Keep in touch
6.1 Selecting calls to be forwarded
When a forward is applied, you can select the types of call to be forwarded: outside, internal, all.
• Select the forward icon.
• Ext/Int Select the type of Out/Int call type of call forwarded is displayed.
o Allcalls forward internal and outside calls.
o External Forward outside calls.
o Internal Forward internal calls.
6.2 Forwarding calls to another number (immediate forward)
The number can be your home, mobile, voice mailbox or an internal extension (operator, etc.).
• Select the forward icon.
• Immediate
• Number to be called Forward is acknowledged.
You can also select the destination number of the forward through the redial feature or the individual
You can make calls, but only the destination number can call you.
6.3 Personal assistant: reaching you with one number only
As well as leaving a message in the voice mailbox, the personal assistant directs the caller to an internal
number, an outside number, a mobile or the switchboard.
• Reach the 'Menu' page.
• Settings Assistant Menu
• You can then choose where to route the calls:
o InternalNr Dial number of a colleague or your assistant.
o ExternalNr Dial an outside line number.
o MobileNr Dial number of your mobile or DECT.
o Operator Activate / deactivate transfer to operator.
6.4 Activate/disable the personal assistant
• Reach the 'Menu' page.
• Settings Assistant
• On or Off Activate or deactivate the assistant.