Signal strength pre-test
There are two ways to test the signal strength in advance:
1. By temporarily installing the mobile communication module in the alarm system
For this method, please observe the steps described for the use of the module in this
user guide. Before doing this, ensure that the SIM card that is to be used has been
registered. Make sure that the SIM card is not blocked with a PIN or PIN=0000.
2. By using a mobile phone
For this method, ensure that the SIM to be used for the test is from the same provider, or
temporarily use the SIM card that will ultimately be used in the mobile communication
module in the mobile phone. Hold the phone in the exact place in which you want to
install the mobile communication antenna and check the signal strength.
Make sure that the signal strength on the mobile phone is displayed by bars, usually by
4 bars. The signal strength on the mobile communication module is displayed in
numbers in the info menu of the alarm panel. The numbers range from 0 (very low) to 9
(very high). 1 bar corresponds to 2-3, 2 bars correspond to 4-5, 3 bars correspond to
6-7, and 4 bars correspond to 8-9
If you have found a position with good signal strength (at least 2 bars on
the phone), ensure that the centre of the antenna is located within 2 cm of
this point, because the mobile communication wavelength is very short and
even small discrepancies may lead to a significant deterioration of the
signal. This could significantly affect operation, in particular when the level
is generally poor, and may prevent the registration of the module in the
mobile communication network.