Please refer to Appendix O for a SOAP example of a List Recurring Details response with updated card information.
Please refer to Appendix P for a REST example of a List Recurring Details response with updated card information.
• The detail is disabled
It is possible that the issuing bank requests that the stored details are invalidated, this may occur if the card has been
reported as stolen or if the customer called the bank and informed them that they no longer authorise transactions from a
specific merchant. In this scenario the following process is applicable:
o Adyen will disable the recurringDetailReference.
o Adyen will provide you with the update via the notification system for API driven requests, and via the result file
for batch driven requests. The detail will no longer be displayed when calling listRecurringDetails.
Please note, the contract is not disabled.
Please note, in order to receive the changed details back via the additionalData fields, you must use version 6 of the Adyen
Recurring service. Please refer to Appendix A for the URLs.
9.3. Using the updated details
Adyen will not automatically update your stored tokens to use the new details; you will need to submit an authorise request for the
update to occur.
• Expiry date update on card
o You will submit an authorise request as described in section 5; you will include the card container with all the
fields set to null except for the updated expiry date fields, except for One-Click payments for which you will also
provide the cvc value.
Please refer to Appendix Q for a SOAP example of a payment request using the updated expiry date.
Please refer to Appendix R for a REST example of a payment request using the updated expiry date.
• New card number issued for card
o You will submit an authorise request as described in section 5; you will include the card container with all the
fields populated with the updated values. The card field should be populated with the new card Alias; the
shopperInteraction should be set to 'ContAuth'.
Please refer to Appendix S for a SOAP example of a payment request using the updated card information.
Please refer to Appendix T for a REST example of a payment request using the updated card information.