Searching From Root Directory
Press AMS (D-AUD) button for threetimes. The unit searches fire or
directory from root by TUNE/TRACK UP/DOWN buttons (D-DIR icon turns
on if the name is directory). Display will list all available directories and
songs. Select thedesired directory/songs by using TUNE/TRACK UP/
DOWN button and BND/LOU (ENTER) button to confirm. If the selected title
is a song, it starts to play.If the selected title is a directory name, display will
show (' '), then
- Use the TUN/TRK UP/DOWN buttons to list all songs under this
directory and select the title.
- Press BND/LOU (ENT) button to confirm and start the play.
- Repeat the above steps if the newly selected title is again a directory.
Searching From Current Directory
Press AMS (D-AUD) button for fourtimes. The unit searches fire ordirectory
from current directory by TUN/TRK UP/DOWN buttons.
(D-DIR icon turns on if the name isdirectory). The current directoryname is
displayed for a second and the currently playing file name isdisplayed
(selected). The user canselect the directory or file in thedirectory by TUNE/
TRACK UP/DOWN buttons. The selected] file can be played by pressing
BND/LOU (ENT) button.
L "MP3" icon turns on when MP3 disc is played and blinks when it is
innavigation mode.
Press DSP button to show the following information, such as the clock, ID3
TAG (if available: song title,directory name, artist name, other contents...)
and other information.