First steps in the Live Account
Publish the Skin from Test to Live
The skin contains shop-specific settings such as branding and payment method support.
You can have multiple skins. You always create a skin on our TEST system and then
publish it to LIVE. Please see our separate Skin Creation Manual for more information.
Please make sure that the LIVE HMAC Secret is setup correctly in the skin.
Login to the test Merchant Backoffice on the following URL:
Then go to:
○ Skins > (select your skin) > Publish > Publish to live
You will see the message Successfully copied the skin from Test to Live.
Make a Live Payment to Test the Skin
After publishing the skin to LIVE you are ready to make a first payment on LIVE with the
skin. Please note that you do this from within the TEST merchant backoffice so don't
logout yet.
○ Skins > (select the same skin) > Test
Make sure that the skin version on LIVE is the same as on TEST (this should be the case
after publishing, however there can be a delay of 5 to 10 minutes).
○ Select the Live System radio button
Then do the following:
○ Generate payment form > Test Now!
Now you will see the hosted payment page formatted according to your skin. You can
make a payment which is processed on LIVE.
Change the URL to Live
In your shopping environment you make a redirect to Adyen's Hosted Payment Pages. For
LIVE this URL should be changed to:
● (for the one-page payment flow)
● or
(for the multi-page payment flow)
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