E-41 E-40
customis ing
th e CR450
Code learning
e CR450 comes with a co mplete li brary of pre-
program med codes. Aer you ha ve set up the CR450
for your device, you ma y nd that ther e are one o r more
functions on yo ur original remot e which do not hav e a
place on the CR450 keypad. F or con venience, the CR450
oers a Code Learning feat ure that allow s you to cop y
up to 16 functions fro m an original remo te con trol on to
the CR450 keypad.
Before yo u start, make sure tha t:
e original remote con trol is wo rking correctly .
e remotes ar e not poin ting at yo ur device.
e remotes ha ve fresh bat teries.
e remotes are not in direct sunlight o r under
stron guore scentlights.
Learned functions are mode-dependent. Y ou could
assign up to eigh t dieren t functions to a single key
– a separate learned function fo r each mode.
Direct code setup (Method 1)
e rst method is to pr ogram the remo te with the
3-digit code number fo r the device you wish to con trol
– see “ device code tables ” . Make a n ote of the sugges ted
number o r numbers – the most pop ular code is listed
rst. N ow powe r on the device.
1. Pr ess the Device key for the pr oduct you wan t to
set up , together with the
key . Hold down both
but tons fo r three seconds until the LED sta ys lit.
Y ou a re now in set up mode, and yo u can release the
2. En ter a 3-digit code for the device.
If the 3-digit code num ber you en tered is correct fo r
the device, it will turn o. If i t doesn ’t turn o, e nter
the next code number from y our list un til the device
does turn o.
3. Once yo u have f ound the correct code, pr ess the
Device key again. e LED blinks three times
to conrm that the code has been
successf ully stored.
Library search setup (Method 2)
Libr ary sear ch allows you t o scan through all the
codes contained in the CR450’ s memo r y . I t can take a
lot long er than the previous method, so only u se this
method if:
Y our device does not respond t o the CR450 aer you
have tried all the codes listed for y our brand .
Y our brand i s not listed a t all in the De vice Code
tables .
1. Pr ess the Device key for the pr oduct you wan t to
set up , together with the
key . Hold down both
but tons fo r three seconds until the LED sta ys lit.
2. P oin t the remot e contro l at the pr oduct you wish
to con trol and p ress the
button on the
naviga tion pad. Each time the
is pres sed, the code counts up (or do wn) one code
number with a signal to po wer o the device.
3. Con tinue pr essing the up or d own but ton, in
app roxim ately o ne second int er vals, un til the device
turns o. (DO NOT alt ernate the up a nd down
but ton – you n eed to move in only o ne direction.)
4. T o sto re the correct code, pr ess the Device key again.
e LED blinks three times
to conrm
that the code has been successfully stor ed.
Learning setup (Method 3)
e third method inv olves ‘ teachin g’ the CR450 remo te
from the original remo te for the device. e two r emotes
should be facing each other , about a metre a part.
1. Pr ess the Device key for the pr oduct you wan t to
set up , together with the
key . Hold down both
but tons fo r three seconds until the LED sta ys lit.
2. Pr ess the but ton on the CR450 tha t you wan t to
assign a comman d to. e LED blinks once
indicating tha t the remot e is ready to learn the
comm and.
3. Pr ess and hold the a ppr opria te key on the other
remot e until the LED blinks twice
. is
indicates the CR450 ha s learned the command fro m
your ot her remote .
4. Con tinue learning the comma nds from yo ur other
remot e by pr essing the next bu tton o n the remote
and repeatin g steps 2 and 3.
5. Once the r emote has learned all the selected
command s, press a nd hold the Device key you used
to ent er learning together with the N umeric
to stor e the learned commands.
If the CR450 LED blinks ve time s
there was an err or in the learning pr ocess. In this
case, please start the Learning Setup from the start.
keys do not learn comm ands.
Important notes
Once you start a Code L earning sess ion, you ha ve
app roxim ately t en seconds to cond uct each step. A ny
longer , and a timeout mean s that you ’ll have to s tart
the process aga in.
e Le a rning featur e is mode-specic – you can
copy o ne feat ure per mode onto a k ey .
e CR450 can learn appr oxima tely 16 functions in
T o replace a learned function, simply assign a new
function to the same key .
L earned functions a re retained when yo u chang e
If Co de Learning fa ils, tr y alterin g the distance
between the two remote s; make sure tha t the
ambi ent light is no t too bright.
Deleting the learned data
T o delete all the learned data for a devic e:
1. Pr ess the Device key for the pr oduct you wan t to
set up , together with the
key . Hold down both
but tons fo r three seconds until the LED sta ys lit.
2. Pr ess and hold d own the Device key for the prod uct
that yo u want to era se, together with the
key for
three seconds until the LED blinks twice
3. I f any further key pr ess is not made f or 30 seconds
aer the LED blinks twice
, the remot e leaves
erase mode without deleting the lea rned data.
4. I f you pr ess the Device key one more time wi thin
30 seconds aer LED blinks twice
, you can
nish the erase mode deleting all the data learned on
the Device. e LED blinks three times
T o delete the learned data for a k ey for a device:
1. Pr ess the Device key for the pr oduct you wan t to
set up , together with the
key . Hold down both
but tons fo r three seconds until the LED sta ys lit.
2. Pr ess and hold d own the key on which yo u want to
delete the data fo r three seconds. e LED blinks
On the followin g pages, a single ‘blink ’ of the
CR450’ s power LED is indica ted by the symbol
Locking/Unlocking a specific
Device Mode
When yo u rst unpack y our CR450 and insert the
batteries, i t is able to co ntrol certain Ar cam com ponents
aut omatically (e.g. BD p layers, Am pliers, T uners and
CD Player s). W e achieve this by pr ogramming specic
Arcam device codes on to the relevan t Device Mode
keys, then locking the Device Modes so you don ’ t
repr ogram them inadverten tly .
If yo u want to o verride these locked default settings – to
contr ol a third-party BD play er , fo r examp le – you will
rst need to unlock BD M ode before setting up the
CR450 using one o f the learning methods described on
the previous pag e.
Her e are the factory default settin gs:
Device Mode De faul t st atus Def a ult codes
Lock ed 001 (Arcam code 16)
Lock ed 001 (Arcam)
U nlock ed 108 (Philips TV)
U nlock ed Code learning only
U nlock ed Code learning only
U nlock ed Dish networ k STB
U nlock ed 128 (Sky+ Digital, from
SA T da tabase)
U nlock ed 018 (H umax PVR, from
SA T da tabase)
Lock ed 001 (Arcam)
Alternativ e codes are availab le for m ulti-room solu tions,
or in the case of code clashes with o ther manufactur er’ s
produc ts.
For e xample:
AMP (system code 19) : 002
No te that yo u need to change the sys tem code on the
product yo u wish to con trol, as w ell as the CR450.
1. AMP, BD , CD and TUN are the Device keys that ma y be
Locke d or U nlocked.
Lock and U nlock are toggles (they chang e from Lock
to U nlock to Lock, etc.).
2. Pr ess and hold the Device and
keys together for
three seco nds.
e power LED sta ys lit, sho wing that it is in Lock/
U nlock setup mode.
. If an y further key press is ma de, the
remot e escapes from erase mode withou t deleting
the lea rned da ta.
3. I f any further key pr ess is not made f or 30 seconds,
the LED blinks twice
, the remot e get out o f
the erase mode auto matically withou t deleting the
learn ed data .
4. I f you pr ess the Device key together with the
again within 30 seconds a er the LED blinks twice,
all the data learned for tha t Device is deleted and
you lea ve erase mode. e LED blinks three times
in conrmatio n.
Reading stored c ode numbers
1. Pr ess the Device key for the pr oduct that you wa nt
to set up together wi th the
key . Hold down both
keys for thr ee seconds until the LED blinks.
2. Pr ess the
key and coun t the number o f blinks
=3, etc.). ere is a time
gap between digits. (N ote tha t ‘0’ is repr esented by
ten blinks:
3. I f there is no further key inpu t for 30 seconds, the
LED goes o and the r emote lea ves Lock/U nlock
setup mode.
4. T o verify the status o f a device, press the
3 6 9
keys in sequence:
If Lock is set, the LED blinks three times:
If U nlock is set, the LED blinks ve times:
8. I f you pr ess a valid Device key within 30 seconds,
the LED blinks three times:
and the
remot e leaves Lock/U nlock setup mode.
Con trolling the v olume of other
By defaul t, the volume keys a nd mut e key (
) contr ol the amp lier volume .
Y ou ca n congure these bu tton s so they s end v olume
command s to another device. I n the following exa mple,
the volume co mmands ar e sent to a linked A V device
(your televisio n, for insta nce):
1. Press
for three seconds, un til the LED lights
and stays o n.
2. Press
3. Press
again. e LED blinks three times
keys will now send the volum e
command s to the T V .
T o set the volume bu tton s to contr ol the amp lier once
more , repeat the abov e steps, except p ress
in step 3.
Hidden commands
Com mand Ee ct
Sends a Po wer On comma nd
Sends a Po wer O comma nd
Sends a Z one command
Se nds a R esoluti on comman d
Sends a RED command to the Ar cam
amp lier
Sends a GREEN command to the Ar cam
amp lier
Sends a YELLOW command to the A rcam
amp lier
Sends a BLUE co mmand to the Arca m
amp lier
Sends a Po wer On comma nd
Sends a Po wer O comma nd
Sends a Po wer On comma nd
Sends a Po wer O comma nd
Se nds a R esoluti on comman d
F actory default reset
Y ou ca n reset your r emote to the o riginal factor y defa ult
Press a nd hold both the
(home) an d
keys for
about v e seconds until the power LED b links ve times
All programmin g and setup codes that y ou hav e enter ed
into the r emote ar e erased and the remot e returns to the
original factory default settings.
Device c odes
e tables tha t begin on page 49 (in the nal sect io n
of this H andbook) list 3-gure codes fo r dieren t
manufact urers ’ devices.
U se these when setting your CR450 up t o contr ol your
devices, as described in Direct co de setu p: Method 1
(see previous page).
If mo re than one code n umber is listed, try the rst
number . If the results ar e unsatisfacto r y , contin ue tr ying
the numbers f or that ma nufacturer t o get the b es t ‘t’
with the functionality requir ed.
If the man ufacturer o f your equip ment is n ot listed, yo u
can try L ib rary se a rch setup: M ethod 2 (see previous
page). is method allows yo u to scan through every
code contained in the CR450’ s memo r y .