nutrients than while flour. Breads made with this flour are usually smaller
and heavier than white loaves. To overcome this whole wheat
flour/wholemeal flour can be mixed with Bread flour or strong plain flour to
produce a high light textured bread.
Self-raising flour
Self-raising flour contains unnecessary leavening ingredients that will
interfere with bread and cake making. It is not recommended for use.
Bran (unprocessed) & Wheat Germ are the coarse outer portions of the
wheat or rye grains separated from flour by sifting or bolting. They are often
added in small quantities to bread for nutritional enrichment, heartless and
flavour. They are also used to enhance the texture of bread.
Oatmeal comes from rolled or steel-cut oats. They are used primarily to
enhance flavour and texture.
Other ingredients
Yeasts (active dry yeast)
Yeast through a fermentation process produces gas (carbon dioxide)
necessary to make the bread rise. Yeast must be able to feed on sugar and
flour carbohydrates in order to produce this gas. Fast action granular yeast
is used in all recipes that call for yeast. There are basically three different
types of yeast available, fresh, traditional dry active and fast action. It is
recommended that fast action yeast be used. Fresh or compressed cake
yeast is not recommended as they will produce poor results. Store yeast
according to manufacturers instructions. Ensure your yeast is fresh by
checking its expiration date. Once a package or can of yeast is opened it is
important that the remaining contents be immediately resealed and
refrigerated as soon as possible for future use. Often bread or dough, which
fails to rise, is due to stale yeast being used. The following test can be used
to determine whether your yeast is stale and inactive :
1. Place half a cup of lukewarm water into a small bowl or cup.
2. Stir 1 tsp. of sugar into the water then sprinkle 2 tsp. of yeast over the
3. Place bowl or cup in a warm area and allow to sit for 10 minutes