snmpInBadCommunityUses{snmp 5} Counter Read-Only
The number of SNMP PDUs received by the
AT-4016TR which had an authentication failure.
snmpInASNParseErrs {snmp 6} Counter Read-Only
The number of SNMP PDUs received by the
AT-4016TR which had an ASN.1 parsing error
while being decoded by the AT-4016TR.
snmpInBadTypes {snmp 7} Counter Read-Only
All GetResponse PDUs indicate a noSuchName
ErrorStatus, since this variable is no longer used.
snmpInTooBigs {snmp 8} Counter Read-Only
Always zero, since the AT-4016TR ignores all
SNMP response PDUs.
snmpInNoSuchNames {snmp 9} Counter Read-Only
Always zero, since the AT-4016TR ignores all
SNMP response PDUs.
snmpInBadValues {snmp 10} Counter Read-Only
Always zero, since the AT-4016TR ignores all
SNMP response PDUs.
snmpInReadOnlys {snmp 11} Counter Read-Only
Always zero, since the AT-4016TR ignores all
SNMP response PDUs.
snmpInGenErrs {snmp 12} Counter Read-Only
Always zero, since the AT-4016TR ignores all
SNMP response PDUs.
snmpInTotalReqVars {snmp 13} Counter Read-Only
The total number of MIB objects which have been
successfully retrieved by the AT-4016TR as a
result of SNMP GetRequest or GetNext PDUs.
snmpInTotalSetVars {snmp 14} Counter Read-Only
The total number of MIB objects which have been
successfully altered by the AT-4016TR as a result
of SNMP SetRequest PDUs.
snmpInGetRequests {snmp 15} Counter Read-Only
The total number of SNMP GetRequest PDUs
received by the AT-4016TR, which have been
processed with no errors.
snmpInGetNexts {snmp 16} Counter Read-Only
The total number of SNMP GetNext PDUs
received by the AT-4016TR, which have been
processed with no errors.