This local gateway authentication type comes with five operation
modes, which are:
IP only - Authentication by the use of IP only
IP + Domain Name (FQDN) Authentication, -IP + Domain name
IP + E-mail Addr. (USER FQDN) Authentication,-IP + Email
Dynamic IP + Domain Name (FQDN) Authentication, -Dynamic
IP address + Domain name
Dynamic IP + E-mail Addr. (USER FQDN) Authentication.
Dynamic IP address + Email address name
(1) IP only:
If users decide to use IP only, entering the IP address is the only
way to gain access to this tunnel. The WAN IP address will be
automatically filled into this space. Users don't need to do further
(2) IP + Domain Name(FQDN) Authentication:
If users select IP + domain name type, please enter the domain
name and IP address. The WAN IP address will be automatically
filled into this space. Users don't need to do further settings. FQDN
refers to the combination of host name and domain name and can
be retrieved from the Internet, i.e. This IP address
and domain name must be identical to those of the VPN secure
gateway setting type to establish successful connection.
(3) IP + E-mail Addr. (USER FQDN) Authentication.