Advanced camera features 64
All Smiles 68
- see also Advanced camera features 64
App shortcuts 27
- adding 27
- removing 27
Audio Wizard 121
Backup and reset 126
Beautication 66
- see also Advanced camera features 64
Bluetooth 99
- enabling 99
- pairing 100
- unpairing 100
Browser 73
- adding a new tab 74
- bookmarking pages 74
- clearing the browser cache 76
- launching 73
- reading the pages later 74
- see also Catching up on my online reading
now 87
- sharing pages 74
- smartly read online 75
Calculator 116
Calendar 78
- adding accounts 78
- creating an event from your account 79
- creating events 78
- enabling alerts 79
Camera 59
- Camera home screen 61
- rst-time use 60
- Image settings 62
- launching 59
- see Advanced camera features 64
- Video settings 63
Clock 104
- alarm clock 105
- launching 104
- stopwatch 105
- timer 106
- world clock 104
Cloud music
- adding cloud account 96
- streaming 96
Contacts 39
- adding 41
- customizing your contact’s prole 41
- exporting 45
- importing 45
- launching 39
- see also Social networking 46
- see also VIPs 42
- setting up your prole 39
Data Transfer 92
Date and time
- setting up 31
Do It Later 86
- adding to-do tasks 86
- catching up on my online reading now
- see also Reading the pages later 74
- prioritizing to-do tasks 86
Email 76
- adding 77
- see also Gmail 77
- setting up 76
Event-related alerts 82
- cancelled event alert 83
- rescheduled event alert 83
- start event alert 82
- marking up 44
- see also Contacts 39
File Manager 90
- accessing the cloud storage 90
- accessing the external storage 90
- accessing the internal storage 90
First-time startup 17
Gallery 70
-deleting les 72
- editing images 72
- sharing les 72