialist authorized by Austro-
flamm, all in compliance with the user handbook. For the replaceability of the warranty case the
start-up log must be received by Austroflamm within one month at the latest of the initial commis-
sioning. In order to make a claim on the warranty, repairs to your fireplace insert must only be car-
ried out by a service engineer authorized by Austroflamm.
The warranty claim is asserted with the invoice and serial number with the Austroflamm specialist
dealer via whom the purchase was made. An unjustified warranty claim will be charged back to
4) Guarantee: This guarantee does not affect your statutory warranty rights towards us. Should your
Austroflamm fireplace insert already be defective at the point of handover, you can always connect
us within the framework of the statutory warrant regardless of whether there is a warranty claim or
the guarantee is claimed.
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 21 | Start up log
21 Start up log
Operator / Customer Dealer / Engineer
Name Company
Street Street
Town and postal code Town and postal code
Telephone Telephone
Email Email
Fireplace insert Working Comments
Serial number
On-site conditions
Type of chimney
[ ] brick [ ] stainless steel [ ] firebrick
Flue pipe diameter:
Chimney diameter: Draft: Actual value:
Target value: >12Pa
Chimney height: Outside temperature during draft measurement:
Controlled living space ventilation [ ] yes [ ] no External air supply conduit [ ] yes [ ] no
Instructions for Operator / Customer
Instructions for handling the appliance explained
clearly and comprehensibly
Appliance test heated together with the customer
Terms of the guarantee and warranty explained Cleaning and maintenance interval explained
[ ] glove [ ] user instructions handed over
The customer confirms that the fireplace insert has been handed over in a fully functional state and
free of defects.
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Place, date Signature Operator / Customer Signature Technician
22 | Service Report EN Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II
22 Service Report
Date Technicians Notes Work carried out,
replacement parts installed
Operating manual Fireplace inserts slied flat + II EN 22 | Service Report
Date Technicians Notes Work carried out,
replacement parts installed
Notizen / notes / appunti / remarques
Notizen / notes / appunti / remarques
Austroflamm-Platz 1
A- 4631 Krenglbach
Tel: +43 (0) 7249 / 46 443
Typenschild (Duplikat)
Type plate (duplicate)
Targhetta (duplicato)
Plaque signalétique (duplicata)
Final inspection
Controllo finale
Contrôle final
Technische Funktion
technical function / funzione tecnica / fonction technique
Lackierung / paint / vernice / peinture
Sauberkeit / cleanliness / pulizia / propreté
Vollständigkeit / completeness / completo / complet
Geprüft von / checked by / controlled da / contrôlé par
Datum / date / data / date

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Enter your email address to receive the manual of Austroflamm Fireplace inserts slied flat II - Kamineinsatz Schieb flach II in the language / languages: English as an attachment in your email.

The manual is 14.06 mb in size.


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Others manual(s) of Austroflamm Fireplace inserts slied flat II - Kamineinsatz Schieb flach II

Austroflamm Fireplace inserts slied flat II - Kamineinsatz Schieb flach II User Manual - German - 124 pages

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