SSwwiittcchhiinngg bbeettwweeeenn ccaallllss ((BBrrookkeerr CCaallllss))
If you are in conversation with one caller and have another caller on hold, you can
switch back and forth between them. This is sometimes known as a broker call.
To switch between calls:
Press the line keys relating to your call. The number for each party will be
PPiicckkiinngg uupp ccaallllss rriinnggiinngg aatt ootthheerr tteerrmmiinnaallss
To pick up a call ringing at another terminal (in your call pickup group):
Press the corresponding programmed key, or
Enter the code for the
""GGrroouupp ccaallll ppiicckkuupp""
To pick up a call ringing at another terminal (not in the pickup group):
(1) Press the corresponding programmed key or enter the code for the
ccaallll ppiicckkuupp""
(2) Dial the number of the terminal which is ringing.
CCaalllliinngg -- uussiinngg yyoouurr ppeerrssoonnaall ddiirreeccttoorryy
To call using your personal speed dialing list:
(1) To open your personal directory.
(2) Press the key on the keypad (1-9, *, 0, or #) you programmed for the number
you wish to reach.