To cancel forwarding (from any other terminal within the company):
(1) Dial the code for the
""FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg ((RReemmoottee)) -- ccaanncceell""
(2) Then dial the number of the terminal that was being forwarded
(3) Hang up or
SSeelleeccttiivvee ffoorrwwaarrddiinngg
In multi-line mode, you can have a main number and one or more secondary
numbers. Calls to your main number and to your secondary numbers can be
forwarded to different terminals:
To arrange Selective forwarding:
(1) (to select your principal line), or
(to select your secondary line), or
dial the code for the corresponding feature
(2) Select the type of forwarding required
(3) Dial the number to receive the forwarded calls
(4) Hang up or
To cancel this forwarding: or , and enter the code for
FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg -- ccaanncceell
Note: Availability of this feature depends upon your system configuration.