Do not wear your device in the sauna or steam room.
Even if your device is resistant to dust and water, you should avoid exposing it
to environments with excessive dust, sand and mud or to moist environments
with extreme high or low temperatures.
Your warranty does not cover damage or defects caused by abuse or improper
use of your device (including use in environments where the relevant IP rating
limitations are exceeded).
The first digit in the two-digit IP rating indicates the level of protection against
solid objects, such as dust. The second digit indicates how resistant the device is
to water, as explained in the table below:
Resistance to solid objects such as dust
0: No special protection
1: Protected against solid objects larger than 50mm in diameter
2: Protected against solid objects larger than 12mm in diameter
3: Protected against solid objects larger than 2.5mm in diameter
4: Protected against solid objects larger than 1mm in diameter
5: Protected against dust; limited ingress (no harmful deposit)
6: Totally protected against dust