CBell ON|OFF Default: OFF
Mode: Packet/AMTOR Host: CU
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
ON - Three BELL characters <CTRL-G> ($07) are sent to your terminal with
the "*** CONNECTED to or DISCONNECTED from (call sign)" message.
OFF - BELLS are NOT sent with the CONNECTED or DISCONNECTED message.
Set CBELL ON if you want to be notified when someone connects to or disconnects
from your station in Packet, or upon establishing a link in AMTOR.
CFrom all,none,yes/no call1[,call2..] Default: all
Mode: Packet Host: CF
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
call - all, none, YES list, NO list.
List of up to 8 call signs, separated by commas.
CFROM determines how your PK-232 responds to connect requests from other
stations. CFROM is set to "all" when you first start your PK-232.
To reject all call requests, type CFROM NONE. Your PK-232 sends the calling
station a DM packet, or "busy signal."
To accept calls from one or more specific stations, type CFROM YES (followed by
a list of calls signs). Connects will be accepted from stations whose call
signs are listed after CFROM YES. For example:
cmd:cfrom yes WX1AAA,WX2BBB,WX3CCC,WX4DDD
To reject calls from one or more specific stations, type CFROM NO (followed by a
list of call signs). Connect requests will be ignored from stations whose call
signs are listed after CFROM NO.
You can include optional SSIDs specified as "-n" after the call sign. If CFROM
is set to "no W2JUP", connect attempts from all SSIDs of W2JUP (W2JUP-0 through
W2JUP-15) will be ignored. If CFROM is set to "yes W2JUP-1", then only W2JUP-1
will be allowed to connect. Clear CFROM with "%" "&" or "OFF" as arguments.
CHCall ON|OFF Default: OFF
Mode: Packet Host: CB
_________________________________ Parameters: _________________________________
ON - Call sign of the distant station IS displayed in multiple connection
packet operation.
OFF - Call sign of the distant station is NOT displayed (default).
With CHCALL ON, the call signs of the distant stations appear after the channel
identifier when you are connected to more than one packet station. When CHCALL
is OFF, only the channel number is displayed in multiple connection operation.
8/91 A-23