6. If you are using an Timewave or AEA program follow the
instructions to CONNECT in packet mode to your own callsign (the
one you just entered in MYCALL).
If you are using a Computer Terminal or a non-Timewave program,
entering the following after the "cmd:" command mode prompt will
cause the PK-232 to Connect to yourself:
CONNECT (your callsign) <Enter>
After pressing <Enter>, you should observe the SEND LED light.
At the same time, the DCD LED should light and the TUNING bar
graph spread. After a few moments, your monitor should display:
*** CONNECTED to (your callsign)
Notice that the front panel Connect STATUS LED (CON) has lighted
indicating that the PK-232 is connected to a packet station. You
may also notice that the Converse LED (CONV) is lit indicating
that the PK-232 is ready to Converse with the packet station you
just connected to (in this case it is yourself).
7. Type a few characters to yourself such as "Hello this is my first
packet Connect. My name is (name)" then press the <Enter> key.
Shortly after you press the <Enter> key, you should see the
message you typed appear again on your screen. If you had
connected to another Packet station, they would have seen the
message you typed at nearly the same time.
This is how a packet connection is established. Whether you are
"Connecting" to another station, a Packet Bulletin Board System
(PBBS) or a Networking Switch (more on this later) this initial
procedure must be used to establish each and every Connection.
8. After you have typed a few lines (packets) to yourself, you will
probably want to end the connection or DISCONNECT.
If you are using an AEA program, follow the instructions to
DISCONNECT from the packet station you are talking to.
If you are using a Computer Terminal or a non-AEA terminal
program, the following will cause the PK-232 to DISCONNECT:
Enter <CONTROL-C> (hold down the Ctrl and then type the letter C).
Your monitor should respond with the command prompt:
Enter D <Enter>. (Do not type "ENTER", just press "D")
Your monitor should respond with:
cmd:*** DISCONNECTED: (your callsign)
(your call)*>(your call) (UA)
Note that the front panel Connect Status LED (CON) should go out.
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