book, 516 –517
camera-specific, 356–357
Develop module, 348–357
export, 436
external editor, 419
how they work, 351
import, 54, 68
metadata, 65, 596–600
preferences for, 676–678
resetting, 355
sharpening, 385–387
steps for using, 352–355
tone curve, 238
video clip, 235
watermark, 446
Presets panel (Develop module),
348, 385
presharpening images, 381
Preview panel (Book module),
515 –516
previews, 130–133
Before/After, 292–297
Book module, 515–516
brush stroke area, 316
camera vs. Lightroom, 132
data file for, 98, 694
exporting catalogs with, 92–93
generation of, 131–132
grayscale, 390, 397
imported photo, 60, 130–131
Library module, 130–133
Masking slider, 398–399
missing, 133
Photoshop-edited image, 427
quality settings, 133
secondary display, 144
size settings, 133
slideshow, 546
smart, 92, 93, 96–99
soft proof, 501–508
Web Gallery, 574–575
Print Adjustment controls, 493
Print button, 464, 494
print collections, 462, 486
Print dialog, 491, 494, 498
print drivers, 491
Print Job panel (Print module), 42,
462, 490–500
Color Management settings, 490
Draft Mode Printing option, 495
Lightroom printing procedure,
Print Adjustment controls, 493
Print Sharpening option, 495
Print to JPEG File option, 496
Profile menu, 497
rendering intent options, 500
Print module, 462–500
Cells panel, 478–481, 482–483
Custom Package layout, 482–486
Guides panel, 469
Image Settings panel,
464–466, 478
interface overview, 462–464
Layout panel, 467–469
Layout Style panel, 464
Page panel, 472–477
Page Setup dialog, 488
Picture Package layout, 478–481
Print Job panel, 490–500
Print Setup dialog, 488, 489
Rulers, Grid & Guides panel, 478
Single Image/Contact Sheet layout,
Template Browser panel, 509
Print Resolution option, 495
Print Setup dialog, 488, 489, 492
Print Sharpening options, 385, 495
Print to JPEG File option, 496
printer profiles, 491, 497–500
Printer Properties dialog, 492, 499
printing, 42, 461–509
16-bit, 496
contact sheets, 470–471
custom profiles for, 497–500
draft mode for, 470, 495
to JPEG files, 486, 494, 496
Lightroom procedure for, 490–494
margin adjustments for, 467,
mode settings for, 495
multiple cell, 470–471
to PDF files, 470, 494
rendering intent for, 500
resolution for, 444, 469, 489, 495
saving settings for, 42
sharpening images for, 385, 444
soft proofing images for, 501–508
templates for, 42, 485, 492, 509
private metadata, 608
Process Versions, 176–178, 227, 340,
349, 421
camera, 284–285
color, 169
lens, 256–259
printer, 491, 497–500
Promote subfolders dialog, 104
proofing feature. See soft-proofing
ProPhoto RGB color space, 133, 168,
205, 420, 440–441, 450
PSD files, 60
external editing options, 419, 420
XMP metadata options, 651–654
Publish Services panel, 643–646
books, 529
photos, 643–646
video clips, 644
Purchase Book dialogs, 529
Quality slider, 549, 574
Quick Collections, 34, 155–156, 161
Quick Develop panel (Library module),
cropping options, 191
synchronizing settings, 230–231
tone controls, 226–228
typical workflow, 228–231
video file editing, 231–235
quickstart guide to Lightroom, 25–44
Radial Filter tool, 329–332
Radius slider, 392–393, 397
RAID systems, 87, 695, 697–698, 699
RAM requirements, 695–696
rating photos, 33, 146–149
flagging picks/rejects, 146 –147
numbered star ratings, 148–149
raw files
advantages of, 174
converting to DNG, 50–51, 681
Detail panel adjustments, 385
editing in Photoshop, 417, 421