KickLab XXL Manual
Virtual kickdrum designer
Mixer Section continued
The “Trig Delay” knobs will delay the Virtual or Sample section from
triggering by a certain value. For instance, if you have a Virtual Kick
drum sound with a lot of attack, the sample might need adjustment by
starting a couple of samples later. Or, as mentioned earlier, to line up
reversed samples or loops. You can delay each channel up to 2000
samples. A value of Zero (0) delay on these knobs is set when they are
turned to the far left.
Multichannel out is another strong feature as you might want to use the
Virtual and Sample signal split into your host sequencer mixer to enable
further processing to each of these sections independantly with your
own VST plugins. KickLab XXL will always place 3 stereo channels on
your mixer, however Kicklab’s output will be routed to either the Main
Out, or Virtual out (2 x mono) + Sampler out (2 x Mono or 1 x Stereo
depending on the sampler settings). This setting can be found in the Program Window.
Click on “Multi Channel” to select either “Main Out” or “Split S+V” (Split Sampler plus
Virtual) from the dropdown box. The default is Main Out, with both the Sampler and
Virtual sections mixed together onto this single mixer fader. Another use of this split
mode is to use just the Sample output as the Kick for your track and the Virtual Out
sound purely as a silent sound feed to a sidechain compressor in your DAW session.
This can save you having to make separate kick tracks to run sidechain compression
in your song.
Level metering is provided for all channels. The meters closest to the fader are the
main output level meters. The furthest from the fader are the Virtual and Sampler
output metering. The metering for the Virtual and Sampler channels is done just after
the volume knobs of each section, so it shows what levels you feed into the EQ and
Saturator sections.
The main fader is to control the main output level. When turned down the Virtual and
Sampler meters will still show the levels of these sections. Give yourself plenty of
headroom with this fader to produce a kick with the most punch and least amount of is not always better. Keep the meters out of the red and turn up
the fader in your DAW mixer channel, or amplifier output if you require further level.
Preset Manager and Disk Operation
The preset manager is straight forward. You can load and
save presets or preset banks and rename them if nessecary
by clicking on “Disk”.
It has a previous and next button to scroll thru presets and shows you the preset
name and what preset number you are on. Presets can also be selected by a drop
down menu by clicking on the preset name.