Do It Later 40
- adding to-do tasks 40
- calling back now 41
- catching up on my online reading now
- see also Reading the pages later 34
- deleting to-do tasks 41
- emailing now 41
- prioritizing to-do tasks 40
Dual SIM feature
- see Micro SIM cards 46
Email 35
- adding 36
- emailing later 37
- see also Emailing now 41
- event invites 37
- see also Gmail 36
- setting up 35
Extension number 48
- auto dialing 49
- conrmation prompt 48
- dialing 48
- calling 50
- marking up 55
- see also Contacts 53
File Manager 43
- accessing the cloud storage 43
- accessing the external storage 43
- accessing the internal storage 43
First-time startup 18
Flashlight 90
Gallery 71
-deleting les 73
- editing images 73
- posting photos to Calendar event wall 74
- sharing les 73
- viewing les from social network or cloud
storage 71
- viewing the photo location 72
GIF animation 70
- see also Advanced camera features 67
- setting up 36
HDR 67
- see also Advanced camera features 67
- connecting 59
Home screen 23
- extended 29
- notication icons 24
- personalizing 27
- see also App shortcuts 27
- see also Wallpapers 28
- see also Widgets 27
Lock screen 31
- customizing 31
- customizing the quick access buttons 32
- see also Securing your Zen device 98
Low light 67
- see also Advanced camera features 67
Messaging 56
- blocking 57
- forwarding a message thread 57
- launching 56
- other messaging options 58
- replying 57
- sending 57
Micro SIM cards 46
- assigning a preferred micro SIM card 47
- data service 47
- voice calls 47
Miniature 69
- see also Advanced camera features 67
MiniMovie 75
Mobile network 76
Multiple calls 52
- answering another call 52
Music 60
- launching 60
- other playback options 61
- playing songs 60
- see Cloud music 61
- see Playlist 62
- see also Advanced camera features 67