6.8 Games
This game is a classical game. Detailed operations:
(1) Use the key 4/6 or Left/Right key to move. (2) Use the key 2 or Up key to
rotate. (3) Use the key 8 or Down key to speed up. (4) Use the key 5 to pause or
continue. (5) You can select "Setting" -> "Set Speed", press Left/Right key to
adjust the speed.
The puzzle is most frequently a 9x9 grid made up of 3x3 subgrids (called
"regions"). Some cells already contain numbers, known as "givens". The goal is
to fill in the empty cells, one number in each, so that each column, row, and
region contains the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. Each number in the
solution therefore occurs only once in each of three "directions", hence the
"single numbers" implied by the puzzle's name. Use the Left/Right, Up/Down
key to move cursor, press the 1-9 key to input number, press the 0 key to input a
Box Man
The goal of this game is to move the boxes to the appointed places. Detailed
Press the Left/Right, Up/Down key or the keys 4/6, 2/8 to move the porter to
push the box. Press the key "*" to back a step, press the key "#" to start the
game again.
6.9 Sim Tool Kit
If your network operator offers such a service and you have subscribed
for it, you will be able to use this function. If you insert a SIM card with