Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 12 delivers image-editing tools that balance
power and versatility with ease of use. Whether you’re a home user or hob-
byist, a professional photographer or a business user, Photoshop Elements 12
makes it easy to produce good-looking pictures, share your stories in sophis-
ticated creations for both print and web, and manage and safeguard your
precious photos.
If you’ve used an earlier version of Photoshop Elements, you’ll find that this
Classroom in a Book® will teach you advanced skills and provide an introduc-
tion to the many new and improved features in this version. If you’re new to
Adobe Photoshop Elements, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts and tech-
niques that will help you master the application.
About Classroom in a Book
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 Classroom in a Book is part of the official train-
ing series for Adobe graphics and publishing software developed with the sup-
port of Adobe product experts. Each lesson is made up of a series of self-paced
projects that will give you hands-on experience using Photoshop Elements 12.
See “Accessing the Classroom in a Book files” on the next page for detailed
instructions on downloading the sample photographs and other resources
used for the lessons in Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 Classroom in a Book.
What’s new in this edition
is edition covers many new features in Adobe Photoshop Elements 12,
including enhancements to the Quick edit mode, advanced content-aware
tools, and mobile albums that enable you to access all of the photos in your
Photoshop Elements library on your smart phone or tablet, wherever you are.
New exercises will show you how easy it is to correct a photo with the intui-
tive Auto Smart Tone tool, how to correct flash effects in photos of your pets,
reposition objects seamlessly with the Content-Aware Move tool, and how to
take advantage of enhanced integration with Adobe Revel™ for online sharing.