Single Page. Select the one you want.
Days for Delivery The number of days your shop needs to deliver the goods or
services. This is used for Risk calculation, Charge-back defence and
is by default shown to the shopper at the end of the payment.
Leave payment method selection on
Defines whether HPP payment methods can already be chosen
within Magento checkout. See “Payment Method selection” below.
Payment Method selection configuration
There are two ways of letting your shoppers choose which payment method among the Adyen Payment
Methods they want.
A) On your Magento website: set “Leave payment method selection on HPP” to No. The available
methods will be retrieved from Adyen, based on the settings within the skin. The shopper will be
redirected to the HPP page where they can enter the details of the chosen method. In case of an
external redirect (e.g. the bank of the shopper), the HPP is skipped entirely.
B) On the Adyen HPP: set “Leave payment method selection on HPP” to Yes.
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