Note: In cases in which some of the face-up cards would call for rin-
ging the bell, but others forbid it, you may not ring the bell. If, for exam-
ple, there are a monkey, a lime and two identical fruit cards visible, you
may not ring the bell; if there is a pig, but also, say, an elephant and a
strawberry, you may not ring, either.
1) Example: There are only diffe-
rent fruit cards visible.
2) Example: There is an elephant,
and there are strawberries.Ele-
phants don’t like strawberries.
3) Example: There is a monkey,
and there are limes.
Monkeys don’t like limes.
4) Example: In this situation, you
may not ring the bell, either.
There are an elephant and a
monkey visible, and also straw-
berries and limes.
3) Ring the bell whenever there is a monkey visible and the fruit
cards show bananas, plums or strawberries but no limes.
4) Ring the bell whenever there is
a pig visible.
Lightning reflexes are called for!
The first player to ring the bell when one of the combinations listed
above is visible on the table ends a round of the game and wins all
face-up discard piles. He puts the cards at the bottom of his stack face-
down and starts a new round by turning over the first card.
Note: The players’ hands may not remain too close to the bell during
the game; rather, each player must keep his hands next to his card
stack on the table.
Don’t ring at the wrong time!
You may not ring the bell when there are only different fruit cards
visible, or when there are animals and kinds of fruit visible that these
animals don’t like.