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May 2014
First Edition
Conventions used ........................................................................................................................9
Care and safety .......................................................................................................................... 10
Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Proper disposal ...................................................................................................................................................11
1 Get your Zen ready!
Parts and features ..............................................................................................................................................14
Installing a memory card ................................................................................................................................15
Charging your ASUS Tablet ............................................................................................................................19
Turning your ASUS Tablet on or o .............................................................................................................22
Using the optional ASUS Mobile dock .......................................................................................................25
2 There’s no place like Home
Zen Home features .................................................................................................................... 34
Home screen ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Managing your home ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Quick settings ......................................................................................................................................................40
ASUS keyboard settings ..................................................................................................................................44
Voice Search .........................................................................................................................................................45
Lock Screen ..........................................................................................................................................................48
Connecting your ASUS Tablet to your computer .................................................................... 49
Connecting with your notebook .................................................................................................................. 49
Connecting with your desktop PC ............................................................................................................... 50
3 Organizing contacts
Managing contacts .................................................................................................................... 52
Adding contacts .................................................................................................................................................52
Importing contacts ............................................................................................................................................53
Exporting contacts ............................................................................................................................................54
4 Stay in touch with Omlet Chat
Omlet Chat ................................................................................................................................. 56
Registering to Omlet Chat ..............................................................................................................................56
Using Omlet chat ...............................................................................................................................................59
Sending multimedia messages .....................................................................................................................60
5 Access your emails
Email ........................................................................................................................................... 62
Setting up an email account .......................................................................................................................... 62
Adding email accounts ....................................................................................................................................63
Gmail .......................................................................................................................................... 64
Setting up a Gmail account ............................................................................................................................ 64
6 Capture moments
Launching the Camera app ....................................................................................................... 68
From the lock screen .........................................................................................................................................68
From the home screen .....................................................................................................................................68
From the All Apps screen ................................................................................................................................68
Using the volume key ....................................................................................................................................... 68
Using Camera for the rst time................................................................................................. 69
Tutorial ................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Image Locations .................................................................................................................................................69
Camera home screen ................................................................................................................. 70
Image settings.....................................................................................................................................................71
Video settings ......................................................................................................................................................73
Advanced camera features ....................................................................................................... 74
Time Rewind ........................................................................................................................................................74
HDR .........................................................................................................................................................................75
Panorama .............................................................................................................................................................. 75
Night ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Sele .......................................................................................................................................................................77
Miniature ...............................................................................................................................................................78
Smart remove ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
All Smiles ............................................................................................................................................................... 79
Beautication ......................................................................................................................................................80
GIF animation ...................................................................................................................................................... 80
Time lapse .............................................................................................................................................................81
Party Link ................................................................................................................................... 82
Sharing photos ...................................................................................................................................................82
Receiving photos ...............................................................................................................................................84
7 Gallery
Using the Gallery ....................................................................................................................... 86
Main screen .......................................................................................................................................................... 86
Viewing les from other source locations .................................................................................................87
Sharing les from the gallery .........................................................................................................................88
Deleting les from the gallery .......................................................................................................................88
Editing an image ................................................................................................................................................89
Zooming in/out the thumbnails or an image .......................................................................................... 89
8 Work hard, play harder
Supernote .................................................................................................................................. 92
Creating a notebook ......................................................................................................................................... 94
Sharing a notebook on the Cloud ................................................................................................................94
Sharing a note to the Cloud ...........................................................................................................................94
Calendar ..................................................................................................................................... 96
Creating an event from your ASUS Tablet .................................................................................................96
Adding an account to Calendar .................................................................................................................... 96
Creating an event from your account .........................................................................................................97
Whats Next ................................................................................................................................ 98
Do It Later ................................................................................................................................... 99
Accessing or creating to-do tasks ................................................................................................................99
Weather .................................................................................................................................... 100
Weather home screen ................................................................................................................................... 101
Clock ......................................................................................................................................... 102
Launching Clock .............................................................................................................................................. 102
World Clock ....................................................................................................................................................... 103
Alarm clock ........................................................................................................................................................ 104
Stopwatch .......................................................................................................................................................... 105
Timer .................................................................................................................................................................... 106
File Manager ............................................................................................................................ 108
Accessing the internal storage ................................................................................................................... 108
Accessing the external storage device .................................................................................................... 109
Accessing Cloud Storage .............................................................................................................................. 110
9 The Internet
Browser ..................................................................................................................................... 112
Launching Browser from the lock screen ............................................................................................... 112
Launching Browser from the home screen ........................................................................................... 112
Sharing a page ................................................................................................................................................. 112
10 Fun and entertainment
Using headset .......................................................................................................................... 114
Connecting audio jack .................................................................................................................................. 114
Audio Wizard ............................................................................................................................ 115
Using Audio Wizard ........................................................................................................................................ 115
Play Games ............................................................................................................................... 116
Using Play Games............................................................................................................................................ 116
Music ......................................................................................................................................... 118
Launching Music ............................................................................................................................................. 118
Playing songs from your device ................................................................................................................. 118
Playing songs from your SD card .............................................................................................................. 118
Playing songs from the Cloud .................................................................................................................... 119
Sound recorder ........................................................................................................................ 120
Launching Sound Recorder ......................................................................................................................... 120
Sound Recorder home screen .................................................................................................................... 120
11 Maintain your Zen
Keeping your device up-to-date ............................................................................................ 122
Updating your system ................................................................................................................................... 122
Storage ..................................................................................................................................... 122
Backup and reset ..................................................................................................................... 123
Securing your ASUS Tablet ..................................................................................................... 124
Unlocking your screen .................................................................................................................................. 124
12 Connect your Zen
Wi-Fi .......................................................................................................................................... 134
Enabling Wi-Fi ................................................................................................................................................... 134
Connecting to a Wi-Fi network .................................................................................................................. 134
Disabling Wi-Fi ................................................................................................................................................. 135
® .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 135
Enabling Bluetooth® ...................................................................................................................................... 135
Pairing your ASUS Tablet to a Bluetooth® device ................................................................................ 136
Unpairing your ASUS Tablet from the Bluetooth® device ................................................................ 136
PlayTo ....................................................................................................................................... 137
The Cloud ................................................................................................................................. 138
ASUS WebStorage ........................................................................................................................................... 138
13 App essentials
Switching apps......................................................................................................................... 140
Locking apps ............................................................................................................................ 140
Downloading apps .................................................................................................................. 141
14 There’s more to your Zen
Power saver .............................................................................................................................. 144
Setting up Power Saver ................................................................................................................................. 144
Customizing Power Saver ............................................................................................................................ 145
ASUS Splendid ......................................................................................................................... 146
Notices ...................................................................................................................................... 148
Conventions used
To highlight key information in this manual, some text are presented as follows:
IMPORTANT! This message contains vital information that must be followed to complete a task.
NOTE: This message contains additional information and tips that can help complete tasks.
CAUTION! This message contains important information that must be followed to keep you safe while performing
tasks and prevent damage to your ASUS Tablet data and components.
Care and safety
Road safety comes rst. We strongly recommend not to use your device when driving or operating any
type of vehicle.
This device should only be used in environments with ambient temperatures between 5°C (41°F) and
35°C (95°F).
Turn o your device in restricted areas where the use of mobile devices is prohibited. Always obey rules
and regulations when in restricted areas, such as, in aircraft, movie theater, in hospitals or near medical
equipment, near gas or fuel, construction sites, blasting sites and other areas.
Use only AC adapters and cables approved by ASUS for use with this device. Refer to the rating label on
the bottom of your device and ensure that your power adapter complies with this rating.
Do not use damaged power cables, accessories, and other peripherals with your device.
Keep your device dry. Do not use or expose your device near liquids, rain, or moisture.
You can put your device through x-ray machines (such as those used in conveyor belts for airport
security), but do not expose the device to magnetic detectors and wands.
The device screen is made of glass. If the glass gets broken, stop using the device and do not touch the
broken glass parts. Immediately send device for repair to ASUS-qualied service personnel.
Do not listen at high volume levels for long periods to prevent possible hearing damage.
Disconnect the AC power before cleaning your device. Use only a clean cellulose sponge or chamois
cloth when cleaning your device screen.
Send device for repair to ASUS-qualied service personnel only.
Proper disposal
Do not throw your device in municipal waste. This product has been designed to enable proper reuse
of parts and recycling. The symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the product (electrical,
electronic equipment and mercury-containing button cell battery) should not be placed in municipal
waste. Check local regulations for disposal of electronic products.
Do not throw the battery in municipal waste. The symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that
the battery should not be placed in municipal waste.
Get your Zen ready!
1 Get your Zen ready!
Parts and features
Take a hold of your device and have it up and running in a jiy.
IMPORTANT! Keep the device, particularly the touch screen, dry all the time. Water or other liquids can cause the
touch screen to malfunction.
Touch screen
Front camera
Power/lock button
Volume keys
Rear camera
Memory card slot*
Audio speaker
Audio speaker
Hinge hole
Dock port
Hinge hole
Installing a memory card
Your ASUS Tablet supports a microSD™, microSDHC™, and microSDXC™ memory card with up to 64 GB of
NOTE: Some memory cards may not be compatible with your ASUS Tablet. Ensure that you use only compatible
memory cards to prevent loss of data, damage to your device, or memory card, or both.
CAUTION! Be extra careful when handling a memory card. ASUS is not responsible for any data loss or damage
incurred to your memory card.
To install a memory card:
1. Orient your device as shown.
NOTE: After installing a formatted memory card, you can access its contents from File Manager > MicroSD.
2. Align a memory card with its metal contacts facing up and insert it into the memory card slot.
3. Push the memory card all the way into the slot until it is seated rmly in place.
Removing memory card
• Beextracarefulwhenhandlingamemorycard.ASUSisnotresponsibleforanydatalossordamageincurredto
your memory card.
• Ejectthememorycardproperlytosafelyremoveitfromdevice.Toejectthememorycard,gotoHome > All
Apps > Settings > Storage > Unmount external storage.
To remove a memory card:
1. Orient your device as shown.
2. Press the memory card to eject.
3. Pull out the memory card.
Charging your ASUS Tablet
Your ASUS Tablet comes partially charged but you must charge it fully before using it for the rst time. Read
the following important notices and cautions before charging your device.
• UseonlythebundledACpoweradapterandmicro-USBcabletochargeyourASUSTablet.UsingadierentAC
power adapter and cable may damage your device.
• PeelotheprotectivelmontheACpoweradapterandmicro-USBcablebeforeusingitwithyourdevice.
• EnsuretoplugtheACpoweradaptertoacompatiblepoweroutlet.YoucanplugtheACpoweradaptertoany
compatible 100~240 V outlet.
• TheoutputvoltageoftheACpoweradapterforthisdeviceisDC5.2V,1.35A.
• WhenusingyourASUSTabletwhileplugged-intoapoweroutlet,thepoweroutletmustbenearyourdevice
and easily accessible.
• Toconserveelectricity,unplugtheACpoweradapterfromthepoweroutletwhennotinuse.
• DonotplaceheavyobjectsontopofyourASUSTablet.
• Whilecharging,yourASUSTabletcanbecomewarm.Thisisnormal,however,ifyourdevicebecomesunusually
hot, disconnect the micro-USB cable from your device and send the device, including the AC power adapter
and cable to an ASUS-qualied service personnel.
• TopreventanydamagetoyourASUSTablet,ACadapter,ormicro-USBcable.Ensurethatthemicro-USBcable,
AC adapter, and your device are connected properly before charging.
To charge your ASUS Tablet:
1. Connect the micro USB cable to the AC power adapter.
2. Plug the AC power adapter to a grounded power outlet.
3. Connect the micro USB cable to your ASUS Tablet.
• ChargeyourASUSTabletforeight(8)hoursbeforeusingitinbatterymodeforthersttime.
• Thestatusofbatterychargeisindicatedbythefollowingicons:
Low Not Charging Charging Full
4. When fully-charged, disconnect the USB cable from your ASUS Tablet rst before unplugging the AC
power adapter from the power outlet.
• Youcanuseyourdevicewhilechargingbutitmaytakelongertofullychargethedevice.
• ChargingyourdeviceviaUSBportofacomputermaytakelongertofullychargethedevice.
• IfyourcomputerdoesnotprovideenoughpowerforchargingviaUSBport,chargeyourASUSTabletusingthe
AC power adapter plugged to a power outlet instead.
Turning your ASUS Tablet on or o
Turning your device on
To turn your device on, press and hold the power button until your device starts up.
Turning your device o
To turn your device o:
1. If your screen is turned o, press the power button to turn it on. If your screen is locked, unlock the device
2. Press and hold the power button, then when prompted, tap Power o then tap OK.
Sleep mode
To put your device in sleep mode, press the power button once until the screen turns o.
First time use
When you turn your ASUS Tablet on for the rst time, Setup Wizard will guide you through the setup process.
Follow the on-screen instructions to select your language, select input methods, setup your mobile network
and Wi-Fi, sync accounts, and congure your location services.
Use your Google or ASUS account to setup your device, if you do not have a Google or ASUS account yet, go
ahead and create one.
Google Account
Using a Google Account allows you to fully utilize these Android OS features:
• Organizeandseeallyourinformationfromanywhere.
• Automaticallybackupallyourdata.
• LeverageGoogleservicesconvenientlyfromanywhere.
ASUS Account
Having an ASUS Account gets you to enjoy the following perks:
• PersonalizedASUSsupportserviceandwarrantyextensionforregisteredproducts.
• Free5GBofCloudstoragespacewithanadditional11GBfortherstyearofsubscription.
• Receivethelatestdeviceandrmwareupdates.
NOTE: You can also use the Setup Wizard to recongure your device, any time at your convenience. From the Home
Screen go to All Apps > Setup Wizard.
Battery power conservation tips
The battery charge is the lifeline of your ASUS Tablet. Here are some battery power conservation tips that
helps preserve the power of your ASUS Tablet’s battery.
When not in use, press the power button to put the device in sleep mode.
Activate Smart Saving in Power Saver app.
Set audio to Power Saving mode.
Decrease brightness of display.
Keep the speaker volume to a low level.
Disable Wi-Fi feature.
Disable Bluetooth feature.
Disable Miracast feature.
Disable GPS.
Disable the screen auto-rotate feature.
Disable all auto-sync features in your device.
Using the optional ASUS Mobile dock
If you purchased an optional ASUS Mobile dock, you can connect your ASUS Tablet to support additional
features such as keyboard, touchpad, and USB 2.0 functions.
Parts and features
USB 2.0 port
Release button
Dock connector
Latch hook
Latch hook
Docking your ASUS Tablet
To dock your ASUS Tablet:
1. Put the ASUS Mobile dock in a at and stable surface.
2. Align the ASUS Tablet with the ASUS Mobile dock.
NOTE: Use the triangle mark of the ASUS Tablet and the triangle mark on the ASUS Mobile dock's release button to
align both devices.
3. Firmly insert the ASUS Tablet into the hinge of the ASUS Mobile dock. Ensure that the latch hooks are fully
inserted to the hinge holes of your ASUS Tablet.
IMPORTANT! Always pick up the entire assembly from the bottom when your ASUS Tablet is attached to the ASUS
Mobile dock.
Triangle mark
Triangle mark
Using the special keys
The special keys on your ASUS Mobile dock have stand-alone functions and some must be used with the
function key <Fn>.
NOTE: The location of the special keys may vary with country or region.
Returns to previous page.
Activates sleep mode.
Toggles the wireless LAN ON or OFF.
Toggles the touchpad ON or OFF.
Decreases the display brightness.
Increases the display brightness.
Captures the screen image.
Launches the Settings app.
Deletes text.
Returns to the previous track when playing music.
Starts playing music from your playlist. It also resumes or pauses the current playback.
Fast forwards or skips to the next track during playback.
Mutes the speaker.
Decreases the speaker volume.
Increases the speaker volume.
Returns to Home Screen.
Activates the properties menu and is equivalent to or on the screen.
Press <Fn> and the arrow keys to scroll up and down or scroll to the
start and end of a document or web page.
Using the touchpad
Perform these gestures to activate and move the pointer on screen.
Finger slide
Slide your nger across the touchpad to move the
Single tap to select an item. Double-tap to launch
an item.
Tap/Double tap
Drag and drop
Select an item then press and hold the left-click
button. Using your other nger, slide down the
touchpad to drag and drop the item to a new
Two-nger scroll (left/right)
Slide two ngers to scroll left or right.
Two-nger scroll (up/down)
Slide two ngers to scroll up or down.
Two-nger tap and hold
Use two ngers to hold a selected item.
Undocking your ASUS Tablet
To undock your ASUS Tablet:
1. Put the entire assembly in a at and stable surface.
2. Press the release button on the ASUS Mobile dock to release the ASUS Tablet.
3. Lift the ASUS Tablet to detach it from the ASUS Mobile dock.
NOTE: The input voltage of the ASUS Mobile dock is DC 3.75 V, 0.8 A.
Theres no place like Home
2 There’s no place like Home
Zen Home features
Home screen
Get reminders of important events, app and system updates, weather forecasts, and text messages from
people who really matter to you, right from your Home screen.
Swipe the Home screen to the left or right to display the extended Home screen
Swipe down this area to display System notications
Swipe down this area to display Quick settings
Tap to update Weather settings
Tap to display Time settings
Tap to open an app
Tap to open All Apps screen
Understanding icons
These icons are shown on the status bar and will guide you of the current status of your ASUS Tablet.
This icon shows the signal strength of your Wi-Fi connection.
This icon shows the battery status of your ASUS Tablet.
This icon shows that a microSD card is inserted in your ASUS Tablet.
This icon shows that you took screenshots of your ASUS Tablet.
This icon shows that your ASUS Tablet is on Airplane mode.
This icon shows that Wi-Fi hotspot of your ASUS Tablet is enabled.
This icon shows that Smart Saving mode is enabled.
This icon shows that Silent mode is enabled.
This icon shows the download status of an app or le.
This icon shows downloaded apps and updates.
Managing your home
Stamp your own personality to your Home screen. Select an attractive design as your wallpaper, add shortcuts
for quick access to your fave apps, and add widgets for a quick review of important info. You can also add
more pages so you can add and quickly access or review more apps or widgets on your Home screen.
• Toadditemstohome,tapandholdanemptyareaonyourHomescreenandselectanyofthese
categories: Apps, Widgets, Wallpaper, and Edit page.
• TogothroughthepagesofyourHomescreen,swipeleftorright.
App shortcuts
Add shortcuts to quickly access your often-used apps right from your Home screen.
To add an app shortcut:
1. Tap and hold an empty area on your Home screen and select Apps.
2. From All Apps, tap and hold an app, then drag it to an empty area on your Home screen.
To remove an app shortcut:
From your Home screen, tap and hold an app, then drag it to X Remove on the top of your screen.
Add widgets for a quick review of your calendar, maps, battery status, and more.
To add a widget:
1. Tap and hold an empty area on your Home screen and select Widgets.
2. From Widgets, tap and hold a widget, then drag it to an empty area on your Home screen.
To remove an app shortcut:
From your Home screen, tap and hold a widget, then drag it to X Remove on the top of your screen.
NOTE: You can also tap on your Home screen to view All Apps and Widgets.
Let your apps, icons, and other Zen elements sit on an attractively designed wallpaper. You may add a
translucent background tint to your wallpaper for readability and clarity. You can also select an animated
wallpaper to make your screen come alive.
Tap to apply a background tint
Tap to select the background tint
Move the slider to adjust the
transparency of the wallpaper
Tap to select a wallpaper
Tap to apply the wallpaper settings
Applying wallpaper and background tint
To apply wallpaper and background tint:
1. Tap and hold an empty area on your Home screen and select Wallpapers.
2. Select where you want your wallpaper: on your Home screen, Lock screen, or Home screen and Lock
screen. If you do not want to add a background tint to your wallpaper, skip to step 5.
3. Tick Background tint, then adjust the transparency level.
4. Tap then select a color.
5. Select a wallpaper, then tap Apply.
• AbackgroundtintcanbeappliedtoyourHomescreen,orHomescreenandLockscreen.
• Youcanalsosetupyourwallpapersettingsfrom > Settings > Display.
Applying an animated wallpaper
To apply an animated wallpaper:
1. Tap and hold an empty area on your Home screen and select Wallpapers.
2. Select where you want your wallpaper: on your Home screen, or Home Screen and Lock screen.
3. Select an animated wallpaper, then tap Apply.
NOTE: You can also set up your wallpaper settings from > Settings > Display.
Quick settings
Enable functions with just one tap and personalize your ASUS Tablet using Quick settings. This unique Zen
feature also shows system notications that help you track recent updates and changes on your ASUS Tablet.
You can launch Quick settings anytime you need it, even if you are currently using an app on your ASUS Tablet.
Launching Quick settings
Swipe down from the upper right corner of your ASUS Tablets screen.
Tap these buttons to enable or disable
their functions.
Slide left or right to adjust the screens
Tap to open Settings.
Tap to enable/disable features in Quick
Tap to view current System notications.
Tap these buttons to quick-launch
these utilities.
Access settings
Tap to launch your ASUS Tablets Settings app.
View ASUS Quick
settings list
Tap to view the current list of features that you can enable or disable from the
Quick settings notication panel.
View system
Tap to view the current updates and changes made on your ASUS Tablet.
Go back to the Quick
settings home screen
From the System notications screen, tap to go back to the home screen.
Access Display settings
Tap to launch the Display app.
Inside Quick settings
Use Quick settings as a one-tap access for some of the features and programs of your ASUS Tablet.
Using the Quick settings Notication Panel
The Quick settings Notication Panel provides a one-tap access to some of the wireless features and settings
of your ASUS Tablet. Each of these features are represented by a button.
NOTE: A blue button indicates that the feature is currently enabled while a gray button indicates a disabled
Adding or removing buttons
To add or remove existing buttons from the ASUS Quick Settings notication panel:
1. Launch Quick settings then tap .
2. Tap the box beside the feature to add or remove it from the ASUS Quick Setting Notication Panel.
NOTE: A checked box indicates that the feature's button is accessible via the ASUS Quick Settings Notication
Panel while an unchecked box means the opposite.
3. Swipe down from the upper right corner to view the current ASUS Quick Settings notication panel.
Using System notications
Inside System notications, you can see the latest updates done and system changes made on your ASUS
Tablet. Most of these changes are data and system-related. The System notications screen is intuitive and can
be navigated through the following ways:
Tap this to delete all of the listed notications.
Swipe the notication to the left or
right to remove it from the list.
Tap on the notication to view its
ASUS keyboard settings
Create SMS messages, emails, and log-in passwords using your ASUS Tablets touch keyboard.
To access the ASUS keyboard settings:
1. Launch Quick settings then tap .
2. Scroll down the Settings screen then select Language & input.
3. Tap beside ASUS Keyboard.
4. Congure the settings according to your personal preferences.
Voice Search
Make voice commands to your ASUS Tablet then watch it listen and take action using the Voice Search app.
Using Voice Search, you can make voice commands to accomplish the following:
• SearchfordataandinformationonlineoronyourASUSTablet
• LaunchappsinsideyourASUSTablet
• Getdirectionsgoingtoalocation
IMPORTANT! Your ASUS Tablet must be connected to the Internet to be able to use this feature.
Launching Voice Search
1. Tap > Voice Search.
2. Once the mic icon turns red, start saying your voice command.
NOTE: Speak clearly and use concise phrases when talking to your ASUS Tablet. It also helps to start your
commands with a verb related to the ASUS Tablet feature you want to use.
Customizing voice search results from the Tablet search group
If you want to set parameters for the voice search results gathered from your Google account and your ASUS
Tablets data, you may do so using the following steps:
1. On your ASUS Tablets home screen, tap > Voice Search.
2. Tap > Settings.
3. Tap Tablet search then tick the box of the search groups you would like to include as source when using
Voice Search.
Lock Screen
By default, the lock screen appears after turning on your device and while waking it up from sleep mode. From
the lock screen, you can proceed to your devices Android® system by swiping on your touch screen panel.
Your device’s lock screen can also be customized to regulate access to your mobile data and apps.
Customizing your lock screen
If you want to change your lock screen settings from the default Swipe option, refer to the following steps:
1. Launch Quick settings then tap .
2. From the Settings screen, tap Lock screen then tap Screen lock.
3. Tap the screen lock option you would like to use.
Connecting your ASUS Tablet to your computer
Connect your ASUS Tablet to your computer’s USB port to charge it or transfer les between devices.
• ChargingthroughaUSBportofacomputermaytakelongertimetocomplete.
• IfyourcomputerdoesnotprovideenoughpowerforchargingtheASUSTablet,chargeyourASUSTabletviathe
grounded power outlet instead.
Connecting with your notebook
To connect your ASUS Tablet to your computer:
1. Plug the micro USB connector into your ASUS Tablet.
2. Plug the USB connector to the USB port of your computer.
Connecting with your desktop PC
Organizing contacts
3 Organizing contacts
Managing contacts
Add, import, or export your contacts from your email accounts to your ASUS Tablet and vice-versa.
Adding contacts
To add contacts:
1. Tap then tap Contacts.
2. Tap then select the account that you want to save your contact:
a. E-mail account
b. Device
3. Follow the succeeding onscreen instructions to add and save the new contact.
NOTE: If you don't have an e-mail account, tap Add account then create one.
Importing contacts
Import your contacts and their respective data from one contact source to your ASUS Tablet or e-mail account
and vice-versa.
To import contacts:
1. Tap then tap Contacts.
2. Tap > Manage contacts > Import/export then tap Import from storage.
3. Tap the account that you want to import your contacts:
a. E-mail
b. Device
4. Follow the succeeding onscreen instructions to import contact/s.
Exporting contacts
Export your contacts to any of the storage accounts in your ASUS Tablet.
1. Tap then tap Contacts.
2. Tap > Manage contacts > Import/export then tap Export to storage.
3. Tap to select the contacts from the following accounts:
a. All contacts
b. E-mail
c. Device
4. Follow the succeeding onscreen instructions to export contact/s.
Stay in touch with
Omlet Chat
4 Stay in touch with Omlet Chat
Omlet Chat
Omlet Chat is an online messaging app that lets you chat with your friends on the spot, send multimedia
messages, and store your data on any of your Cloud accounts securely and privately.
NOTE: Omlet Chat app may only be available in some countries.
Registering to Omlet Chat
There are two ways to register to Omlet Chat, via mobile phone number and e-mail account or Facebook
Registering your mobile phone number
Use your mobile phone number to sign in to Omlet Chat.
To register your mobile phone number:
1. Tap then tap Omlet Chat app.
2. On the Omlet Introduction screen, tap Skip if you want to skip the introduction or swipe the screen to the
left to read the highlighted features of Omlet Chat app.
3. Tap Sign up.
4. On the Sign Up page, select your country and key in your mobile phone number then tap Next. Omlet
Chat app sends a text message containing the PIN to proceed with the registration.
5. Key in the PIN then tap Next.
6. Key in your name then tap Get Started.
7. If you want Omlet Chat to automatically update your friends from your contacts list, tap Okay! Let’s do it!
If you want to add your friends manually, tap No thanks.
• Aseriesofscreensappearfortheapp'sintroduction.FollowtheonscreeninstructionsuntilOmletChatmain
screen appears.
• OmletChatappcanonlyaddcontactswithOmletchatinstalledtotheirdevices.
8. On the Omlet Chat main screen, tap START CHAT then select a contact that you want to chat.
Registering your e-mail or Facebook account
Use your e-mail or Facebook account to sign in to Omlet Chat.
To register your e-mail or Facebook account:
1. Tap then tap Omlet Chat app.
2. On the Sign in page, tap Connect a dierent account here to select an account from Email or
Facebook, then follow the succeeding onscreen instructions.
• IfyouselectEmail,keyinyoure-mailaccountthentapNext. Omlet Chat app will send a conrmation
message to your e-mail account.
• IfyouselectFacebook,OmletChatappwilltakeyoutoFacebooktologintoyourFacebookaccount.
3. Key in your name then tap Get Started.
4. If you want Omlet Chat to automatically update your friends from your contacts list, tap Okay! Let’s do it!
If you want to add your friends manually, tap No thanks.
• Aseriesofscreensappearfortheapp'sintroduction.FollowtheonscreeninstructionsuntilOmletChatmain
screen appears.
• OmletChatappcanonlyaddcontactswithOmletChatinstalledtotheirdevices.
5. On the Omlet Chat main screen, tap START CHAT then select a contact that you want to chat.
Sending Omlet invites
To add contacts to Omlet Chat, you need to send an invite to your friends to download and use Omlet Chat.
To send Omlet invitation:
1. Tap Contacts on the Omlet Chat menu.
2. From the Add contacts screen, tap Invite a friend then select from following options:
• Invite an Email or Phone number. Key in the mobile phone number or e-mail of your friend then tap
• Invite Facebook friends. Tap to log in to your Facebook account.
• Invite address book friends. Tap to invite friends from the contacts list of your e-mail.
3. Omlet Chat app gathers the contacts of your account. After selecting the contacts, follow the onscreen
instructions to complete the operation.
• ForFacebookapp,ticktoselectthecontacts,thentapSend.
• Foraddressbook,ticktoselectthecontacts,thentapSEND INVITES.
Using Omlet chat
Send text and multimedia messages for a fun, creative, and interactive conversation.
To start conversation, tap Contacts from the Omlet Chat menu then tap the contact name.
Sending a chat message
To send a chat message, key in your message in What’s up eld then tap .
Sending a voice message
To send a voice message, tap and hold while saying your message then release to send.
Sending a virtual sticker
To send a virtual sticker, tap then select from the available virtual stickers.
NOTE: You can download more virtual stickers from Sticker Store. To download the virtual stickers, tap >
then tap .
Sending multimedia messages
From the chat thread, tap then select from these icons to send a specic mutlimedia message.
Tap to send your current
address with a map snippet
Tap to send a picture from
your ASUS Tablet.
Tap to launch Camera app and
send the captured picture
Tap and hold an app
then tap Pin it! to add
to the list of apps in
Omlet Chat.
Tap to edit and send a
Tap to create a sticker
from a saved picture.
Tap to search GIF les
in the Internet and
send the GIF le to your
message thread
Swipe up the screen shown above to view this icon.
Tap to send polls/surveys
Tap to search and send video clips from YouTube™.
Access your emails
5 Access your emails
Add Exchange, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook.com, POP3/IMAP accounts so you can receive, create, and browse
emails right from your device. You can also sync your email contacts from these accounts to your ASUS Tablet.
IMPORTANT! You must be connected to the Internet so you can add an email account or send and receive emails
from added accounts.
Setting up an email account
To set up an email account:
1. From the Home screen, tap Email to launch the Email app.
2. Tap the mail provider you want to setup.
3. Key in your email address and password and tap Next.
NOTE: Wait while your device automatically checks your incoming and outgoing mail server settings.
4. Congure the Account settings such as inbox checking frequency, sync days, or notication for incoming
emails. When done, tap Next.
5. Key in an account name that you want to be displayed in the outgoing messages, then tap Next to log
into your inbox.
Adding email accounts
To add other email accounts:
1. From the Home screen, tap Email to launch the Email app.
2. Tap > Settings, then add an email account.
3. Tap the mail provider you want to setup.
4. Follow the succeeding instructions to complete setting up your new email account.
NOTE: You may also refer to steps 3 to 5 in the Setting up an email account section of this manual to complete this
setup process.
Using the Gmail app, you can create a new Gmail account or synchronize your existing Gmail account so you
can send, receive, and browse emails right from your device.
Setting up a Gmail account
1. Tap Google then tap Gmail.
2. Tap Existing and key in your existing Gmail account and password, then tap .
• TapNew if you do not own a Google account.
• Whensigningin,youhavetowaitwhileyourdevicecommunicateswithGoogleserverstosetupyouraccount.
3. Use your Google account to backup and restore your settings and data. Tap to sign in to your Gmail
IMPORTANT! If you have several email accounts aside from Gmail, use Email app to set up and access all your
email accounts.
Capture moments
6 Capture moments
Launching the Camera app
Capture images and record videos using your ASUS Tablets Camera app. Refer to any of the steps below to
open the Camera app.
From the lock screen
Drag down until the Camera app is launched.
From the home screen
Tap Camera.
From the All Apps screen
Tap then tap Camera.
Using the volume key
While your ASUS Tablet is on sleep mode, double-click the volume key to wake it up and immediately launch
the Camera app.
NOTE: Before using the volume key to launch the Camera app, enable this function from Settings > Lock screen,
then slide Instant camera to ON.
Using Camera for the rst time
After launching the Camera for the rst time, two consecutive features appear to help you get started: Tutorial
and Image locations.
If it is your rst time to use your ASUS Tablets camera, you will encounter the following tutorial screen after
launching the Camera app. Refer to the following steps to proceed from this screen.
1. On the Tutorial screen, tap Skip if you want to skip viewing or Start to view the basic tutorial about using
2. After tapping either of these options, you will then proceed to the Image Locations screen.
Image Locations
After going through the Tutorial screen, the Image Locations screen appears to help you create automatic
location tags for your images and videos. Refer to the following steps to proceed from this screen:
1. On the Image Locations screen, tap No thanks to proceed to the camera screen or Yes to set up location
tagging for your captured images and videos.
2. Slide Location Access to ON to enable the location tagging feature.
3. Tap Agree on the next screen to fully enable the feature and proceed to the Camera screen.
Camera home screen
Tap the icons to start using your camera and explore the image and video features of your ASUS Tablet.
Switch between the
front and rear cameras
Adjust settings
See the gallery
Use advanced camera settings
Zoom in or zoom out
Record videos
Take photos
Apply image eects
Image settings
Adjust the appearance of your captured images by conguring your cameras settings using the steps below.
IMPORTANT! Apply the settings rst before taking images.
1. On the cameras home screen, tap > .
2. Scroll down and congure the available options.
Congure the image quality using these options.
Shoot mode
Set your shutter speed to Timer mode or change the Burst speed under this option.
Enable Touch auto-exposure or Face detection under this option.
Video settings
Adjust the appearance of your recorded videos by conguring your cameras settings using the steps below.
IMPORTANT! Apply the settings rst before taking images.
1. On the cameras home screen, tap > .
2. Scroll down and congure the available options.
Congure the video quality using these options.
Enable Touch auto-exposure under this option.
Advanced camera features
Explore new ways of capturing images or videos and make captured extra special moments using the
advanced camera features of your ASUS Tablet.
IMPORTANT! Apply the settings rst before taking images. Available features may vary per model.
Time Rewind
After selecting Time Rewind, your shutter starts taking burst shots two seconds before you actually press the
shutter button. As a result, you get a timeline of images where you can choose the best image to save on your
NOTE: The Time Rewind feature can only be used on the rear camera.
Capturing Time Rewind photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > Time Rewind.
3. Tap or the volume key to start capturing photos.
Using the Time Rewind viewer
1. After pressing the shutter, the Time Rewind viewer appears onscreen on the right side of a captured
photo. Rotate the button on the viewer to browse through the photos you just took.
NOTE: Tap Best to view the best photo suggestion from the timeline.
2. Select a photo then tap Done to save it to Gallery.
The High-dynamic-range (HDR) feature allows you to take more detailed images for low-light and highly
contrasting scenes. HDR is recommended for use when taking images on brightly lit locations, helping balance
out the colors produced on your image.
Capturing HDR photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > HDR.
3. Tap or the volume key to start capturing HDR photos.
Capture images from various angles using Panorama. Images captured from a wide angle perspective are
automatically stitched together using this feature.
Capturing panoramic photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > Panorama.
3. Tap or the volume key then pan your ASUS Tablet to the left or right to capture the scenery.
NOTE: While panning your ASUS Tablet, a timeline of thumbnails appears on the lower part of your screen as it
captures the scenery.
4. Tap when nished.
Take well-lit photos even on night time or on low-light situations using the Night feature of your ASUS Tablet.
NOTE: Keep your hands steady while before and while the ASUS Tablet is capturing the image to prevent blurry
Capturing Night photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > Night.
3. Tap or the volume key to start capturing Night photos.
Take advantage of your rear cameras high megapixel specs without worrying about pressing the shutter
button. Using face-detection, you can set your ASUS Tablet to detect up to four faces using the rear camera
then automatically capture your sele or group sele.
Capturing Sele photos
1. From the Camera app screen, tap .
2. Tap > Sele.
3. Tap to choose how many people should be included in the photo.
4. Use the rear camera to detect faces and wait for your ASUS Tablet to start beeping, counting down until it
captures the photo.
5. The Time Rewind viewer appears onscreen on right side of a captured photo. Rotate the button on the
viewer to browse through the photos you just took.
6. Select a photo then tap Done to save it to Gallery.
Simulate the tilt-shift eect of DSLR lenses via the Miniature feature. Using this feature allows you to focus on
specic areas of your subject, adding a bokeh eect that can be used on both photos and video using your
ASUS Tablet.
Capturing Miniature photos
1. From the Camera app screen, tap .
2. Tap > Miniature.
3. Tap or to select your focus area.
4. Tap or to increase or decrease the background blur.
5. Tap to capture Miniature photos.
Smart remove
Eliminate unwanted details immediately after capturing the image using the Smart remove feature.
Capturing Smart remove photos
1. From the Camera app screen, tap .
2. Tap > Smart remove.
3. Tap or the volume key to start capturing photos that can be edited using Smart remove.
4. The following screen shows the photo you captured and any removable objectes which you may want to
delete from it.
5. Tap to remove the detected objects or to delete the photo and go back to the Camera app.
All Smiles
Capture the perfect smile or the wackiest facial expression from a range of photos using the All Smiles feature.
This feature lets you take ve consecutive photos after pressing the shutter button, automatically detecting
faces on the image for comparison.
Capturing All smiles photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > All smiles.
3. Tap or the volume key to start capturing photos that can be edited using All Smiles.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions to select your best photos.
Have fun during and after taking photos of your family and friends using the Beautication feature of your
ASUS Tablet. When enabled, this feature allows you to make live beauty enhancements on your subjects face
before you press the shutter button.
Capturing Beautication photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > Beautication.
3. Tap to start capturing photos that can be edited using Beautication features.
GIF animation
Create GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) images straight from your ASUS Tablets camera using the GIF
animation feature.
Capturing GIF animation photos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > GIF.
3. Tap to start capturing photos that can be transformed into GIF animation.
Time lapse
The time lapse video feature of your ASUS Tablet allows you to capture stills for automatic time lapse playback.
In eect, events seem to move in a fast-forward manner though they actually occured and were recorded
between long intervals.
Recording Time lapse videos
1. From the Camera apps home screen, tap .
2. Tap > Time lapse.
3. Tap to start taking Time lapse videos.
Party Link
Enable Party Link and share photos in real-time either by creating a group or joining an existing group. Send
and receive freshly captured images among friends, even without internet connection, using this Zen feature.
IMPORTANT! This feature is only available with devices that also have Party Link.
Sharing photos
To share photos captured straight from your ASUS Tablets camera:
1. Launch Camera then tap .
2. Tap > OK.
3. (optional) In the Party Link home screen, set the following items:
4. Tap Create a group or Join a group to start sharing photos captured from your ASUS Tablet.
IMPORTANT! If you created a password-protected group, you need to share the password to intended recipients
for them to receive your photos.
Tap this to create a new group
name for your ASUS Tablet.
Tap this if you want to password-
protect access to your group.
Receiving photos
To receive photos from other Party Link-enabled devices:
1. Launch Camera then tap .
2. Tap > OK.
3. Tap Join a group > Scan to start searching for other Party Link-enabled devices.
4. From the list, tap the group you would like to join then tap Join.
5. (optional) If you the group is password-protected, ask the owner for the password to proceed.
7 Gallery
Using the Gallery
View images and play videos on your ASUS Tablet using the Gallery app.
This app also allows you to edit, share, or delete image and video les stored in your ASUS Tablet. From Gallery,
you can display images in a slideshow or tap to view the selected image or video le.
To launch Gallery, tap > Gallery.
Main screen
Viewing les from other source locations
By default, your Gallery displays all the les on your ASUS Tablet according to their album folders.
To view les from other locations accessible via your ASUS Tablet:
1. From the main screen, tap .
2. Tap any of the following source locations to view their respective les.
IMPORTANT! Internet connection is required for viewing photos and videos under My cloud photos and Friends
Sharing les from the gallery
To share les from the gallery:
1. From the Gallery screen, tap the folder where the les you want to share are located.
2. After opening the folder, tap to activate le selection.
3. Tap the les you want to share. A check mark appears on top of the image you select.
4. Tap then select from the list where you want to share the images.
Deleting les from the gallery
To delete les from the gallery:
1. From the Gallery screen, tap the folder where the les you want to delete are located.
2. After opening the folder, tap to activate le selection.
3. Tap the les you want to delete. A check mark appears on top of the image you select.
4. Tap .
Editing an image
The Gallery also features its own image editing tools that you can use to enhance images saved on your ASUS
To edit an image:
1. From the Gallery screen, tap the folder where the les are located.
2. After opening the folder, tap the image you want to edit.
3. Once the image is opened, tap it again to show its functions.
4. Tap to open the image editing toolbar.
5. Tap any of the icons on the editing toolbar to apply changes to the image.
Zooming in/out the thumbnails or an image
From the Gallery screen or your selected image, spread apart your ngers on the touchscreen panel to zoom
out. To zoom in, bring your ngers together on the touchscreen panel.
Work hard, play harder
8 Work hard, play harder
Turn note-taking into a fun and creative activity that syncs with your mobile data using Supernote.
This intuitive app allows you to create notes organized per notebook by directly writing or drawing on the
touchscreen. While creating notes, you can also add multimedia les from other apps and share them via
social networks or your Cloud storage account.
Tap to select the input mode
Tap to congure the
settings for the notebook
Tap to redo the change made
Tap to undo the change made
Understanding icons
Depending on your selected input mode, these icons appear as you take down your notes on SuperNote.
Select this type mode when you want to use the onscreen keyboard to enter your notes.
Select this write mode when you want to scribble or write your notes.
Select this draw mode when you want to create drawings or doodles.
When in write or type mode, tap this icon to select text weight and color.
When in draw mode, tap this icon to select the drawing tool to use, and the stroke color or size.
When in draw mode, tap this icon to erase some contents in your notes.
Tap this icon to take a photo or video, record audio, add timestamp and more to your notes.
Tap this icon to add a new page to your notebook.
Creating a notebook
To create new les using Supernote, refer to the following steps:
1. Tap > Supernote.
2. Tap Add a new notebook.
3. Name the le and select Pad or Phone as the page size.
4. Select a template and start writing your notes.
Sharing a notebook on the Cloud
You may share your notebook on the Cloud using the following steps:
1. On the Supernote home screen, tap-and-hold the notebook you would like to share.
2. In the pop-up screen, tap Enable cloud sync.
3. Input your ASUS WebStorage accounts User name and Password details to proceed with syncing your
notebook to the Cloud.
4. Once the notebook has been successfully synced to the Cloud, the Cloud icon appears on top of the
shared notebook.
Sharing a note to the Cloud
Aside from your notebook, you may also share individual notes from your Supernote to your Cloud storage
account. To do this:
1. Launch the notebook that contains the note you want to share.
2. Tap-and-hold the note you want to share.
3. In the pop-up screen, tap Share then select the type of le format you want to share it as.
4. In the next screen, select the Cloud storage account where you would like to share your note.
5. Follow the succeeding instructions to complete sharing your selected note.
The Calendar app enables you to keep track of important events using your ASUS Tablet. Along with creating
events you may also add notes, set reminders, or create a countdown notice to ensure you don’t forget these
important occasions.
Creating an event from your ASUS Tablet
1. Tap > Calendar.
2. Tap New Event to start creating a new event.
3. In the New event screen, input all the necessary details of your event.
4. Once nished, tap to save and exit.
Adding an account to Calendar
Aside from creating an event logged on your ASUS Tablet, you can also use Calendar to create events that get
automatically synced with your online accounts. But rst, these accounts must be added to Calendar using the
following steps:
1. Launch Calendar.
2. Tap > Accounts.
3. Tap the account you want to add.
4. Follow the succeeding onscreen instructions to complete adding the new account to Calendar.
Creating an event from your account
After adding online accounts that you would like to sync with Calendar, you may now use your ASUS Tablet to
create notications for those online accounts by following these steps:
NOTE: Your online account must already be added to Calendar before you can proceed with the following steps.
You may refer to the Adding an account to Calendar section in this e-manual for more details.
1. Tap > Calendar.
2. Tap New Event to start creating a new event.
3. In the New event screen, tap My Calendar to view all the accounts currently synced with the Calendar.
4. Tap the account where you would like to create a new event.
5. In the New event screen, input all the necessary details of your event.
What’s Next
Do not miss out on important events, having fun out in the sun, or getting messages or emails from your
favorite people. Set up your calendar of events, Favorites and VIP groups, or weather update settings to get
alerts and reminders of what’s next. View your What’s Next alerts from the Lock screen, Systems Notication
panel, and What’s Next widget or app.
If you’re using Whats Next for the rst time, you would have to set up your calendar account or use the
Calendar app in your ASUS Tablet.
• SetupyourfavoritecontactsandVIPgroupstoreceivealertsformissedcallsandunreadmessagesoremails
from people who matter to you.
• GetdetailsoncreatingyourcalendarofeventsfromtheCalendar section.
• LearnhowtogetweatherupdatesfromtheWeather section.
Do It Later
Get hold of even the most trivial things in your busy life. Even when you’re too busy, reply to your emails, SMS
messages, calls, or read news online at your convenience.
Mark your unread messages or emails, interesting web pages, and missed calls as Reply Later, Read Later, or
Call Later items. These marked items will be added to your Do It Later tasks, and you can act on these tasks at
a convenient time.
• Popularthird-partyappsthatsupportDo It Later include Google Maps, Google Chrome, Google Play,
YouTube, and iMDb.
• NotallappscanshareandaddtaskstoDo It Later.
Accessing or creating to-do tasks
When you’ve previously set a message or email as Reply Later, or a call as Call Later, or a web page as Read
Later, you can go back to these important message/email/call/web page on the Do It Later app.
To access your to-do tasks:
1. From the home screen, tap , then tap Do It Later from All Apps.
2. Select the task that you want to act on.
To create a new to-task:
From the Do It Later screen, tap , then proceed to create your to-do task.
Get real-time weather updates straight from your ASUS Tablet using the weather app. Using Weather, you can
also check other weather details from around the world.
Weather app launcher
Weather home screen
Swipe down to see other
weather information.
Tap this to congure the
Weather settings.
Tap this to search for weather
information from other cities.
Customize the time zone settings of your ASUS Tablet, set alarms, and use your ASUS Tablet as a stop watch
using the Clock app.
Launching Clock
Launch the Clock app using either of the following options:
• FromyourASUSTablet’shomescreen,tapthedigitalclockdisplay.
• Tap > Clock.
World Clock
Tap to access the world clock settings of your ASUS Tablet.
Tap this to set your clock on night
mode and access the settings of
the world clock feature.
Tap this to view the list of cities
marked on your world clock.
Tap this to add a new city to mark on
your world clock’s map.
Alarm clock
Tap to access the world clock settings of your ASUS Tablet.
Tap this to access the settings
of the alarm clock feature.
Tap this to delete any of the
previously set alarms.
Tap this to set a new alarm time.
Tap to use your ASUS Tablet as a stopwatch.
Tap this button to start running
the stopwatch feature.
You may set multiple timer options for your ASUS Tablet. To do this, follow the steps below:
Setting the timer
1. Tap to access the timer feature of your ASUS Tablet.
2. Use the numeric keypad to input your target time then tap start to start the timer.
numeric keypad
Adding or deleting timer settings
You may also add new timer settings or delete existing ones that you no longer need. To do any of these
options, refer to the following steps:
1. Tap to access the timer feature of your ASUS Tablet.
2. If you previously created a timer setting, these would appear on your Timer home screen. You may delete
or add new timer settings using the icons on your Timer home screen.
Tap this to delete the
previously set timer.
Tap this to create a new
timer setting.
File Manager
Using File Manager allows you to easily locate and manage your data on the internal storage of your ASUS
Tablet and its connected external storage devices.
Accessing the internal storage
To access the internal storage:
1. Tap > File Manager.
2. Tap > Internal storage to view the contents of your ASUS Tablet then tap an item to select.
Accessing the external storage device
To access the external storage device:
1. Insert the microSD card into your ASUS Tablet.
NOTE: For more details, refer to the Installing a memory card section in this user guide.
2. Tap > File Manager.
3. Tap > MicroSD to view the contents of your microSD card.
Accessing Cloud Storage
IMPORTANT! Enable Wi-Fi on your ASUS Tablet to view les from Cloud Storage.
To access les saved on your cloud storage accounts:
1. Tap > File Manager.
2. Tap then tap a cloud storage location under Cloud Storage.
The Internet
9 The Internet
Your browser’s clean and intuitive Zen interface makes it easier to surf web contents at a fast page loading
speed via its Chrome-based browser engine. It also lets you share or email web contents, as well as send it as a
read later task.
Launching Browser from the lock screen
Drag down until the Browser app is launched.
Launching Browser from the home screen
From the home screen, tap .
Sharing a page
Go to page that you want to share, then tap .
• Toshareapage,tapShare page, then select the account or app where you want to share the page to.
• Tosendapageforlaterreading,tapRead later. The page is added as a to-do task in your Do It Later app.
• EnsurethatyourASUSTabletisconnectedtoaWi-Fiormobilenetwork.
• Ifyouconnecttoamobilenetwork,chargesmayapplybasedonyournetworkplan.
• RefertosectionConnecting to a Wi-Fi network for details.
• Accessyourto-dotasksfromtheDo It Later app on All Apps.
Fun and entertainment
10 Fun and entertainment
Using headset
Have the freedom to do other things while youre in a call or enjoy listening to your favorite music, using a
Connecting audio jack
Insert the 2.5mm headset jack into the audio port of your device.
• Donotinsertotherobjectsintotheaudiojackport.
• Donotinsertacablewithelectricpoweroutputintotheaudiojackport.
• Listeningatahighvolumeforlongperiodscandamageyourhearing.
• Wehighlyrecommendtouseonlycompatibleheadsetsforthisdevice.
• Unpluggingtheaudiojackwhilelisteningtomusicautomaticallypausesthemusicplayed.
• Unpluggingtheaudiojackwhilewatchingavideoautomaticallypausesthevideoplayback.
Audio Wizard
AudioWizard allows you to customize the sound modes of your ASUS Tablet for a clearer audio output that ts
actual usage scenarios.
Using Audio Wizard
To use AudioWizard:
1. Tap ASUS > Audio Wizard.
2. In the AudioWizard window, tap the sound mode you want to activate then tap Done to save and exit.
Play Games
Get the latest games online and share them in your social media accounts using the Play Games app. You can
also join multiplayer games and check out leaderboards for some competitive gaming fun.
IMPORTANT! Log in to your Google account to maximize the features of Play Games.
Using Play Games
To use Play Games:
1. Tap > Play Games.
2. Tap the option you would like to use.
Play Now
Tap to see an overview of your gaming activity. It also shows the gaming activity of your Google+
My Games
Tap to show your gaming activities under the following options:
Tap to view invitation and game match mails.
Tap to view all your fellow contacts in Google who are also playing games via Play Store. You may
view them under these options: ALL, ACTIVE PLAYERS, YOU MAY KNOW
Tap to browse through games under the following categories:
Tap to launch Play Stores Games category.
Access your music collection right on your ASUS Tablet using the Music app. Music allows you to play music
les stored internally or from an external storage device.
Launching Music
To launch Music, tap > Music.
Playing songs from your device
By default, Music plays all the songs saved in your ASUS Tablets internal storage system. Start playing songs by
tapping on them.
Playing songs from your SD card
To play songs saved from your SD card:
1. Ensure that your SD card is already inserted in your ASUS Tablet.
NOTE: For details on how to install the SD card, refer to the Insert micro SD card section in this e-Manual.
2. From the Music home screen, tap .
3. Under My Device, tap Music to browse through the music les saved in your SD card.
Playing songs from the Cloud
IMPORTANT! Enable Wi-Fi on your ASUS Tablet to view les from Cloud music.
Your ASUS Tablet currently supports music les saved in the following cloud storage accounts:
• ASUSWebstorage
• Dropbox
• OneDrive
• Drive
Adding a cloud storage account
To play songs saved from any of these cloud storage accounts:
1. From the Music home screen, tap .
2. Under Cloud Music, select Add cloud service.
3. Select the cloud storage service where you want to play music les from.
4. Follow the succeeding instructions to complete signing in to your cloud storage account.
Playing songs from a cloud storage account
1. Launch the Music app then tap .
2. Under Cloud Music, select the cloud storage service you want to play songs from.
Sound recorder
Record audio les using your ASUS Tablet by enabling the Sound Recorder app.
Launching Sound Recorder
To launch Sound Record, tap > Sound Recorder.
Sound Recorder home screen
Tap this to start
audio recording.
Tap this to customize the
Sound Recorder settings.
Tap this to view the list of
saved audio recording les.
Maintain your Zen
11 Maintain your Zen
Keeping your device up-to-date
Keep your ASUS Tablet in the loop of Android system updates and upgraded apps and features.
Updating your system
To update your ASUS Tablet:
1. Tap then tap Settings.
2. On the Settings screen, slide down to display other items then tap About.
3. Tap System update then tap Check Update.
NOTE: You can preview the last time your ASUS Tablet’s system was updated at the Last update check: of the
System update window.
You can store data, apps, or les on your ASUS Tablet (internal storage), on an external storage, or on an online
storage. You need an internet connection to transfer or download your les on an online storage. Use the
bundled USB cable to copy les to or from the computer to your ASUS Tablet.
Backup and reset
Back up data, Wi-Fi passwords, and other settings to Google servers using your ASUS Tablet.
To do this:
1. Tap then tap Settings > Backup and reset.
2. From the Backup & reset window, you can:
• Backup my data: This feature backs up your data, Wif-Fi passwords, and other settings to Google
servers when enabled.
• Backup account: Allows you to specify the acount you to be associated when you save your backup.
• Automatic Restore: This features facilitates restoration of backed up settings and data when you
renintall an app.
• Factory data reset: Erases all data on phone.
Securing your ASUS Tablet
Use the security features of your ASUS Tablet to prevent unauthorized calls or access of information.
Unlocking your screen
When the screen is locked, you can open it with the security unlocking options that the ASUS Tablet oers you.
To select the screen unlock of your ASUS Tablet:
1. Tap then tap Settings > Lock Screen.
2. Tap Screen lock then select an option to unlock your ASUS Tablet.
• Refertosection Unlock screen options for more information.
• Todeactivatetheunlockscreenoptionthatyouset,tapNone on Choose screen lock screen.
Unlock screen options
Choose from these options to lock your ASUS Tablet.
• Slide: Slide your nger to any direction to unlock your ASUS Tablet.
• Face Unlock: Show your face on the black window of the lock screen to unlock your ASUS Tablet.
• Face Unlock is less secure than a pattern, PIN, or password.
• SomeonewholookssimilartoyoucouldunlockyourASUSTablet.
• ThedatausedtoidentifyyourfaceiskeptinyourASUSTablet.
To set up Face Unlock:
1. From the Choose screen lock screen, tap Face Unlock.
2. Read the terms in using Face Unlock feature on your screen, then tap Set it up.
3. Read the instructions in setting up Face Unlock on your screen, then tap Continue.
4. Hold your ASUS Tablet at eye level and align your face on the outline of your screen to capture it.
NOTE: The green-dotted outline indicates that the ASUS Tablet has detected your face and in the process of
capturing the image.
5. After your face has been captured, tap Continue.
6. If Face Unlock cannot recognize your face, you will be prompted to select a secondary option to
unlock your ASUS Tablet. Select Pattern if you want to unlock your ASUS Tablet by a pattern, or PIN to
unlock it by keying in your PIN then follow the succeeding onscreen instructions.
IMPORTANT! Ensure to remember the PIN or pattern that you created to unlock your device.
7. After you nished Face Unlock setup, tap OK.
• Pattern: Slide your nger on the dots and create a pattern.
IMPORTANT! You can create a pattern with a minimum of four dots. Ensure to remember the pattern that you
created to unlock your device.
• PIN: Key in at least four numbers to set a PIN.
IMPORTANT! Ensure to remember the PIN that you created to unlock your device.
• Password: Key in at least four characters to create a password.
IMPORTANT! Ensure to remember the password that you created to unlock your device.
Conguring the other screen security features
Aside from the mode of screen lock, you can also do the following on the Screen security window:
• Quick Access: Slide the Quick Access switch to ON to launch apps on the lock screen.
 What’s Next widget: Slide the What’s Next Widget switch to ON to show the said widget on the lock
• Owner info: Tap this to edit and key in the information that you want to appear even when your screen
is locked.
Connect your Zen
12 Connect your Zen
The Wi-Fi technology of your ASUS Tablet gets you connected to the wireless world. Update your social media
accounts, browse the Internet, or exchange data and messages wirelessly with your ASUS Tablet.
Enabling Wi-Fi
To enable Wi-Fi:
1. Tap on the Home screen then tap Settings app.
2. Slide the Wi-Fi switch to the right to turn on the Wi-Fi.
NOTE: You can also enable the Wi-Fi from Quick Settings screen. Refer to section Quick Settings on how to
launch Quick Settings screen.
Connecting to a Wi-Fi network
To connect to a Wi-Fi network:
1. On the Settings screen, tap Wi-Fi to display all detected Wi-Fi networks.
2. Tap a network name to connect to it. For a secured network, you may be prompted to key in a password
or other security credentials.
• YourASUSTabletautomaticallyreconnectstothenetworkthatyouconnectedwithpreviously.
• TurnoWi-Fifeaturetohelpsavebatterypower.
Disabling Wi-Fi
To disable Wi-Fi:
1. Tap on the Home screen then tap Settings app.
2. Slide the Wi-Fi switch to the left to turn o the Wi-Fi.
NOTE: You can also disable the Wi-Fi from Quick Settings screen. Refer to section Quick Settings on how to
launch Quick Settings screen.
Use the Bluetooth feature of your ASUS Tablet to send or receive les and stream multimedia les with other
smart devices over short distances. With Bluetooth, you can share your media les with your friends’ smart
devices, send data for print with a Bluetooh printer, or play music les with a Bluetooth speaker.
Enabling Bluetooth®
To enable Bluetooth:
1. Tap on the Home screen then tap Settings app.
2. Slide the Bluetooth switch to the right to turn on the Bluetooth.
NOTE: You can also enable the Bluetooth from Quick Settings screen. Refer to section Quick Settings on how to
launch Quick Settings screen.
Pairing your ASUS Tablet to a Bluetooth® device
Before using the Bluetooth feature of your ASUS Tablet in full scale, you have to pair it rst with the Bluetooth
device. The ASUS Tablet automatically stores the pairing connection of the Bluetooth device.
To pair your ASUS Tablet to a Bluetooth device:
1. On the Settings screen, tap Bluetooth to display all available devices.
• Ifthedevicethatyouwanttopairisnotinthelist,ensuretoenableitsBluetoothfeatureandisdiscoverable.
• SeetheuserguidethatcamewithyourdevicetolearnhowtoenableitsBluetoothandandsetitto
2. Tap SEARCH FOR DEVICES to scan for more Bluetooth devices.
3. In the list of available devices, tap the Bluetooth device that you want to pair with. Follow the succeeding
instructions to complete the pairing.
NOTE: Turn o Bluetooth feature to help save battery power.
Unpairing your ASUS Tablet from the Bluetooth® device
To unpair your ASUS Tablet to a Bluetooth device:
1. On the Settings screen, tap Bluetooth to display all available and paired devices.
2. In the list of paired devices, tap of Bluetooth device that you want to unpair, then tap Unpair.
PlayTo app lets you screencast your ASUS Tablet to a streaming-supported display. Doing this allows an
external display to become a dual monitor or second screen to your ASUS Tablet.
Launching PlayTo
There are two ways you can use to start using PlayTo from your ASUS Tablet:
From Quick settings
1. Setup the streaming-supported display you want to use with your ASUS Tablet.
2. Launch Quick settings on your ASUS Tablet then tap PlayTo.
3. Refer to the SSID shown on your streaming-supported display and select the same SSID on your ASUS
Tablet to start pairing.
Once the connection is made, your streaming-supported display shows the same content currently shown on
your ASUS Tablet.
From Settings
1. Tap > Settings.
2. Under Wireless & networks, tap More... then tap PlayTo.
3. Refer to the SSID shown on your streaming-supported display and select the same SSID on your ASUS
Tablet to start pairing.
Once the connection is made, your streaming-supported display shows the same content currently shown on
your ASUS Tablet.
The Cloud
Back up your data, sync les among dierent devices, and share les securely and privately via a Cloud
account such as ASUS WebStorage, Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox.
ASUS WebStorage
Register for or sign in to ASUS WebStorage and get up to 5GB of free cloud storage account. Automatically
upload newly captured photos for instant sharing, sync les among dierent devices, or share les via your
ASUS WebStorage account.
NOTE: To the enjoy auto-upload function, enable Instant Upload from Settings > Instant Upload in your ASUS
App essentials
13 App essentials
Switching apps
When you’ve launched several apps on your Zen, you can easily switch between your recently-launched apps.
Tap to view your recently-launched apps.
• Tapanapptoviewit.
• Toremoveanapp,simplyswipeittotheleftorright.
Locking apps
Secure your apps from unauthorized use with a 4-12 digit password.
To lock your apps:
1. From All Apps, tap > Lock.
3. Enter a password containing 4-12 digits, then tap OK.
To change the password of your locked apps:
1. From All Apps, tap > Lock app settings. Enter your password when prompted.
2. Tap Change password, and enter your old and new password.
Downloading apps
Download tons of apps and games from Play Store directly to your ASUS Tablet. Some of the apps and games
are free, others you may need to purchase using a credit card or other payment form.
To download apps:
1. Tap Play Store from your Home screen.
2. Follow the onscreen instructions to sign in to your existing Gmail account. If you don’t have a Gmail
account, please create one.
3. After successfully signing in, you can start downloading an app from Play Store.
Theres more to your Zen
14 There’s more to your Zen
Power saver
Fully maximize or extend the power of your ASUS Tablet even when it is idle or while it stays connected to your
network. Smartly customize the power settings for your frequent activities such as reading emails or watching
Setting up Power Saver
Maximize, optimize, or customize the power of your ASUS Tablet with some smart power saving options.
To set up Power Saver:
1. From All Apps, tap Power Saver.
2. Slide Smart saving to ON.
3. Select any of these modes:
Ultra-saving mode: Disconnects the network connection when your ASUS Tablet is idle to fully
maximize its battery life.
Optimized mode: Extends the battery life while your ASUS Tablet stays connected to your network.
Customized mode: Allows you to set up the power settings for your frequent activities, and
Customizing Power Saver
Set the brightness level for your frequent activities such as reading emails or books, watching videos, browsing
websites, and listening to music. You can also enable the power saving function for some apps or enable the
auto-disconnection of your network when your ASUS Tablet is asleep.
To customize Power Saver:
1. From Power Saver, tick Customized mode.
2. Tick an activity, then tap to set the brightness level in percentage.
3. If you want to enable the auto-disconnection of your network, tick IM and other apps using push
notication. Your ASUS Tablet will automatically disconnect from your network when it is idle, and will
resume the network connection when you wake up your ASUS Tablet.
ASUS Splendid
ASUS Splendid allows you to easily adjust the display settings.
To use ASUS Splendid:
1. Tap > Splendid.
2. Adjust the screen color temperature and contrast through the Temperature and Enhancement tabs.
3. Tap Done to apply the changes.
Tap to switch between tabs
Move to turn on/ o the
Vivid Mode
Move to adjust the color
Tap to set to factory
Tap to reset to the last
changes you made
Federal Communications Commission Statement
This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment causes harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by doing one or more of the following measures:
• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.
• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.
• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdierentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.
• Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.
Changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This device meets the governments requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and
manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal
Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.
The exposure standard employs a unit of measurement known as the Specic Absorption Rate, or SAR. The
SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted
by the FCC with the EUT transmitting at the specied power level in dierent channels.
The highest SAR value for the device as reported to the FCC is 1.14 W/kg when placed next to the body.
The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as
in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device is on le with the FCC
and can be found under the Display Grant section of www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid after searching on FCC ID:
Canada, Industry Canada (IC) Notices
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003, RSS-210, and CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
The IC ID for this device is 3568A-K010.
Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information
The radiated output power of the Wireless Device is below the Industry Canada (IC) radio frequency exposure
limits. The Wireless Device should be used in such a manner such that the potential for human contact during
normal operation is minimized.
This device has been evaluated for and shown compliant with the IC Specic Absorption Rate (“SAR”) limits
when installed in specic host products operated in portable exposure conditions.
Canadas REL (Radio Equipment List) can be found at the following web address:
Additional Canadian information on RF exposure also can be found at the following web address:
Canada, avis d’Industrie Canada (IC)
Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme aux normes canadiennes ICES-003, RSS-210 et CAN ICES-
Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer
d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent
aecter son fonctionnement.
Lidentiant IC de cet appareil est 3568A-K010.
Informations concernant l’exposition aux fréquences radio (RF)
La puissance de sortie émise par cet appareil sans l est inférieure à la limite d’exposition aux fréquences
radio d’Industrie Canada (IC). Utilisez l’appareil sans l de façon à minimiser les contacts humains lors du
fonctionnement normal.
Ce périphérique a été évalué et démontré conforme aux limites SAR (Specic Absorption Rate – Taux
d’absorption spécique) d’IC lorsquil est installé dans des produits hôtes particuliers qui fonctionnent dans
des conditions d’exposition à des appareils portables.
Ce périphérique est homologué pour l’utilisation au Canada. Pour consulter l’entrée correspondant à l’appareil
dans la liste d’équipement radio (REL - Radio Equipment List) d’Industrie Canada rendez-vous sur:
Pour des informations supplémentaires concernant l’exposition aux RF au Canada rendez-vous sur :
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure Statement
This EUT is compliant with SAR for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-
1999 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specied in OET
Bulletin 65 Supplement C. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 1.5 cm
between the radiator and your body.
EC Declaration of Conformity
This product is compliant with the regulations of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. The Declaration of
Conformity can be downloaded from http://support.asus.com.
Prevention of Hearing Loss
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.
For France, headphones/earphones for this device are compliant with the sound pressure level requirement
laid down in the applicable EN50332-1:2000 and/or EN50332-2:2003 standard required by French Article
À pleine puissance, l’écoute prolongée du baladeur
peut endommager l’oreille de l’utilisateur.
CE Mark Warning
CE marking for devices with wireless LAN/ Bluetooth
This equipment complies with the requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament
and Commission from 9 March, 1999 governing Radio and Telecommunications Equipment and mutual
recognition of conformity.
The highest CE SAR value for the device is 0.324 W/Kg.
This equipment may be operated in:
DFS controls related to radar detection shall not be accessible to the user.
This device is restricted to radar detection shall not be accessible to the user.
This device is restricted for indoor use only when operating under 5150 MHz of frequency range.
Rechargeable Battery Recycling Service in North America
For US and Canada customers, you can call 1-800-822-8837 (toll-free) for recycling information
of your ASUS products rechargeable batteries.
IC Warning Statement
The device could automatically discontinue transmission in case of absence of information to transmit, or
operational failure. Note that this is not intended to prohibit transmission of control or signaling information
or the use of repetitive codes where required by the technology.
The device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference
to co-channel mobile satellite systems; the maximum antenna gain permitted (for device in the bands 5250-
5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz) to comply with the EIRP limit; and the maximum antenna gain permitted (for
devices in the band 5275-5850 MHz) to comply with the EIRP limits specied for point-to-point and non point-
to-point operation as appropriate, as stated in section A9.2(3). In addition, high-power radars are allocated as
primary users (meaning they have priority) of the band 5250-5350 MHz and this radar could cause interference
and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.
RF Exposure information (SAR) - CE
This device meets the EU requirements (1999/519/EC) on the limitation of exposure of the general public to
electromagnetic elds by way of health protection.
The limits are part of extensive recommendations for the protection of the general public. These
recommendations have been developed and checked by independent scientic organizations through
regular and thorough evaluations of scientic studies. The unit of measurement for the European Council’s
recommended limit for mobile devices is the “Specic Absorption Rate” (SAR), and the SAR limit is 2.0 W/Kg
averaged over 10 gram of body tissue. It meets the requirements of the International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
For next-to-body operation, this device has been tested and meets the ICNRP exposure guidelines and the
European Standard EN 62311 and EN 50566. SAR is measured with the device directly contacted to the body
while transmitting at the highest certied output power level in all frequency bands of the mobile device.
IC Radiation Exposure Statement
This EUT is compliant with SAR for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits in IC RSS-102 and had
been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specied in IEEE 1528. This
equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 1.5 cm between the radiator and your
India RoHS
This product complies with the “India E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule 2011” and prohibits use of
lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDEs) in concentrations exceeding 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials and 0.01% by weight in
homogenous materials for cadmium, except for the exemptions listed in Schedule-II of the Rule.
Power Safety Requirement
Products with electrical current ratings up to 6A and weighing more than 3Kg must use approved power cords
greater than or equal to: H05VV-F, 3G, 0.75mm
or H05VV-F, 2G, 0.75mm
ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services
ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest standards for protecting
our environment. We believe in providing solutions for you to be able to responsibly recycle our products,
batteries, other components as well as the packaging materials. Please go to http://csr.asus.com/english/
Takeback.htm for detailed recycling information in dierent regions.
Coating notice
IMPORTANT! To provide electrical insulation and maintain electrical safety, a coating is applied to insulate the
device except on the areas where the I/O ports are located.
Green ASUS notice
ASUS is devoted to creating environment-friendly products and packaging to safeguard consumers’ health
while minimizing the impact on the environment. The reduction of the number of the manual pages complies
with the reduction of carbon emission.
For the detailed user manual and related information, refer to the user manual included in the ASUS Tablet or
visit the ASUS Support Site at http://support.asus.com/.
Regional notice for Singapore
This ASUS product complies with IDA Standards.
Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Address: 4F, No.150, LI-TE RD., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN
Authorised represe
ntative in Europe:
ASUS Computer GmbH
Address: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN, GERMANY
Model name: K010 (TF103C)
No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup
purposes, without the express written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).
Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective
companies, and are used only for identication or explanation and to the owners benet, without intent to infringe.
Copyright © 2014 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.
Circumstances may arise where because of a default on ASUS’ part or other liability, you are entitled to recover damages from ASUS.
In each such instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from ASUS, ASUS is liable for no more than
damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and tangible personal property; or any other actual and
direct damages resulted from omission or failure of performing legal duties under this Warranty Statement, up to the listed contract
price of each product.
ASUS will only be responsible for or indemnify you for loss, damages or claims based in contract, tort or infringement under this
Warranty Statement.
This limit also applies to ASUS’ suppliers and its reseller. It is the maximum for which ASUS, its suppliers, and your reseller are
collectively responsible.
Visit our multi-language web site at: http://support.asus.com
EC Declaration of Conformity
We, the undersigned,
4F, No. 150, LI-TE Rd., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN
Authorized representative in Europe:
Address, City:
declare the following apparatus:
Product name :
ASUS Tablet
Model name :
conform with the essential requirements of the foll
owing directives:
2004/108/EC-EMC Directive
EN 55022:2010+AC:2011
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A2:2009
EN 55013:2001+A1:2003+A2:2006
EN 55024:2010
EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 55020:2007+A11:2011
1999/5/EC-R&TTE Directive
EN 300 328 V1.8.1(2012-06)
EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1(2010-08)
EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1(2010-08)
EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)
EN 301 908-1 V5.2.1(2011-05)
EN 301 908-2 V5.2.1(2011-07)
EN 301 893 V1.7.1(2012-06)
EN 302 544-2 V1.1.1(2009-01)
EN 302 623 V1.1.1(2009-01)
EN 50360:2001
EN 62479:2010
EN 50385:2002
EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09)
EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1(2002-08)
EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1(2009-05)
EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)
EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)
EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09)
EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1(2010-09)
EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)
EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)
EN 301 357-2 V1.4.1(2008-11)
EN 302 291-1 V1.1.1(2005-07)
EN 302 291-2 V1.1.1(2005-07)
2006/95/EC-LVD Directive
EN 60950-1 / A12:2011 EN 60065:2002 / A12:2011
2009/125/EC-ErP Directive
Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008
Regulation (EC) No. 642/2009
Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009
Regulation (EC) No. 617/2013
2011/65/EU-RoHS Directive
Ver. 140331
CE marking
Declaration Date: 16/04/2014
Year to begin affixing CE marking: 2014
Position : CEO
Name :
Jerry Shen
Signature :
(EC conformity marking)

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Others manual(s) of ASUS Transformer Pad TF103C - Model K010

ASUS Transformer Pad TF103C - Model K010 User Manual - German - 156 pages

ASUS Transformer Pad TF103C - Model K010 User Manual - Dutch - 156 pages

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