11.3 Available options
From the contact list, you can access the following options:
Add contact Add a contact (name, numbers, etc.) in the Contacts.
Write message Send an SMS to a contact you selected from the directory.
Edit Modify the contents of a file: name, number, etc.
Edit before dialling Edit the phone number before placing a call.
Delete Delete the selected contact.
Delete multiple Delete the selected contacts.
Copy Copy the selected contact to phone, SIM card.
Import contacts Import contacts from Phone or MemoryCard.
Export contacts Exprot contacts from Phone or MemoryCard.
Send vCard Exchange data by SMS, Bluetooth.
Settings • Speed dial Set speed dial Numbers with 8 items as maximum.
• Own number View and edit user's own name and number.
• Service number Check your service number.Depending on your
network operator and market.
• Memory status See used and available space in phone and SIM