Fade (remove intro/outro) : Attempts to remove the
dead air intro or outro segments and creates a
crossfade point based on the selected Automix Length
Fade (remove silence) : Keeps the entire track from
beginning to end while removing any dead air or silence
that may be present in the track and creates a
crossfade point based on the selected Automix Length
Fade (remove nothing) : Keeps the entire track from
beginning to end and creates a crossfade point based
on the selected Automix Length
None (back-to-back) : This is a simple cut mix that
plays the files from complete start to finish including any
air gaps at the beginning or end
Length used for the Automix Fade types. Lengths are 0
seconds (cut), or 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 seconds fades using
the full crossfade.
Choose if the already played tracks from Automix
operation will be automatically removed from the list or